Interior of a one-room apartment

The interior of a small apartment: photos and tips


Today we will try to find out:how can you visually expand a small living space? Designers claim that wallpaper works wonders! And they confirm this fact in practice. Let's make sure!

Visual interest

The interior of this room, at a glance,reminds pure Scandinavian: wooden flooring complements the white walls, there are no curtains on the windows, and the pieces of furniture have straight and concise lines. This method of arrangement is ideal for a small space, because with its help you can arrange a full-fledged housing on limited square meters. The owners of the apartment did not want her to look the same. To diversify the design, they stuck amazing wall murals on the wall. The result was astounding: the end-to-end perspective creates an effect of infinity.

Profitable savings

Thanks to this tricky approach, the roomsignificantly deepened. In view of this, the owners had to correctly arrange the furniture. The sofa, which easily turns into a bed, emphasized the edge of the room and balanced the interior. An office table was placed by the window. The kitchen was equipped in the corner of the apartment, separating it from the living area with a special partition. This arrangement made it possible to have work surfaces and a dining table, without taking up much space.

Convenient practicality

A closet was placed in the hallway for storing things,removing it from the residential area. So that the corridor does not seem narrow, the owners chose an interesting carpet with a geometric pattern, which visually expands the room. Different types of flooring helped to highlight the functional areas: in the living room you can see light-colored parquet, and black tiles were laid at the entrance. This solution, in addition to creating visual boundaries, is quite practical: the dark flooring hides dirty marks and mechanical damage. As a result, we can say that the owners, while decorating their extraordinary housing, did not forget that, first of all, it should be comfortable and functional.

