Inter-apartment halls of a typical residential buildingturned into an art space, where more than 700 paintings by famous artists are presented. On March 10, the Wellton Park quarter presented the project "House-Museum "Golden Mile", which was implemented right in a residential building by the efforts of the construction concern "Krost" and the State Tretyakov Gallery with the support of the Federal Chamber of Culture. The project, which is essentially an exhibition of more than 700 paintings, became the first such action, which was sensationally received in artistic circles and on the entire real estate market. The resulting almost museum space will now certainly become a model for the implementation of other similar concepts.
Masterpieces of Fine Art— reproductions of paintings by Malevich, Petrov-Vodkin, Chagall, Rodchenko, Kudryashov — can be found in the inter-apartment halls of two buildings on Karamyshevskaya Embankment (buildings 34 and 36). The changing collection will be formed from the Tretyakov Gallery collection. Oksana Bondarenko, director of the Foundation for its support, said that in addition to the exhibition, which will be able to give positive emotions every morning, residents will have access to a system of interactive communication with the gallery in order to quickly learn about news and events.
Avner Varius
Wellton Park quarter even without this innovationwas considered one of the most unique housing complexes, destroying stereotypes about the urban environment. Guests and partners gathered for the event in the Zhukovka restaurant, dedicated to the presentation of the house-museum project. They were shown canvases from the exhibition on monitors, and violinist Avner Verius set a festive mood with his beautiful music. The evening continued with a show by designer Ekaterina Stupina, then singer Alena Elizarova performed.
Anton Detushev (KROST), Denis Kapralov (KROST), Oksana Bondarenko (State Tretyakov Gallery), Evgeny Potapov (Federal Chamber of Culture)
Maria Chamberlain (journalist) Evgeny Potapov (executive president of the Federal Chamber of Culture), Tatyana Kirilyuk (journalist)
Collection "Tears Were Falling" by young designer Ekaterina Stupina
Irina Ignatyuk
Andrea Desimone is the chief architect of the ART Portofino project. The project is not yet fully realized, but we will continue to closely monitor this promising innovation.
Gallery of paintings in the design of the hall of the residential building "Golden Mile"