
Flocking of walls with own hands: tools and materials

There are many options for covering walls.something, but among all of them there is a clear leader - flock. To flocking walls with your own hands, you do not need to have a whole range of technical skills or particularly expensive equipment, but you need desire.Flocking of wallsFlocking of walls is a decorative coating consisting of small pieces of acrylic paint.

Preparatory work

Tools and materials:

  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • roller;
  • paint.

A particularly pleasant advantage of the material is itsunpretentiousness. It can be applied to any surface, and due to its heterogeneity, it levels out all the shortcomings. But there are still some features that should be observed:

  • The surface should not absorb moisture. Porous surfaces are not acceptable at all.
  • Colorless walls, but if desired, you can form a shade by applying paint (especially popular is the green and blue colors).
  • In advance it is necessary to be defined, 2 or 3 components will be in structure.
  • Tools for flocking walls.Not all requirements are always met at once, so at the very beginning you need to prepare the wall for work. To do this, the surface is cleaned of the previous coating: wallpaper, tiles, paint, etc. When cleaning, do not knock off the plaster, so if the paint segments are not removed, they can be left in place. Wallpaper and all other types of coating are separated much easier. Now the wall needs to be primed. Primer is not required in this case, but it increases adhesion, and with a low price, it is better not to forget this step. Drying takes 3-4 hours, during which you can prepare the room that is not being processed. The room is sealed with polyethylene film and mounting tape over the entire area that will not be used, including floors and ceilings. The work is done quickly enough, but the primer has time to dry during this time. Now you can cover the surface with paint or whitewash. The color scheme is chosen arbitrarily, and some experts use several colors so that the final result is striking. The main thing here is - do not use bright colors so that they do not interrupt the color of the flock. Only after the paint has dried, can you begin to finish the walls with flock. A high-quality surface is the key to durability. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Primary activity

    Tools and materials:

    • rollers with long and medium pile;
    • spray;
    • base;
    • flock.

    Flocking begins with applying a base onwall with a roller. Flocking begins with applying the base to the wall. To do this, you will need a roller with long, hard pile, which is dipped into a container with the mixture and wiped against a mesh (or a special corrugated surface). Often, 1 layer turns out to be uneven, so you have to do 1 more. After the base is applied, you can start mixing the varnish. It is best to do this manually with a bar, since a drill with an attachment can destroy a considerable part of the fragile flocks. But you can use a screwdriver, which does not have such high speeds, but the power is not always enough here. Sometimes manufacturers pack the flakes separately, so mixing is done manually. After mixing, you can begin flocking directly. The flocking process is carried out in 2 ways:

  • Roller with medium nap is dipped in varnish withchips, then rolled on a mesh, after which you can work with the wall. Movements are made in different directions, so that you can not see straight vertical lines. This procedure continues throughout the area, and in hard-to-reach places it is necessary to use a flat brush.
  • Work with a special atomizer mucheasier, but it is much more expensive. A possible quantity of chips is immersed in a special container, then the application is applied in different directions. This method is many times faster, but when working at a height it will no longer be possible to use an extension for the roller, but you will have to install a stepladder.
  • After finishing the walls with flock, you need toleave the surface for a day to dry completely, after which you can start using it. The difference between 2- and 3-component flock is visible in the end, but the application method is identical. The three-component version looks much more interesting, but its price is also much higher. Return to contents</a>


    The flocking process is quitea simple task that even a child can do. The final result is quite hard, but at the same time warm and reliable. All work is done with gloves and a respirator mask, since harmful fumes are present in any case, and working with chemicals can affect the skin. There can be no special damage, but it never hurts to be on the safe side.

