You don't have to think about trash cans all the time.and containers that keep the landing clean and tidy, this concept should become an established system that constantly operates as if independently, by itself. That is, like some fundamental law of nature. As a rule, the size of your entrance (landing) dictates what will be stored in this space. But there are several things without which this area will not be able to function. Choose what suits you and your home. Your friends should not express bewilderment at the sight of a landing cluttered with everything that did not fit into the rooms. The main list of items for organizing the space of the landing:
- Trash bin for instant disposal of unwanted mail
- Mirror
- Place of parking for friends to visit
- Umbrellas
Additionally, you can install boxes where you can store:
- Cash to pay for delivery services
- A cotton bolster, especially handy when you have a shedding animal - a pet
- Mobile charger
Hooks for suspension
So, the first rule in organizing residentialpremises: free up space for your living! Your living space should not be cluttered with handbags, backpacks, satchels, hats, coats, scarves. And also - dog leashes, keys, shopping bags. One of the simplest solutions to this problem is the presence of hooks for hanging the listed items. Using Command 3M hooks, you will get a number of preferences: you will not need a drill to fix the gadget to the wall or panel, after removing the hook, you will not need to repair the surface.
Handbag service
How long will it take you to empty it?your handbag? And how quickly, while violating order and organization, the space around you will be cluttered with things brought out into the light? Because you will have to put them anywhere. For such cases, it can be very practical to have a small room or closet where you can store two containers, a drawer, a box. One container should contain scraps of fabric, pens, dark glasses, lip gloss and other cosmetics and care products, etc. The second container should remain empty. This is what you should use every time you urgently need to change the contents of your handbag. At the end of the week, do not forget to remove the contents from the second container and distribute them in their places.
Shoe area
By taking off your shoes at the door, you not only giverest and freedom for your feet, but also help maintain the cleanliness of the floors in the rooms of your residence. Even having a small place for shoes, boots, and boots at the entrance already plays a big role in organizing your space. However, the landing should not be drowning in a huge amount of shoes; you should show concern and care in time and take appropriate measures. What? Well, for example, when quickly cleaning shoes, put one to three pairs away somewhere. Place some of the shoes in a box or on a rack. Determine the maximum number of pairs that are appropriate to leave on the landing, hide the rest separately in another place.
In and out of the box
With the development of online shopping in some homesBulky boxes have started arriving on a regular basis. It is necessary to find a place where these packages can stand for one to three days, no more, so as not to clutter the passage and to free up space in a timely manner for the next arrivals. Scissors and transport tape should be kept nearby.
Mailboxes of your choice
When it comes to mail, there are no hard and fast rules.Some people take it and open it at their desk. Some people like their mail sorted. So, choose for yourself what you need - trays, mailboxes, wall-mounted wire containers, Lettro organizers from Umbra.
Take into account the interests of children
If your stairwell or otherthe area at the entrance is well organized, which means that there are places for storing items belonging to children. In general, the younger generation should be taught to be tidy from an early age. Children should know that if they do not put their things away in time, they risk not getting your permission to go for a walk or being subject to other punishment.