How to remove mold from walls is one of the mostcommon problems in everyday life. It is not so easy to remove fungus - it tends to return. Fungus formation is especially often observed after unprofessional, ineffective treatment.Fungi on the walls appear due to increasedhumidity. There are many modern means that are aimed at removing mold in a room or construction site. However, it can be removed for a while, and then reoccurrence is observed (if you do not follow the prevention). The appearance of fungus always spoils the appearance, so they try to eliminate the problem immediately.
Harm to health
A significant reason for prompt eliminationmold is its harm. It provokes respiratory tract infection (bronchial asthma) and negatively affects the whole body. The bathroom is a fairly visited place, so it should be environmentally friendly. It is especially bad if you are allergic to fungi. Then a person either does an urgent cleaning of the room, or moves. Why fungus occurs and what to do about it - quite common questions. This problem remains relevant, since not everyone follows preventive measures.Mold fungus reproduction scheme To removemold in the bathroom, you can invite a specialist or do the cleaning yourself. There are many effective ways to combat mold. They are based on the use of copper sulfate, bleach and other means. How to remove mold on the wall? To get rid of it, you need to know the reasons for its appearance. One of them is high humidity in the room. There are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of mold on the surface of the walls. Among them: no natural light entering the room, high air temperature, etc. It is not always possible to completely remove mold in the room, since only the affected surface is treated. To eliminate the source, you should treat the entire room with the product or several times at the site of mold formation. Most often, mold appears on walls, ceilings, corners. The most common location is the bathroom. Of all the fungi, black mold is the most dangerous, it is what contributes to the development of diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, candidiasis. Return to contents</a>
If a wall in your home has been exposed tomold, then it is necessary to take urgent measures. To remove the fungus, it is necessary to identify the reason for its appearance, as relapses are possible. The main reason is, as a rule, moisture. It is because of increased humidity that mold appears on the surface of the walls or in the corners.Table of means for combating mold. At the same timeIt is observed not only in rooms, but also in building partitions. Most of the fungus is located in places with poor (unnatural) lighting and high humidity. An example of such a place is the bathroom, where the conditions for the reproduction of fungus are ideal. If the wall is covered with mold, perhaps the foundation insulation is done incorrectly. This happens when errors are made in laying, which is resolved with the help of specialists. Another reason is the freezing of the walls. Humidity is a consequence of a malfunction of the ventilation systems. Despite the fact that modern plastic windows are distinguished by their quality and density, problems with ventilation and creating a microclimate in the room come from them. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with specialists before installing windows. It is known that fungus on the wall appears on all surfaces. However, to remove it from brick, much less effort will be required than in the situation with wood. How is this explained? The fact is that mold on brick forms on the surface, therefore, removing the fungus will not be difficult - you only need to treat the affected area. In the case of wood, the inner part is also affected, so the only reasonable solution is to cut out the moldy wood and burn it. You cannot do without the help of specialists here, because the fungus spreads at a high speed and can make the entire wooden surface unusable (about 70% of wood is destroyed in 1 year). In fact, destruction threatens all wooden elements, so it is important to think about protection in advance (since you will not be able to do anything later).
Growth pattern of mold fungi.Prevention of wooden surfaces consists of treating them with antiseptic and antifungal agents before use. Before removing the fungus, you need to find out the reason for its occurrence. Only in this case you will be able to eliminate the problem forever. If you are not an expert in this matter, then contact the appropriate company. As a rule, a set of works is carried out to remove the fungus, which consists of the following scheme: first, the area affected by mold is cleaned (the fungus is removed), and then the wall is dried and the thermal insulation is checked. If everything is in order with it, the mold will not appear again. In case of problems with the insulation of the walls, immediate replacement of the thermal insulation is required. Return to the table of contents</a>
Factors contributing to the appearance of fungus
There are several basic assumptionsregarding the occurrence of mold on the wall surface. One of them is freezing - the presence of a dark-colored coating in the corner or along the edges of the wall. In this situation, the affected area should be thoroughly dried and the adhesion of the plaster should be checked. In some cases, the plaster layer has to be removed (if it is completely affected by the fungus).Antifungal agents:soda, sodium solution, citric acid, vinegar. The second factor is moisture. This means moisture that comes from the ground. Mold is located in those places where the floor connects to the wall. Mold appears as streaks in the affected areas. Checking the insulation of the foundation wall (horizontal) is the way to solve this problem. If this system is damaged, repairs should be made. Before repairing, it is imperative to dry the surface. If the floor is damp, then specialists, as a rule, remove the affected fragment. Water supply and sewerage is another reason for the appearance of mold. If you notice moisture that is dispersed along the passage of pipes, immediately dry the affected areas. A sign of the presence of fungus in the bathroom are stains that form on the wall located next to the bathtub. How to remove fungus in this case? Drying is powerless here, so you need to contact specialists. There are other reasons for the appearance of fungus on the wall - leaking drains, gutters or poor ventilation. The methods for removing it are selected depending on the main problem - the source of its appearance. Return to the table of contents</a>
Removal of fungus from surfaces
So, you can get rid of mold on the wall using the following tool:
Don't forget to put it on before you start working.respirator and gloves - when removing mold, it can get into the body, which will negatively affect your health. If there was wallpaper on the wall, then remove it (it is useless to wash off the wallpaper). First, remove the loose plaster that is affected by mold, and then treat the cleaned areas with sandpaper. Next, use a fungicide solution - treat the entire surface of the wall with it. Wait 6 hours and apply the solution again. The procedure is done 4-5 times. Finally, prime the surface with an antiseptic and plaster. After puttying the wall, you can glue new wallpaper. Many do not know how to remove fungus from the surface. The method for removing mold depends on its location, the material that was affected. It was considered as with wallpaper, but what to do if it is in the bathroom? There are many methods for removing mold in the bathroom. Among the most effective means - copper sulfate, bleach, etc. Folk remedies are also effective (tea tree oil, soda with vinegar). Before removing the fungus from the surface in the bathroom, arm yourself with gloves and a respirator. Now take the products you need - bleach, water, sponge (rag, brush). Then dilute the bleach with water in a ratio of 10:1 and apply the solution to the affected area. There is no need to rinse off the bleach, it will further protect the wall from mold penetration. Finally, you should thoroughly ventilate the bathroom. This method is considered the most effective. However, bleach has a pungent odor, which is a significant drawback. In case of significant damage to the wall, it is recommended to invite specialists. They do a thorough and comprehensive cleaning. Return to the table of contents</a>
Preventive actions
To avoid thinking about how to remove mold from the wall,try to prevent its occurrence. First of all, check the ventilation system of the rooms. If there are any problems, contact the utility service. It is also not recommended to place furniture too close to the wallpaper - this is where mold most often forms. Be sure to ventilate the bathroom, do not allow the air temperature to rise against the background of high humidity.