Drywall acts as an excellent basefor leveling and installing partitions, the surface of which can be subjected to subsequent finishing works. However, in order to overcome this stage of repair, it is necessary to know how to attach drywall to the wall. It is permissible to choose one of the two existing methods of fixation. The first involves the arrangement of a frame system on which the gypsum board sheets are fixed, while the second method involves solving the problem by installing sheets on the wall using adhesive mixtures.Plasterboard walls will help to hide unevenness or existing communications.
Features of gypsum board frame fastening
If you decide to use the method of fixing the systemframe, this will allow you to arrange all sorts of figured and multi-level structures. Under the frame, you can hide communications in the form of wiring, heating pipes, etc. This method is also great when there is a need to additionally insulate the wall by laying heat or sound insulation layers in the resulting hollow space.Scheme of wall covering with plasterboard onmetal frame. To implement the above-mentioned method, a system based on steel or wood profiles will need to be installed on the wall surface. Metal components are more common, as they are highly durable; steel is not capable of deforming under pressure. As for wooden bars, they change their original linear dimensions under the influence of water and temperature changes, which can lead to deformation of the sheets. Before attaching the drywall to the wall surface, horizontal guides of the frame system should be installed. As for the case when it was decided to use wooden elements, the components should be secured to the wall using dowels. After that, you can begin fixing the vertically located bars with a step of 60 cm. At the next stage, sheets of material will need to be installed on the horizontal guides. Drywall can be mounted using self-tapping screws designed for working with wood. Return to contents</a>Installing a steel frame If you decideto provide the walls with a metal frame, then you should be prepared for the fact that this kind of work is more difficult to implement compared to the above. Initially, the surface is marked out, which will act as a reference point.
Scheme of leveling a wall with plasterboard.Marks should be made on the floor and on the ceiling, stepping back from the wall about 4 cm, between them you need to pull a rope, the location of which should be checked using a building level. At the next stage, U-shaped guides are fixed, during which it is necessary to use the markings made in advance. After this, similar profiles are mounted on the walls. It is necessary to install the frame to the wall using dowels, removing the fasteners by 40 cm. Particular attention should be paid to the marking, since the final result, expressed by a perfectly flat surface, will depend on how correctly it was carried out. The next step will be fixing the vertical guides. They must be installed to the U-shaped profiles with small self-tapping screws. The step between the guides should be 60 cm. If you need to get a more reliable frame, it is necessary to additionally fix the profiles to the wall surface. Depending on the height of the room, the brackets should be reinforced with dowels at one or two points. After this, the movable elements of the brackets must be bent at an angle of 90°, screwing them to the vertically located guides using self-tapping screws. In addition to the described method, it is permissible to fix the structure with horizontal crossbars made of CD-shaped profile. This technology is used when attaching the frame system to all walls of the room. It is important to ensure that the horizontally and vertically located guides are reinforced at an angle of 90°.
Tools for finishing walls with plasterboard.As soon as each wall has acquired a frame system, you can proceed to fixing the plasterboard sheets. Fastening should be done using self-tapping screws designed for working with metal. The sheets should be laid end-to-end. The fasteners must be driven into the body of the material to a depth that does not exceed 2-3 mm. In the work, you can use a special attachment for installing self-tapping screws, which allows you to control the immersion depth. The step between adjacent fasteners should be equal to 25-30 cm. Finally, the surface of the plasterboard must be treated with putty, this should be done in the area of the fastener installation and in the area of the seams. The seams must be treated in a special way, using reinforcing tape, which must be hidden between two layers of the mixture. This will prevent the formation of cracks. After the surface is leveled with putty, it is necessary to leave the wall until it dries completely, applying a layer of primer at the end of the process. A layer of primer will help prepare the canvas for subsequent finishing work. Return to Contents</a>
GKL fastening with glue
Scheme of leveling walls with plasterboard on glue.If you want to fix the drywall to the wall using a less labor-intensive method, you should abandon the installation of the frame system in favor of using an adhesive composition. However, before starting work, it is necessary to assess the existing shortcomings. The surface of the walls for fixing the material must be perfectly flat. In the case of concrete walls, you should check the height difference, which, most likely, will not cause problems. Whereas with brickwork, there will certainly be unevenness. You can attach the drywall to the wall by spreading the mixture on the back of the sheet and on the surface of the wall. The work should be done as quickly as possible so that the glue does not have time to harden. As soon as the sheet is fixed to the surface, its position must be leveled by supporting it until the composition is completely dry. After completing the work, it is necessary to apply putty and primer using the same technology as described above. To carry out work on fixing sheets using the adhesive method, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:
- putty;
- a primer;
- reinforcing tape;
- GCR;
- glue.
If you can't choose between the twotechnologies of carrying out the work, then first analyze the evenness of the surface, perhaps this will allow you to decide. If the surface has significant irregularities, then preliminary alignment can be omitted, leveling them during the installation of the frame. Quite often it is not possible to groove the wall to hide communications due to the characteristics of the material in it, then you will have to install a frame system that will allow you to hide all the wires. However, if the wall is fairly even, and you do not have the skills to carry out construction work, then it is recommended to prefer the adhesive method.