The annual Best Office Awardsmore interesting - now, in addition to offices, it will participate in projects anti-fake, coworking and business clubs Portal every spring holds the Best Office Awards, which selects the best offices. The expert jury traditionally looks at the design, layout, availability of modern solutions and comfortable conditions for employees, day and night working in this space. Thus, those who design offices, prove that this room too can become an example of high fashion and style. The results of the Best Office Awards 2017, which inThis year is held for the eighth time, will be announced at the awards ceremony on June 1. Since the number of participants is constantly growing, the organizers decided to add another nomination this year, which was named "Third Place". This category will select the best projects for offsite workspaces, such as anti-cafes, coworking spaces and business clubs. More detailed information on the website. The portal is the information partner of the competition.