Wallpaper is the most important and most accessiblematerial for finishing walls and ceilings, almost no repair can do without them. Despite the fact that many different decor options have appeared recently, they continue to be popular. Thanks to the correctly selected pattern and color, correct pasting, you can visually enlarge or reduce the room, add warmth or freshness to it, create the right mood.Wallpaper is the most affordable and beautifulway of finishing the walls of the house. How to glue wallpaper so that it turns out beautiful and high-quality? It is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. It is necessary to know the nuances, to comply with certain requirements in the work. Otherwise, the wallpaper on the walls will not last long or will simply look inharmonious.
Preparation for work
Before you start gluing, in addition to the wallpaper and glue, you need to prepare some materials and tools:Wallpaper pasting tools.
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Acquisition of wallpaper and glue
First of all, the quantity of wallpaper is calculated,which will be needed for the work. Let's do this using an example. Let's imagine that your room has dimensions of 5x4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. The selected rolls are 500 mm (0.5 m) wide and 10 m long (standard dimensions). First, the perimeter of the room is determined: 5x4 = 20. The number of sheets is calculated by dividing the perimeter by the width of the roll: 20:0.5 = 40 pcs. The width of the roll can also be 1 m. Then the number of required sheets will be 2 times less.Proportions of glue for different wallpapers.The height is taken into account taking into account additional centimeters for alignment. So, according to the example, it turns out to be 3.1 m. To determine the total length, the number of canvases is multiplied by their height: 40 x 3.1 = 124 m. Based on the length of a roll of 10 m, the length of the wallpaper is divided by 10, which will be equal to 12.4. Rounding this figure, naturally, up, it turns out that for our example, 13 rolls are needed. Calculations can be made subtracting the space that falls on windows and doors. However, such precise calculations are not needed, since there will be no extra wallpaper, which is associated with the process of adjusting the pattern or with possible defects. The choice of glue is based on the type of selected materials. At the moment, there are two main types on the consumer market: universal, suitable for any type of wallpaper, and special. Universal glue is created by adding special chemical elements to it that enhance its effect. In this regard, it is more expensive and even harmful. Removing old coating using universal glue is a labor-intensive task. Therefore, when choosing a binding base, rely on the type of wallpaper. Experts call its preparation an important point in working with glue. When mixing, it is necessary to follow all the points of the instructions, and a mixer is used to achieve the desired consistency. The glue does not react well to drafts, so they must be excluded for the entire period of gluing and until it dries completely. Before gluing wallpaper, the walls were disinfected. Now this process is not carried out, since the glue already contains various antiseptic and antifungal additives. Return to the table of contents</a>
Preparing walls for wallpapering
Table for calculating the amount of wallpaper.Bringing the wall surface to an ideal condition before gluing wallpaper has a positive effect on the result. The entire preparation stage depends on their initial condition. In new buildings, a splash of paint is first applied to the walls, the thickness of which should not exceed 9 mm. Then a primer is applied about 6 mm thick. Sometimes the primer is applied in several stages. Next, a thin layer of plaster (2-3 mm) is applied, called a cover. It creates a thin film, convenient for subsequent cleaning of the wallpaper. Finally, it is necessary to level the walls with sandpaper. If there is already old wallpaper on the walls, it should be removed. Many people glue new sheets over the existing ones. After this procedure, the first layer may not hold up and fall off. How to glue wallpaper in this case? It is not worth the risk, arm yourself with a spatula and remove the old coating. To facilitate its removal, use a spray bottle with hot water, vinegar or dishwashing liquid. They moisten the surface and promote rapid peeling of the wallpaper.
