To transform the interior of the home and buildbeautiful doorways, it is not necessary to break down walls and mess around with bricks and clay. For example, you can read about how to make an arch with your own hands and perform this operation in your interior. Dirt and hard work can be avoided if you use materials such as plasterboard, fiberboard, chipboard. They will help in installing multi-level ceilings and partitions, and doorways can be decorated with columns or turned into arches using such materials.Design options for arches in an apartment.
What you need to prepare for making arches
You can choose from several types of arches -It can be oblique, domed, multi-level, openwork, etc. Most craftsmen believe that it is more convenient to work with sheets of plasterboard, although you can make an arch from fiberboard or chipboard. To build an arched structure, you will need:Scheme of gypsum board bending patterns.
- gypsum board thickness 6.5 mm;
- metal profiles;
- self-tapping screws and dowels;
- scissors for cutting metal;
- jigsaw and knife for cutting gipsokartonnyh sheets;
- drill and perforator;
- Screwdriver;
- pliers;
- pencil, tape measure, level;
- Needle roller;
- gypsum putty;
- primer;
- a skin;
- Perforated corner, with which the edge of the arch will be formed.
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Preparing the opening for the arch
Before making an arch with your own hands from fiberboardor other materials, you need to prepare the work area. The door frame must be removed, the surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt, and remnants of the previous finish.Scheme for calculating the dimensions of an arched lintel.The most common classic arch will be made up of two identical side parts and one curved element, which will be located on top. We can consider this particular variety, since all the others are its slightly modified versions and are made according to the same principle. To make the side parts, you need to do the following: measure the width of the opening with a tape measure, then calculate the radius of the future arch. Next, take a nylon thread, the length of which corresponds to the calculated radius. Tie two loops at its ends, insert a pencil into one, and an awl into the other. It must be stuck into a sheet of drywall, evenly stretch the thread and draw an arc with a pencil. Using a jigsaw or a construction knife, cut out one of the side parts for the arch along the drawn arc. Attach it to a new sheet of gypsum board, outline the contour, cut it out - you will get the second side part. Return to the table of contents</a>
The construction of the frame and the attachment of the side elements
Assembly and installation sequence diagramproducts. To make a good arch, you need to take care of a reliable frame. To build it, a guide made of a metal profile is attached to the dowels in the upper part of the opening. The guides must be fixed to the wall on both sides - from the upper corner to the point where the rounding of the arch ends. It is necessary to carefully measure the side guides: if they are not the same, the arch will come out crooked. An arc must be made from the metal profile - both side walls are cut with scissors in several places, after which they are turned upward with the cuts and bent into a semicircle. You can use the prepared side parts as a template. The profile must be attached to the vertical guides with dowels, to the sheets of drywall - with self-tapping screws. You will need two more of the same arched parts. For greater reliability of the frame, additional sections of the profile can be fixed in the space between the arcs. The next step is to secure the arched side elements to the frame using screws. Then comes the turn of the upper curved element. Return to contents</a>
How to install a curved element
Scheme for calculating the dimensions of the doorway andheight of the arch. To design the lower end of the arch, you need to cut a straight strip of material, carefully calculated by size. It is convenient to use a flexible measuring tape for measurements. You need to add another 10 cm to the length of the strip. To make an arc from plasterboard for making an end element, the lower part of the strip must be wetted and rolled with a needle roller. Let it lie for a while. Wet carefully, without excess abundance, so that the material does not get soggy. After this, carefully place the element in the arch in the right place, fix it with tape. Wait until it dries completely. Now fasten the strip with self-tapping screws to the frame on both sides - it is better to start screwing them in from the middle of the arch. Then you need to wait about 12 hours until the plasterboard dries. The element can be bent both in the already described wet way, and dry, cutting the material in certain places. But this method is suitable for making not very large bends. The arc is made using the dry method as follows:
Preparing the frame.
- on one side of the strip prepared to create the element, transverse cuts are made - almost to the entire depth of the gypsum layer;
- On the executed slots the detail is broken, it is necessary to trace, that the gypsum layer remained on the undamaged paper;
- seal the slots with putty, if necessary, you can glue them with a ribbon-serpyanka;
- Curving, the part is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, do not screw them to the very edge, otherwise the gypsum layer may be damaged; hack the screws a little drown in the surface;
- The plastered areas should be properly sanded to make the surface perfectly smooth.
In this way the arch is prepared for application.decorative layer - painting or wallpapering. When all the elements of the structure are prepared and installed in place, it is time to move on to its finishing.Construction of an arched opening.All the installed plasterboard arch parts should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper. This will remove any unevenness and produce nice rounded protrusions. The assembly seams should be sealed with putty, and the joints should be glued with serpyanka tape. Before you start puttying, secure the perforated corner profiles properly - they should be used to ensure that the corners of the arch retain their shape. The profiles are secured with putty, and then covered with a layer of putty. After the putty layer has completely dried, you need to sand down all the unevenness with sandpaper. Now apply a layer of primer and wait until it dries completely. We putty the arch with a finishing compound and sand it for the last time. The next step will be to apply a decorative coating. Return to the table of contents</a>
Choosing a decorative coating
Assembling the arch structure is not that difficult.You need to be a little more careful when doing the finishing. The task is not just to refine the structure. Not everyone knows how to make an arch so that it looks good in the interior, and also turns out to be practical. Periodically, the arch will be exposed to contact with people passing through it, or objects carried, which can lead to damage. Therefore, you should think about which of the decorative coatings will be more practical in your conditions. Wallpapering is chosen more often than other finishing methods. Due to the wide choice, the difference in textures, patterns, color palette, the decor turns out to be original, interesting. Vinyl wallpaper is considered better and more durable than others. Wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern is also beautiful. From a practical point of view, the best option is considered to be painting with water-based paint. The surface is resistant to damage, and in case of contamination it can be washed. Many owners try not only to paint the wall, but also to provide the arch along its contour with a beautiful painting. An opening covered with decorative fabric looks very noble. Here you can use satin or linen, brocade, jute, viscose, jacquard, etc. It should be understood that such finishing will not be appropriate in every interior - it depends on the style chosen for the room. The most reliable and surprisingly beautiful finishing is stone. Of course, such cladding will be more expensive, but the result is worth it. And the service life of such finishing is very long.