
How to level the walls with plaster: the choice of mixtures, the preparatory stage, the process


Even the most beautiful and expensive repair of privatehouses, or apartments can spoil only one small drawback - uneven walls. Decorative decoration can not hide the curvature of the corners, you can not hide the insufficient fit to the wall skirting, do not hide the hillocks under the wallpaper. Scheme of wall leveling with plaster. In order for the finish to look perfect, you can not ignore the preliminary leveling of surfaces. Therefore, in such a responsible business as home repair, beginners should be acquainted with how to level the walls with plaster so that they do not "cut their eyes" with unfortunate aesthetic errors.

Selection of plaster

Before you begin the alignment process,it is necessary to correctly estimate the surface irregularities. To measure the horizontal line, apply either a 1.5-meter construction level, or a cord that stretches along the wall. Verification of the vertical is performed using a conventional plumb bob. Depending on the result obtained, the appropriate decision is made:

  • small irregularities can be corrected by putty;
  • Align the wall with potholes 3-5 cm will help plaster;
  • To hide large differences, installation of gypsum boards is used.

If the decision is made to level all the cavities of the wall with plaster, since they do not exceed 50 mm, which solution should be preferred? Comparative table of plasters. After plastering is the coating of surfaces with several layers of a special mortar. Thus, the walls not only eliminate the flaws, they even out, but also enhance their heat-moisture and sound-insulating qualities. Today, the construction market offers a variety of mixtures based on cement or gypsum, with which you can quality plaster any walls. Cement-sand plasters are cheaper than gypsum plasters, so they are used for large volumes of work and for exterior decoration of premises in order to save. Gypsum mixtures - softer and more sticky. They, unlike cement mortars, can be applied in a thin layer, but they do not hold well in wet kitchens and bathtubs, they are absolutely not suitable for outdoor use. When choosing the optimal coating option, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the walls are made.

  • For brickwork, a cement mixture is obtained. For better adhesion, the wall is expanded or reinforced with a polymer mesh.
  • For smooth concrete, a gypsum mixture with quartz impregnations is used to give the surface a roughness. Before plastering, such a wall is ground and reinforced with a mesh.
  • For rough concrete, both gypsum and cement plasters are suitable under the condition of priming without inclusions of quartz.
  • Foam concrete and slabs are plastered with gypsum-based mixtures with the condition of preliminary priming.
  • For a primer under a cement base, usecalled milk - water, sand and cement. Gypsum plasters cause the acquisition of high-quality, deeply penetrating primers (for example, "Dufa" or "Knauf", for painted walls - "Betokontakt"). Back to contents</a>

    Preparatory stage of plastering works

    Tools for applying plaster. Before leveling the walls with plaster, carry out a number of preparatory measures. First of all, you should purchase materials: bags of leveling mixture, if necessary - primer and polymer plaster mesh with cells measuring 5x5 mm. The number of tools required for work includes:

    • shovel;
    • The capacity for the solution (bucket, trough - depending on the volume);
    • building mixer (if any);
    • level, plumb bob;
    • trowel, trowel;
    • "Falcon" - a tool such as a tray with a handle, on which the solution is put, so as to bend less towards the bucket or trough;
    • The rule is a wooden stick, long and level;
    • guide beacons - for beginners it is better to use ready-made;
    • fine sandpaper for grinding finishing.

    When preparing for plastering surfacesThe first thing in the room is turning off the electricity. Then the walls are carefully cleaned, relieving them of old coatings: putty, plaster, wallpaper, or paint. Do this very carefully and carefully, so as not to damage the electric wires drowned in the walls. Properly prepared for leveling the wall should be rough, because this is how the adhesion of the solution to the surface improves. In case you can not tear off the paint, cut the wall, as well as smooth concrete, and then ground. Wooden walls are shrouded in shingles, and brick and concrete surfaces are often covered with reinforcing mesh to avoid flaking of the plaster and fixed with a mounting tape. Back to contents</a>

    The process of leveling the wall with plaster

    Before you begin aligning, on theThe walls should be placed with test beacons. They are placed vertically (using a plumb line for checking), in parallel (along a cord) one to the other. The beacons on the wall are fixed with strips of the same solution as the alignment will be made. The distance between the guide beacons determines the size of the rule, which must rest on them, not slipping. Presence of lighthouses is necessary in the immediate vicinity of the corners (10-30 cm), so as not to curl. In the event that there is a doorway in the wall, the beacons begin to be put out of it, since the door frame sets the level of necessary alignment. Then you can start directly to the plaster work. To do this, it is very scrupulous, according to the manufacturer's instructions, a solution is prepared for leveling, mix it with a mixer, type in a "falcon", draw a trowel and put it on the wall between the beacons. Then follow the rule from the bottom up, leveling the layer of plaster. After drying and shrinkage of the plaster, all the flaws and roughness are sanded with fine sandpaper. So it turns out a perfectly flat plane, and the wall is considered absolutely and qualitatively prepared for decorative finishing.

