Have you ever thought about the fact thata clever innovative layout can turn a small, cramped apartment into a masterpiece of interior design? Let's think about it. There are still tiny apartments in nature, and, unfortunately, there are very, very many of them. The growth of megacities forces people to buy small, modest homes near work, in the heart of a big city. And ordinary people live in such homes, who also want comfort and coziness, just like residents of large respectable houses. But is it really possible to fully arrange your life in just 17 square meters? What is impossible for most, for a professional designer is a piece of cake! So, meet a real miracle of interior technology - luxurious apartments in a mind-bogglingly small living space.
If the area in the apartment is very small, thenit is necessary to at least create the impression that there is enough of it. The best way to increase the volume of a room is to paint all surfaces pure white. Another effective way is to make the most of a large window: free it from curtains and remove piles of objects and flowers from the windowsill. Do not forget a very important nuance - you need to be very rational about where and how to store things. There are quite a few secret places here that easily cope with this task.
High ceilings are another undeniable featureadvantage of this house. It was thanks to them that it was possible to add a sleeping place on the second level, which had a very significant effect on the amount of free space in the room. In general, the apartment looks very comfortable and spacious enough for such a small amount of footage.
Innovative layout of a small apartment