Organization of space

How not to be mistaken with the size of the furniture: we understand together with the designer -


The harmonious interior is a real mystery.Sometimes even the most beautiful space is somehow not comfortable. One of the secrets of creating a dream interior is the ability to choose the right furniture. We did not begin to guess on the coffee grounds and went with this question to an experienced designer. Creating an interior is a subtle art in which not only a sense of taste is important, but also practical knowledge. They are especially necessary when it comes to furniture arrangement. We received useful recommendations on this topic from a professional - interior designer Elena Andreeva. Elena Andreeva, interior designer, decorator Graduated from the International School of Design. In 2002, she founded the Well-Design studio, which deals with the design of residential premises. Real dimensions of furniture - Even at the planning stage, it is important to take into account the real dimensions of the furniture. If you have something that does not fit on the plan, you do not need to amuse yourself with the hope that everything will turn out well in the interior. Most likely, in reality, everything will be even worse. Therefore, if the living room is too small for a corner sofa, then you do not need to place it there. Stop your choice on another option - for example, put a regular sofa and armchair. Correct Combinations One of the sore topics iscombination of sofa and. Furniture items can be very functional individually, but "in duet" are completely inconvenient to use. For example, many people buy a low sofa and later find out that in order to reach the table, you need to make some effort. If you really like small tables, then you can buy one and put it in the living room, but for the sofa it is best to get an additional side table that can be easily moved. Create "air" Better not to place objectsfurniture is too close to each other. If you follow the principle of "air around objects", then your interior will not resemble a branch of a furniture store. Each item should have free space around it. That is why I advise you not to put the sofa near the wall. Even if you have only half a meter at your disposal, "tear" it away from the wall, and the room will immediately become freer. There are areas that are the most difficult to place.objects - this is a kitchen, bathrooms. However, many problems can be avoided even at the planning stage. If you have purchased an apartment with a specific layout, use the services of a professional who will minimize all errors and create an interior according to your wishes.

