Plastering the walls is the most important stageany repair. The quality of this work directly depends on two main factors: the quality of the materials and the technology of the work. Moreover, these two points are closely related. Without the right technology, the quality of the material will not save you from defects, and vice versa.The main thing in plastering walls is calculationthe required volume of plaster and selection of the optimal solution. But today, most people prefer to use the services of experienced specialists if there is a need for plastering. And this does not always mean that people do not want to work independently. Often, they are simply afraid of making mistakes, because they do not know how to plaster. How can you quickly learn to do this work efficiently? The process of plastering walls consists of several stages, the sequence of which must be observed first of all. Therefore, in order to learn how to plaster walls correctly, it is important to follow these stages, as well as listen to useful recommendations. Let's consider all these important points in turn.
Materials and tools for work
Before you get down to the work itself, you need tostock up on all the necessary materials and tools in advance. Not only the success of the work, but also the speed of its completion will depend on this. So, for plastering you will definitely need:Tools needed for plastering.
- building level and plumb bob;
- Master OK;
- bucket is small for a set of solution for throwing;
- building mixer or special drill for mixing the solution;
- a hammer;
- a building hair dryer or a perforator with a nozzle to remove the old plaster coating;
- guide rails;
- roulette;
- wooden grater for grouting;
- a container of clean water;
- poluter and rule for leveling the solution;
- primer for walls;
- brush for primer application;
- a stiff brush;
- a spatula and a chisel for removing the old coating;
- fiberglass mesh;
- soft dry cloth.
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Removing the old coating
First of all, it is necessary to prepare properlywall surface. If you do everything according to the rules, it can take quite a long time, up to a week. But you need to be guided by the fact that the preparatory work should be completed approximately 3-4 days before the start of applying the main plaster.Scheme of preparing a wall for plastering.First, it is necessary to thoroughly free the walls from old coatings. First of all, remove the old layers of plaster that are no longer holding well on the wall. This can be done with a spatula or chisel. But if the process is going poorly, it is advisable to use a construction hair dryer or a hammer drill. Do not spare the old coating, since it will not hold properly anyway. After this, it is necessary to clean the wall with a hard brush, and then check the surface for cracks and recesses. All large recesses and cracks should be sealed with a base solution. In this case, before sealing, it is advisable to cover the surface with a primer so that the adhesion force is better. Return to the table of contents</a>
Correcting Wall Defects
When applying the base plaster, please note thatIn the case of a brick wall, it is important to seal the cracks between the bricks not completely, but to leave small depressions. This will greatly increase the adhesion to the main plaster. The same applies to the slabs. Next, you need to check the wall for greasy stains. Ideally, this is done by shining it through with an ultraviolet lamp. But if you do not have this opportunity, then it makes sense to treat the entire wall with a special degreasing compound. This should be done so that during subsequent plastering, the grease does not interfere with high-quality adhesion of the solution. This is especially true for walls where decorative plaster is planned.Plaster repair.Next, you need to strengthen the weakest and most vulnerable parts of the wall. To do this, you will need a special fiberglass mesh. It is placed on a thin layer of mortar at the joints of the slabs, the joints of the wall with chimneys, in openings, etc. Keep in mind that this material will not affect the level of the wall in any way. However, you do not need to use such a mesh over the entire surface. Now you need to wait until everything dries, and then cover the surface of the entire wall with a primer. You can use plenty of primer. The more of it, the better the wall will be protected from fungus and the better the adhesion of the future plaster mixture to the surface will be. After the primer has dried, you can start plastering. So, the base is prepared. Now it's time to choose the optimal composition of the plaster and the method of its application. Today, the most common are gypsum and cement-sand mixtures. Both types are good, but there are cases when it is more appropriate to use only one of them. Return to contents</a>
Rules for applying a cement-sand mixture
Cement-sand plaster.Working with such a mixture is based on three layers: splash, primer and cover. This mixture is ideal for an insufficiently even wall, provided that you have enough time to wait for the plaster to dry completely. After mixing the thick solution, you need to spray it. To do this, the solution is simply thrown onto the wall in small quantities in the form of cakes, while special attention should be paid to the deepest places on the wall. Do not be afraid of careless work, since all this will be easily corrected later.Layout of beacons for plastering walls.Next comes the primer. Here, based on the thickness of the splash, simply scoop up the solution with a trowel and apply it to the wall. At the same time, it is immediately optimally leveled. Keep in mind that you need to wait for the splash to dry before applying the primer (about 1-2 days will be enough). Try to apply the primer as densely as possible, pressing the solution with a trowel to the wall. Next, you just need to do the cover. This is a kind of grouting of the wall, which is the final stage when working with cement-sand mortar. Usually, during the cover, the surface of the primer is first rubbed, and then a thin layer of gypsum is applied on top. Gypsum also serves as a cover, which ensures a strong adhesion. During the work, use water for better adhesion and a building level with a plumb line to correct the defects in time. After this, you need to let the plaster dry, which can take 15-20 days. And only then can you start installing the decorative coating. Return to the table of contents</a>
Gypsum plaster application finishes
The second good solution is gypsum.mixture. Ideal for not too deformed walls. The plaster will dry twice as fast, and the quality of the plaster will not decrease. But when using a gypsum solution, you also need to take into account some subtleties.Proportions of plastering solutions.Before plastering the wall, you need to carefully protect all metal elements in the wall. This is due to the fact that gypsum is a kind of corrosion catalyst. The metal is treated with acetone for degreasing, and then covered with 2-3 layers of oil paint. Only after the paint has dried can you start further work. Now you need to prepare the wall for applying this type of plaster. To do this, experts recommend thoroughly soaking the wall surface over the entire area with a special liquid to improve adhesion to the gypsum, after which you need to wait until the wall is completely dry. You can mix the solution. In this case, you need to add water strictly according to the instructions, since gypsum does not tolerate excess liquid. As a result, the solution should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. Remember that when working with gypsum solutions, it is unacceptable to use water. The wall must be plastered absolutely dry. Gypsum is applied to the wall in thin layers, one after another. In this case, it is advisable to use a level to immediately eliminate small irregularities. The alignment must be done immediately, before the plaster begins to dry. After application, when the plaster dries, you can lightly sand the surface with sandpaper. After the plaster surface has completely dried and sanded, it must be further processed. For this purpose, an ordinary primer can be used, which will allow the subsequent decorative material to lie well on the plaster and then serve for a long time. So, the main points have been considered. If you follow these simple rules, you will be able to very quickly learn how to plaster walls well. You will soon understand that you do not need to be a specialist for this. Therefore, why overpay if you can do the work yourself? Try - and you will succeed!