How to make table setting perfect?How to clean cupronickel and silver cutlery so that they shine like new? What should never be used to care for them? Let's figure it out together Cupronickel or silver cutlery and dishes are found in almost every home. And often they are touched by blackness, which gives them, as many believe, a touch of noble antiquity, but in fact these are the mistakes of housewives who do not know how to properly care for all this beauty. Meanwhile, these items can give your or a festive look before receiving guests and make them want to compliment the skilled housewife. Care for cupronickel and silver is even more important if you use it every day.
Setting a festive table is both difficult andsimply at the same time. A new long tablecloth, napkins made of beautiful fabric, a formal service... All this is appropriate, but something important is clearly missing. Place nickel silver forks, spoons and knives next to the plates, put out silver vases and fruit dishes - now the picture of pre-holiday preparation is complete! Almost complete. Are you sure that all the cutlery is shiny, there are no dull or dark spots on them? If not, we will tell you what to do. And what should never be done with nickel silver and silver.
Silver and nickel silver darken over time, evenif you store these things in a closed drawer or in a dark closet. The natural humidity in the room for a person becomes, if not destructive, then undesirable for these alloys. Experts advise cleaning the devices regularly, even if you use them daily. Let's start with caring for cupronickel.
There are many polishes and chemicalsfor cleaning the cupronickel, but we recommend that you use natural remedies that are at hand in every kitchen. No matter how you rinse after processing devices, and the risk of getting chemicals into the human body is still there.
The old way to clean the cupronickel with a suede cloth, crushed chalk and vodka is still used. But it requires a lot of patience, because it is necessary to rub knives, forks and spoons constantly.
Ammonia alcohol will help to quickly return shineMelchior - put objects in it, wash it with clean water and wipe it dry. Minus one, but very large: a sharp smell of ammonia. Not everyone will stand!
"Launched" forks-spoons from silver cups in a broth of onion or garlic husks. The worse the condition of the instruments, the denser the concentration of the broth and the longer the boiling time.
Large cupronickel dishes, vases or glasses can besubject to a purification procedure with the addition of citric acid, one liter of water - about 100 grams. Find the copper wire, cut the piece and immerse it in the same container where water with acid is already diluted. Bring to a boil and lower for 15 minutes each product. Then rinse, wipe and clean in the closet.
Soda will help you now. In a saucepan, put the culinary foil and pour the soda (4 tablespoons per liter of water). Further all as in the previous advice: without switching off the gas, we lower the water after boiling water for 15 minutes, rinse, wipe dry.
Make a slurry of soda, adding water to it, dab a soft rag into the slurry and rub the nickel-silver objects until the desired result is obtained.
If you use non-ferrous metal products not every day, it makes sense to store them, tightly wrapped in food film or foil.
Broth from the shell of several eggs - anotherway of cleaning. For one liter of water we put the crushed shell of two eggs. We bring it to a boil, we lower it for a short time there, nickel, washed, wiped.
Each time, removing the cupronickel after dinner from the table, rinse it in a soda solution - for one liter of water about 50 grams of soda. Dry and put in a table or in a closet.
Do not use for cleaning under any circumstances.cupronickel toothpaste or powder, otherwise you will scratch the surface. Also, you cannot use chlorine-containing products - it is harmful to health, and the cupronickel will darken even faster.
Our opinion:— If you don’t want to find yourself in an awkward situation, taking out your cutlery before guests arrive and noticing dark spots on your spoons and forks, make it a rule to regularly take care of your cupronickel. You’ll spend less effort, and the effect will be more noticeable. Silverware should be handled more gently and carefully than cupronickel.
Do not keep them near a gas stove, in a place where there is high humidity.
Enough 15 minutes in ammonia and silver will shine like new!
Less radical, but also effective version: make a solution, adding about a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of water, then a little liquid baby soap, hydrogen peroxide - and put the silver there. Keep no more than half an hour. Then rinse and dry.
Drip ammonia into the tooth powder, apply on silver products with a soft cloth or a piece of cotton wool. Allow to dry, then rinse and dry.
The procedure with citric acid, described in the councils for cleaning nickel silver, is perfect for silver products.
Boil your silverware in Coca-Cola for a few minutes - the dark spots will disappear.
The brine and a few hours of silver in it help you!
Heat a six-percent solution of vinegar, soak a cloth in it and rub the products.
Apply a thick layer of lipstick on the toothbrush and rub silver on it. When you make sure that the result is noticeable, dip into warm water and dry.
Find a clerical eraser and polish them silver for a long time and persistently. Will help, checked.
Do not clean silver items with any detergents, do not use sponges with a hard coating.
Our opinion:— After reading all our advice, choose the method of caring for silver and cupronickel that seems most effective to you. And stick to it, having mastered the procedure and honed it to perfection. It is better to store the devices in the packaging in which you purchased them — this way you will minimize contact with humid air or scratching objects.