The most common method of alignmentwalls is plasterboard. This material is quite easy to install, and its cost is democratic. There are two ways to lay plasterboard on the wall, one of which is framed, the other is frameless.Scheme for calculating plasterboard for a wall.
Tools and materials for wall alignment GCR adhesive method
- primer;
- glue;
- GCR;
- notched trowel.
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Frameless method of leveling walls with gypsum board
Scheme of plasterboard sheet.without using a frame, it can be done with glue. This method can be used if the walls do not have major flaws. The process should begin with surface preparation. To do this, the wall should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then primed. Before starting work, it is necessary to analyze the surface for curvature. If it is equal to the limit of 4-7 mm, the drywall should be mounted, having previously applied glue to the entire surface of the walls. After that, it must be evenly distributed using a notched trowel. For unevenness from 8 to 20 mm, the adhesive composition must be applied pointwise. For unevenness of more than 20 mm, it is necessary to level it with putty; as an alternative solution, you can use the frame method of attaching drywall to the walls. If the initial alignment of the walls is done with putty, it is necessary to prime the surfaces afterwards. Each layer should dry well before applying the next one. Then you can start preparing the glue. It is not recommended to dilute a large volume of the composition, as it dries quite quickly. After 20 minutes, the mixture will gain hardness. The glue must be applied to the wall surface where the sheet is supposed to be attached, and the glue must also be applied to it. After the sheet has been fixed to the wall, it can be leveled using a rubber or wooden hammer to adjust its position. Pads 10-15 mm thick should be placed on top and bottom. These grooves will become temperature grooves, so the sheet will be able to freely change its linear dimensions with variations in humidity and temperature levels. Drywall scraps can be used as pads. Return to contents</a>
The frame method of fixing gypsum cardboard to the walls
Scheme of installation of plasterboard on metalprofile. If it was decided to lay the plasterboard on the walls using a frame, then the latter can be made of steel profiles or wooden bars. The wood must undergo high-quality drying. Otherwise, it will dry out, which will lead to deformation of the frame and the sheets themselves. This will lead to the appearance of cracks in the joints of the sheathing. In order to install a metal frame, it will be necessary to use 2 types of profiles, such as: guide and rack. Guides should be used to mount the frame contour, they must be fixed to the floor and ceiling surfaces, installed level parallel to each other. Initially, the profile must be fixed to the ceiling, then, using a plumb line, you should determine where the lower floor profile is to be mounted. Then, rack profiles must be inserted into the guide profiles, which are fastened with self-tapping screws. The step between the posts is usually equal to the limit of 40-60 cm. In order to ensure the strength and stability of the frame structure, the post profiles should be attached to the hangers, which should be fixed to the wall.
Assembly diagram of profiles for plasterboard installation.It is recommended to provide a distance between the hangers, which is equal to 30-50 cm. In order for the next stage, you should use screws, they should be black, this choice is due to the material that underlies this fastener - oxidized metal. Screws must be screwed into the material with special care so as not to damage the surface. Before attaching drywall to the wall, you should stock up on the required number of fasteners, for one sheet you will need 100 screws, while its standard dimensions are 2.5 × 1.2 m. As soon as the walls are covered with gypsum board, you can proceed to puttying the surface. In this case, the places where the screws were inserted are subject to treatment with the mixture. After that, you can move on to the joints of the sheets. To reinforce the joints, you will need to use a special tape - serpyanka. Then the treated new walls should be primed and treated with putty until perfectly smooth. Return to Contents</a>
Tools and materials for the installation of wooden frames
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- assembly dowels;
- hacksaw;
- Screwdriver;
- self-tapping screws for woodworking;
- level;
- plumb bob;
- wood.
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Features of the installation of a wooden frame for fixing drywall
The wooden frame also includesvertical and horizontal posts, the cross-sectional dimensions of the vertical posts should not be less than 40x70 mm, in the case of horizontal posts, their section should be 30x50 mm. Wooden elements should be impregnated with an antiseptic before installation on the wall.Scheme of fastening of metal frame underplasterboard. The frame should be made of softwood, the humidity of which should be equal to 15% or less. Between the elements of the frame, you can install a heat insulator, which can be mineral fiber, mats of this material will perform an additional role as a sound insulator. The insulation can be fastened with steel dowels for plasterboard, the length of which should be equal to 25-30 mm. First, you should mount the horizontal slats from the bar, then fix the vertical elements to them, which should be removed from the edge of the lathing by 10 mm, while the step between them should be equal to 600 mm. As soon as you managed to install the horizontal bar near the floor, you can proceed to installing the upper horizontal element. If the floor is uneven, then the lower bar is installed using pads to level it. The pads can be made of chipboard or wood. If the dimensions of the room allow, the frame system can be mounted on the floor. The frame can be fixed to the walls with dowels, dowel-nails or screws. The electrical wiring will need to be laid before the walls are sheathed, and it should be located under the frame made of gypsum board and heat insulator. When fixing the frame elements, insulation and the gypsum board sheets themselves, be careful not to damage the wiring. If the frame length is longer than one sheet, you can install crossbars. You need to start installing the drywall on the frame from the corner of the room or from the window/door opening. In this case, the sheets should also be fixed with self-tapping screws, they should be designed for working with wood, and their length should be 35 mm, with a distance of 250 mm between them. If you plan to use moisture-resistant drywall in the work, then it is more advisable to use galvanized serrated nails for it. Despite the fact that the frameless method of fixing drywall to walls is less labor-intensive, the surface often requires preliminary leveling, which is much more difficult than installing a frame. It should be taken into account that in small rooms, installing a frame helps to reduce the usable space.