The procedure for wallpapering.In some places (near radiators, windows) you can try to tear off the old coating with your hands. If this does not work, you need to wet the walls with water from a spray bottle and scrape off the remains with a spatula. Vinegar is used as a solvent. In hardware stores there are special tools and devices for removing old wallpaper, they are more effective, but are not cheap. The hardest time to prepare the walls is when they have a layer of paint. Wallpaper adheres very poorly to it. Many do not bother to remove it, so they first make notches in the paint or cover it with a layer of plaster. This method is ineffective. You can remove the paint with a hair dryer. To do this, direct hot air to a section of the wall, and after softening it, process it with a spatula. This method is harmful to health, since harmful chemicals are released when the paint is heated. It can also be removed with a grinder. Before use, you need to close the doors and open the windows, since dust can get into unwanted places. The best way to remove this type of coating is to use a remover. However, when working with chemicals, it is necessary to follow the instructions and safety precautions. Return to contents</a>
Wallpaper gluing
Before gluing, roll the wallpaperunfolds and lays on the floor so that the front side is facing down. Using a measuring tape, mark the length of the required canvas, to which it is worth adding 100 mm to allow for adjustment on the wall.Before you start, you need to readthe manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the roll packaging, since some wallpapers also require glue on the back. If the pattern does not require adjustment, several strips can be cut at once. If joining is necessary, the wallpaper is cut so that the image on them matches. Many types already have a tolerance level indicated. Using a level or cord, draw vertical lines. It is better to start marking them from the window. Wallpaper in the corner should be glued so that it also fits on the other wall, so in this area it is necessary to mark a width slightly less than 0.5 m (less than the full width of the roll). This will allow you to adjust the location of the canvas in the case of "tilted" corners. Depending on the type of wallpaper, glue can be applied directly to the canvas, which is then folded in half so that the soaked side is inside. In this state, they are kept for some time according to the instructions (thin ones - about 5 minutes, thicker ones - about 10). It is important to apply the glue evenly, as the wallpaper stretches as it soaks. If the adhesive is not distributed evenly across the strip, bubbles may form. When gluing thick wallpaper, the glue is also applied to the wall. For non-woven materials, it is enough to coat only the wall.
Wallpaper gluing scheme.The first glued strip is aligned along the marked line. The wallpaper should be glued end-to-end or overlapping, depending on the pattern. The process is carried out from the window into the room, due to which the distribution becomes correct, and the shadow will not interfere. The glued wallpaper is aligned with a piece of fabric or a roller. They need to be smoothed from the middle to the edges. While the canvas has not had time to dry, it is cut with a knife, holding it with a metal spatula at the level of the ceiling, floor or baseboard. If it is necessary to maintain an indent, it is worth drawing a straight line across the entire room and gluing from it. Do not forget to check the edges, they may lag behind. In this case, apply glue again and press them to the wall. A rubber roller is used to align the joints. Useful tips:
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Complex moments
An example of wallpapering a corner of a room.When decorating walls in any room or premises, there is a need to work with difficult areas. These include ceilings, corners, protruding pipes and radiators. How to glue wallpaper in such places, you can find out below. Ceiling. Its preparation is carried out in the same way as for the wall. But it is a more difficult task. After applying the glue, the sheets are folded like an accordion. Hold the wallpaper with one hand, and distribute it over the ceiling with the other. It is important to do this immediately. Wallpaper should be glued to this area first, and then work on the walls. It is much easier to use short sheets than long ones. Borders. It is better to use long strips of borders in the work. They lie on the surface more evenly than cut ones. They should be glued after the wallpaper has dried.
Scheme of smoothing wallpaper with a rubber spatula.Inner corner. It is not advisable to use a whole strip here: it will sit unevenly. Wallpaper should be pasted after measuring the distance between the corner line and the end of the previous strip. Based on this, a strip of such a width is cut off that would be enough to reach the corner plus 20 mm. Thicker wallpaper is pasted in a whole strip, and then cut to the corner. Outer corner. To wallpaper a protruding corner, take a strip that is 250 mm wider than the distance from the previous strip to the corner. If it lies evenly, the wallpaper can be pasted end-to-end or overlapped, provided that the pattern requires it. If unevenness appears on the wallpaper, you can take a knife, make several cuts and level them with a roller. Pipes. Wallpaper cannot be pasted directly onto pipes. They are first coated with oil paint, on top of which two layers of ordinary paper are placed so that it protrudes slightly onto the walls. Then, observing the pattern, a piece of wallpaper is pasted onto the pipe. The remaining canvases are placed nearby. Despite the fact that repairs are always a troublesome business, almost everyone knows how to glue wallpaper on their own from their own experience. Another question: is the result always successful? Pasting can be quite easy, for this you just need to follow the instructions.