It is believed that stretch ceilings are wear-resistant andeasy to use. They do not need to be painted regularly, they will not crack or be damaged by a banal champagne cork. Hang them once and enjoy them for the rest of your life. Many people think so. Therefore, the disadvantages of stretch ceilings that appear during use come as a complete surprise to most people.The stretch ceiling does not need to be painted, it is wear-resistant and easy to use.
Problems arising during installation
It is necessary to take into account already at the installation stagesome specific features of stretch ceilings, so that their shortcomings remain hypothetical. A stretch ceiling is not "friendly" with plasterboard walls. Therefore, in order for the plasterboard sheets not to come off, it is necessary to install embedded profiles in the places where the baguette will be attached during the installation of the walls. However, if you have not done this, do not despair. Everything can still be fixed. Real professionals are well versed in the technology of strengthening walls. Warn the craftsmen in advance, and they will additionally fix the walls. This can be done with "gussets", corners or bars.Types of stretch ceilings.The next problem may be the lamps. There are restrictions on the power of lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings. Thus, incandescent lamps should not be more powerful than 40 W, and halogen lamps - 50 W. It is recommended to install thermal rings in the places where the lamps are attached at the stage of installing the suspended ceiling. If this is not done, then in a few years there will be matte circles around the lampshades (in the case of using a glossy PVC film) or darkening, yellowing and even melting of the fabric. In addition, if the lamps are selected incorrectly, a blinding effect may occur. Therefore, it is better to use lamps without "reverse light" and with a 60 ° beam angle. "Eating up" the height is also an unpleasant, but inevitable fact. Although theoretically a small indentation of several cm is enough to attach the canvas, in practice the ceiling is lowered quite noticeably. Everything depends on the degree of deflection. Another drawback is associated not so much with the suspended ceilings themselves, but with the technology of their installation. Using a gas gun can be a serious threat to your interior. When working, the gun creates high temperatures, which can be critical for some materials: plastic windows, some types of wallpaper and wooden decorative elements. Therefore, you should use the services of well-established companies that monitor both safety precautions and the safety of your interior. Return to contents</a>
Disadvantages of operation
The procedure for installing a suspended ceiling.The biggest disadvantage of a stretch ceiling is the fact that if, after some time has passed since its installation, you want to make small changes to the ceiling interior (for example, hang a cornice, an additional lamp or socket), you will have to partially dismantle the ceiling. Of course, you can install a lot of embedded parts under the canvas in advance just in case. Later, you can simply attach the necessary element to them by drilling through the ceiling canvas. However, this can only be done with seamless fabric ceilings. This maneuver will not work with PVC film. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of stretch ceilings are not limited to this. Sometimes they develop such an unpleasant effect as sagging. And if in small areas it is almost unnoticeable, then in large spaces this “sail” is visualized. Moreover, it may not appear immediately, but only after several years. Particularly affected are the joints of lamps, where a “wave” often forms. This problem mostly occurs on film ceilings with seams, however, seamless ceilings are not immune to it either. Modern technologies offer a cord fastening system as a solution to this problem.
Types of fastening of suspended ceilings.Careless neighbors can become a threat to your renovation. If there is a small flood, then vinyl ceilings will “proudly stand in defense” of your renovation and protect the walls and furniture from the incoming water. However, with a long-term influx of large volumes of water, the stretch ceiling itself will suffer first. Welded ceilings may partially separate the seams. Some fabric canvases let water through, so rusty spots may appear on them. But even if there are no losses, you will have to call an emergency team from the installation company to drain the water. Suspended ceilings are good because they are easy to clean from dust and light dirt. However, everything changes exactly the opposite when it comes to the kitchen. Fat vapors settling on the ceiling require a certain amount of effort. This is exactly what stretch ceilings do not allow, simply bending under your hand. Therefore, if you do not have a hood in your kitchen, then you should not install vinyl ceilings. Although even the presence of a hood will not be a panacea. Of course, such shortcomings complicate operation. Therefore, you should think about whether it is worth installing a stretch ceiling in the kitchen. Return to the table of contents</a>
Manufacturing defects and defects
Advantages and disadvantages of stretch ceilingscompared to other types of ceiling finishing. Unfortunately, when installing vinyl welded ceilings, there is a risk of running into low-quality counterfeit material. As a result, the seams or harpoon (edge) may peel off over time. This can only be avoided by carefully selecting both the manufacturer and the installer. Avoid fly-by-night companies that appear during the season and "evaporate" before you have time to make claims against them. It is best to use the services of experienced companies that are ready to answer for any force majeure. Another measure can be the price. If the cost of a stretch ceiling is much less than the average market price, then with the highest degree of probability this product is defective. Moreover, the manufacturer can honestly warn about this, but an unscrupulous contractor will "forget" to inform you. Oddly enough, folds can form on ceilings that are designed to be perfectly smooth. Such defects occur in cases where the baguette is improperly fixed. Many manufacturers recommend fixing it with screws with a pitch of 10 cm. If the dowel in the hole turns or wobbles, it is necessary to drill a new hole next to the previous one. If you decide not to level the walls when doing repairs, be prepared for the fact that the suspended ceiling will reveal and emphasize all the flaws of the walls. This can be partially avoided if you attach the ceiling to a plastic profile. When installing welded glossy ceilings, you must be prepared for the fact that the invisibility of the seams declared by companies is very conditional. Matte texture is able to level out visual flaws to a greater extent, but not completely. Therefore, if you strive for the ideal, you should give preference to seamless stretch ceilings. True, this will affect the estimate by increasing. As you can see, stretch ceilings have disadvantages, but with the right approach to selection and installation, they become only conditional. All potential problems can be eliminated at the planning stage, the main thing is to find out about them in time.