
Interior finish of aerated concrete walls: practical recommendations


The abundance of building materials allowserect a building using several of them. For example, the outer part of the building can be built of brick or cinder block, and internal partitions-consist of foam concrete or aerated concrete. The use of such blocks for the piers will save on the construction of the house and improve the thermal insulation of the premises. The interior decoration of aerated concrete walls has several features that you need to know before starting work. The outline of the wall of the house is made of aerated concrete.

Features of aerocrete blocks

Manufacture of aerated concrete is a complextechnological process. As a result of mixing cement, lime, quartz sand, the basis for obtaining this building material is formed. After the addition of aluminum crumb in the concrete begins the formation of bubbles. After casting and molding the resulting mixture, the aerated concrete blocks are ready for use. The following properties can be attributed to the advantages of aerated concrete blocks:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to maintain indoor microclimate;
  • duration of operation;
  • simplicity in processing and weight;
  • no possibility of penetration of fungi and mold into the material.

These advantages allow the use of aerocrete blocks for the construction of internal and external walls of buildings of any purpose in different climatic conditions. Back to contents</a>

The main nuances of the walls

Features aerated concrete block. When choosing the finishing materials for aerated concrete walls, it is necessary to take into account several moments that exclude each other:

  • The microclimate inside the building provides a certain humidity, which must be supported by the building materials used for the walls.
  • Hygroscopicity of building materials affects their wear resistance. To avoid getting excess moisture inside the aerated concrete blocks, an increase in the vapor tightness of the finish should be provided.
  • From what choice will be, dependclimatic characteristics of the room, durability and strength of aerated concrete walls. Finishing material that has good vapor permeability properties is gypsum-based plaster. It will allow the walls of aerated concrete blocks to retain technical characteristics. Such plaster is sold as a dry mix, which must be prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package. In addition to gypsum, the composition includes perlite sand, hydrated lime. This combination of components can increase sound insulation, increases the fire resistance of the room. In addition, the plaster is applied to the aerated concrete walls, untreated with a special primer solution, and is easy to process. Final alignment can be carried out without the use of putty. The vapor tightness of aerated concrete blocks will increase the gluing of vinyl wallpapers. Such a finishing material reduces this figure by a factor of 10. Fixing a polyethylene or special film on a wall made of aerated concrete blocks also helps to reduce the vapor permeability properties. However, the use of such films can cause the formation of condensate, which can destroy the aerocrete blocks. Characteristics of aerated concrete. As an interior finish, the usual solution for plaster is most often used. It consists of cement, sand (possible use of various additives). But the plastered aerated concrete walls can be dried during operation, which causes flaking of the finishing material. Therefore, to achieve good vapor permeability in practice, use a combination of building materials. It looks like this: 1 coat of primer is applied to the surface, after it dries another 2-3 layers, each of which must be absorbed. Next, the wall of aerated concrete blocks is plastered with a gypsum mixture. After that, the final finishing of the premises is carried out. The choice of material for these purposes is also important. For example, if the surface of the walls is painted with oil paint, the vapor permeability will decrease. Water-emulsion paint compositions do not give such an effect, and the penetration rate of steam inside the aerated concrete does not change. Back to contents</a>

    Required Tools

    To carry out the construction process, such devices as:

    • perforator;
    • a hammer;
    • level;
    • roulette;
    • Bulgarian;
    • Screwdriver;
    • plumb bob;
    • lacing;
    • scissors for metal.

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    Types of finishes: some features

    Scheme of finishing the aerated concrete wall with plaster. By the method of applying or fixing the finishes, it is carried out with the help of the frame and without its use. If you choose a frame method, then the walls from aerated concrete blocks can be made with drywall sheets, OSB plates, decorative panels. Before frame work on gas-concrete walls, a waterproofing and vapor barrier film is fixed in series. They will keep the wall material from penetration of moisture and increase its service life. First, build a frame. If the quality of the facing material is drywall, then aluminum profiles are used for the frame. They are fastened by dowels to aerated concrete blocks. It is necessary to strictly monitor the observance of the vertical and horizontal, using the building level. After doing the battens, fasten the sheets of gypsum board to the screws. Drywall hats should be slightly closed. After the drywall is fixed, putty works are performed. If the finish is done with decorative panels, then the bar is a bar with a cross section of 25x25 mm. Wooden crate is performed on the dowels, drilling holes or screws. The first bar is attached at the ceiling, the second - at the floor. Between them, after pulling the thread, the remaining bars of the crate are mounted at a distance of 50-60 cm, depending on the dimensions of the panels. Observance of the horizontal is controlled by the level. This is necessary in order to prevent distortion of the decorative panels. At the corner fix a special profile, in the groove which will be inserted panels. Then, in turn, all the decorative elements of the wall are fastened with screws, studs, staples. But the last panel is not fixed rigidly to the frame, but is inserted into the same corner groove of the profile, as in the beginning. If it is decided to use a frameless finish, for example, painting, wallpapering, then it is necessary to perform the following actions:

    • hardening and rough alignment;
    • grinding.

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    Practical recommendations for wall decoration

    Tools for applying plaster. For rough leveling use plaster. To strengthen the wall, you can use a grid with small cells, which is fixed with a solution. Plaster is purchased in finished form. The packaged dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportion indicated on the package. If the solution is prepared on its own, then take cement, fine sand (or sifted lime mortar) in a ratio of 1: 3 and add water until a sparse mass is obtained. After the starting coating is frozen, it is treated with a large sandpaper, smoothing out large influxes. Then finish the finish, which is finer, which allows him to fill all the irregularities. When the surface is dry, it is finally ground. Before gluing the wallpaper, the walls must be covered with a primer coat. This will facilitate gluing. Only after the completion of these works, wallpapering (or painting) is possible. For painting, paint of any composition and base will do. The use of water-emulsion type is most common. This is due to the ease of application and the ability to create shades by yourself. To do this, it is enough to mix a helmet of white color with the color pigment in the right proportion. It should be borne in mind that the paint in this case should be enough for the entire surface, since it will be difficult to repeat the shade exactly. The paint is applied in several layers by a roller or brush, without waiting for the drying of each of the layers. Due to the fact that the paint is liquid enough, the use of an atomizer is acceptable. Even layers are inflated horizontally, odd - vertically. This method avoids gaps. Thus, an even layer is formed. A variety of designs can be used. It is perfectly suitable for paper, vinyl, washable. The wallpaper is glued according to the technological features of the material of their manufacture. Ceramic tile is also suitable as a lining material for walls made of aerated concrete. It is fixed to the adhesive composition, which is sold in ready for use form. If aerated concrete blocks are used as the main building material for the whole house, the exterior finish is carried out taking into account all its features.

