With the onset of cold weather, it may seem that everythingSummer joys, such as outdoor pools, are a thing of the past, wait until next season, but we hasten to please you: this is not so, and today we will talk about spa pools, in which you can spend all year round. Almost all owners of outdoor spa pools claim that it is in winter that you can get the maximum pleasure from swimming, since the cold air creates a pleasant contrast with the warm water in the spa. In addition, it is also an aesthetic pleasure: rising steams of hot air against the background of the winter landscape look relaxing and unusual.On forums, owners of such spas are openair claim that at the end of a hard day they rush to their pool to dive into the hot water and relax. For example, Ekaterina Sviblova writes: “I’m waiting for winter only because I can finally dive into the bubbling water and feel the contrast with the winter air, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.” But in addition to the positive effect on skin tone, such baths are good for joints and relieve muscle pain that haunts many at the end of the working day. An open-air spa pool in winter relaxes, which has a good effect on the condition of the whole body and guarantees healthy sleep. When choosing a model of such a pool, you need to consider the location of the nozzles and the possibility of replacing them, for example, the model range provides the ability to replace the nozzles directly during the operation of the mechanism.
All spa pools are equipped with a patentedJet-PakTM technology - these are seat backs equipped with massage jets, which can be selected and combined at your discretion. There are 16 different JetPakTM modules, they are easily changed using a snap-on mechanism even when the pool is filled with water. One of the most controversial issues of using a spa pool in winter is the risk of freezing water in the pipes, but special models designed for year-round use have protection and create complete thermal insulation, so you do not need to worry about the safety of the pipes and mechanisms.
The quality of the lid directly affectsenergy consumption, as it allows you to maintain the desired water temperature. Keeping a spa pool hot is not as expensive as it may seem at first glance - if you plan to use it every day, maintaining a constant temperature is more profitable, since you will not have to heat the water and it will not freeze. Installing an outdoor pool in our latitudes requires compliance with certain conditions, for example, the installation of the bowl must be carried out on a horizontal surface, and assembly and connection must be entrusted to professionals who will take into account all the nuances and correctly install the pipe insulation system. It is worth recalling that the installation of a spa pool can be done not only in summer, but also in winter.
Maintenance of a swimming pool located onopen space, is slightly different, for example, it needs to be covered during precipitation so that the latter does not change the quality of the water in the bowl. Just like in a regular pool, it is necessary to maintain the water at a certain chemical level and maintain the acidity of the water. If these rules are followed, the water in the pool can retain its qualities for six months.
Mini pool: winter outdoor features