Blinds have earned respect for their simplicity and convenience. They are durable and can be on windows for a long time without causing irritation to residents.Blinds are a practical and convenient optionwindow decorations. The variety of designs and color solutions on the market of products is simply enormous. But the price is not always affordable for the buyer. And sometimes you just want to see objects around you created with your own hands. In both cases, the solution is this: make blinds yourself. Especially since it can turn out beautiful, unusual and inexpensive.
What materials and tools will be required?
Assembly diagram of vertical blinds. For manufacturing you will need a small set of tools and materials:
- thick paper (colorless wallpaper will fit);
- Strong yarn (you can use fishing line);
- Scotch;
- beads of large sizes (preferably wooden);
- Ruler;
- awl.
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Where to begin?
Scheme of fastening blinds to a window.It will be easier to make vertical blinds, so we will dwell on the description of their technology. We select a roll of paper so that it is 2 cm narrower than the width of the window opening. We measure 3 cm from the bottom edge and fold the sheet. We need to fold the length of the paper equal to the height of the window like an accordion. We place the accordion under the press for 2-3 hours. Now we need to find the middle of the folded paper. On both sides from the middle at a distance of 3 cm we need to make through punctures. An awl will do just fine for this purpose. In the upper part of the vertical blinds we need to place a wooden strip with symmetrical holes. The paper is attached to this strip with tape or simply glued. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to assemble the structure?
Scheme of vertical blinds with an inclined system.The vertical blinds are ready, you only need to assemble them and place them correctly on the window. First, glue the lower part of the folded paper in the center with tape. Thread the thread through the hole from the bottom up, then unfold it and thread it in the opposite direction. Equip one end of the thread with a bead. At the other end, you need to place a movable clip. Usually, a clothes clip is used, but this will not look very nice. It is better to have complete symmetry, so it is recommended to drape these parts in the same way. Here you can use different draping patterns for small parts (bells will look very nice and hide the clips). In order for the thread not to wear out quickly when rubbing against a wooden slat, it is recommended to place a roller in the central part of the slat. Now the vertical blinds should be placed on the window. Under the action of gravity, the paper will go down. This will be the extreme position for the fixed bead. The movable clip is also located at the same height. Tie knots under the marked parts and cut the ends of the thread. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to test mobility
Options for assembling blinds.Next, we check the mobility of the vertical blinds. If fishing line was used as a thread, then the mobility will be ideal: pull the thread down, and the vertical blinds will smoothly slide up. Fix the clamp and get the desired position. The edges of the lower part of the vertical blinds will sag. To eliminate this small defect, you can equip the lower part of the blinds with a thin plate of any material, gluing it with double-sided tape. For lovers of more sophisticated interior elements, it is recommended to use your imagination. It will look very attractive if both lower edges are brought together and fastened with glue or the same tape. The result will resemble a heart. Isn't it an option for lovers? Return to the table of contents</a>
Where can I use self-made blinds and how to repair them?
Installation of vertical blinds.It is clear that do-it-yourself blinds are made for short-term use. This is usually done before renovation. This way, you can regulate the amount of light entering the apartment and protect finishing materials from fading. Do-it-yourself blinds are suitable not only during renovation. They can be considered an excellent alternative to factory-made products in summer cottages, garages and utility rooms. Do-it-yourself vertical blinds are used seasonally: in the summer, they prevent light from entering the apartment, which helps to escape the heat. Repairing home-made vertical blinds is also easy. It consists of replacing the paper (you will have to make a new accordion). When assembling a new product, the same procedure is followed.
Scheme of movement of vertical blinds.It is not necessary to make your own blinds from paper. Home craftsmen advise using ordinary starched fabric for this. This makes sense: the material is thinner, the accordion is easy to make with an iron. The fabric can be easily removed and washed, which makes vertical blinds more durable. You can also experiment with the lower part, giving the product a finished look at your discretion. But when using fabric for vertical blinds, you need to slightly weigh down the lower part of the product. Usually, for this purpose, the lower edge of the fabric is folded in half and stitched at a distance of about 5 mm from the bend. Later, a metal (aluminum) wire is inserted into this hole. It will weigh down the blinds and will keep their lower edge in a horizontal position. Repairs for fabric blinds are only needed if the thread that regulates the height has damaged the canvas itself. This can be avoided by gluing the edges of the holes with tape or processing them with metal rivets with holes. You can overcast the holes with ordinary thread. The edges of the holes will be stronger, which will make hand-made vertical blinds even more durable. Repair of factory-made vertical blinds can be done according to the same rules as described for homemade ones. But replacing a certain part of such blinds will be visible even to the naked eye. It will not be possible to hide the defect, since it is very difficult to select a material of a certain color scheme. And you do not need to do this: it is enough to replace several elements at once during the repair. It will turn out very beautiful and elegant. It will look as if blinds and curtains were specially combined.