The Victorian style is quite loyal:It can be preserved unchanged, or it can be adjusted to the needs of a modern person. The main trends are feminine forms, gradation of shades of the color scheme from the walls to the ceiling with the dominance of one. The general atmosphere of a house decorated in Victorian style is very comfortable and welcoming. This is an emphasis on the wealth and taste of the owners of the house. Once upon a time, the living room of the middle class was small and combined several functions. For example, an entrance hall, a reception room and the living room itself. Therefore, even now this room is oriented towards the individual needs of the owners of the house. Let's consider an example of such an adaptation: the living room is a long narrow hallway combined with a recreation room with a fireplace. Such a transformation preserves a single space, while combining several functions.
If comfort and intimacy are more important to the owners thanopenness of space, the living room can be made very small, chamber-like. Pale neutral colors and a beautiful large mirror help to visually increase the space.
Huge casement windows were one of the mainelements of Victorian living rooms. Therefore, you should not replace them with modern double-glazed windows. The window frame must be made of hardwood. If there are no such windows in your room, you can drape the walls with curtain fabric. Moreover, it is better to choose a fabric in the same color palette as the paint of the walls. After all, the absence of contrasts increases the space.
Many Victorian homes have three-sided bay windows. This cozy space can be used to accommodate a dining table or desk.
French windows were not a mandatory partVictorian style, but their presence gives additional bonuses. This can be an exit to a winter garden or a terrace. In addition, such windows are an excellent source of natural light.
Large living rooms can be "equipped"additional functional loads. By installing a grand piano, we will create a music room. By equipping the room with many bookcases, we will turn the living room into a library.
Several huge windows in the luxurious living room add a feeling of fresh spring air and warm rays of sunshine to the atmosphere of the room.
In a small room, library shelf print wallpaper adds a stunning effect of depth and dimension.
The dark wood finish of the living room gives the room an additional austere chic.
Pastel pink-peach and sky-blue shades are a perfect match. A gentle feeling of femininity and touching naivety.
The wood finish of the room, combined with the blue color of the walls, very favorably emphasizes the home comfort and warmth of this living room.
The interiors of small living rooms in the Victorian style