Today will tell its readers about three significant events in the field of architecture at once. Bulgari is helping the mayor of Rome Ignazio Marino in the restoration of the Spanish Steps, RTKL and Callison decide to work together, and a very beautiful bank will be built in Russia. And now about everything in order Bulgari is restoring the Spanish Steps Bulgari Group CEO Jean-Christophe Babin and Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino announced to the public the start of restoration and conservation work on the famous Spanish Steps. Bulgari Group promises to allocate 1.5 million euros. The fact is that this staircase is iconic not only for world culture, but also for the Bulgari house.…Archaeological, architectural andRome's artistic heritage has always been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for our collections, and the patronage of a monument that is the heart of our history is further proof of the inseparable bond between Bulgari and the Eternal City. Jean-Christophe Babin reminds readers that it was this staircase that in the first third of the 18th century connected Piazza di Spagna with the slope of the Pincio Hill, famous for its church Trinità dei Monti. The Spanish Steps also served for a long time as a film set for such films as Roman Holiday (directed by William Wyler), The Girls of Piazza di Spagna (directed by Luciano Emmer), We Loved Each Other So Much (directed by Ettore Scola), To Rome with Love (directed by Woody Allen) and many others.
RTKL and Callison renovate the famous hotel"The Lark" in Montana The next news concerns exclusively modern architectural solutions. International architectural firms RTKL and Callison decided on a joint project. They restore buildings, giving them an ergonomic look. The design of the buildings is based on the features of local architecture. An example of this is the Lark hotel in the capital of Montana, Bozeman.
Reconstruction of Rosenergobank And for dessert - some pleasant architectural news. The reconstruction project of Rosenergobank's head office will be completed by the end of November, according to
The bank is located on a historical site — the territory of the Prokhorov-Khludov estate in Moscow. The reconstruction of the building is being carried out by the workshop of OOO "Alliance-Bureau".
It is noteworthy that the reconstruction projectRosenergobank became a laureate of the competition "Best Architectural Works 2013-2015" and received the "Silver Sign" award. Read about the beautiful, and we will write about it.
The main architectural events of the month: restorations –