Before you hang wallpaper, it is worth familiarizing yourself withsome rules for carrying out the work. It is important what kind of wallpaper and adhesive composition will be chosen for them. The modern market offers a great variety of wallpapers, so it is possible to choose the material that will suit your taste and will correspond to the conditions of a certain room, you can also choose a price that will be acceptable.Wallpaper has been the most popular material for interior decoration for many years due to its low cost and ease of installation.
Tools and materials
- plaster;
- primer;
- plumb bob;
- a piece of chalk;
- glue;
- glue bead;
- rubber roller;
- wallpaper.
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Technology of sticking paper wallpapers
Order of wallpapering.Regardless of the type of wallpaper chosen for the renovation, the work should be carried out using the same technology, the first stage of which involves careful preparation of the walls. At the same time, it is necessary to align them, finish them with plaster and primer. The second stage involves marking. To do this, you need to use a plumb line and chalk, using these tools you need to draw a line on the wall surface along which the first sheet will be glued. Next, you can begin preparing the sheets of wallpaper, measuring and cutting them from the rolls. You will need to add 2 cm to the length of each sheet, which will allow you to adjust the sheet if necessary, taking into account the unevenness of the floor. Only now can you begin preparing the wallpaper glue. As soon as the adhesive composition has matured, it should be mixed again and applied to the back of the wallpaper or to the wall; with paper wallpaper, the method of applying the glue is not fundamental. Applying glue to the next sheet should only begin after the remains of glue have been removed from the table or floor on which this is to be done. The composition should be applied using a roller or brush. You should start applying from the middle of the sheet, then the glue should be evenly distributed over the entire canvas, paying special attention to the edges. Before gluing the wallpaper to the wall, they should be left folded for a few minutes with the glue applied, this will allow the composition to penetrate the sheet.
When pasting glass wallpaper on walls, you need to use glueapply directly to the wall, not to the canvas. If you are going to work with glass fiber wallpaper, then you need to coat the wall with glue, not the canvases themselves, this is an important condition. When gluing the next canvas, you do not need to overlap it, since this technique has long lost its positions, which is due to the unaesthetic appearance of the joints. According to modern rules, wallpaper should be glued end to end, while the joint should be as inconspicuous as possible. The task of pasting walls with wallpaper will be easier if two craftsmen are involved in the work. One of them will glue the wallpaper, and the other will combine it. As soon as the sheet is fixed to the wall, it can be smoothed out using a rubber roller, which can be replaced with a regular brush, the movement of the tool should be directed from top to bottom and from the middle to the edges of the canvas. Excess adhesive, which will protrude along the edge of the canvas, should be removed with a clean dry rag. Any room has corners, when gluing wallpaper in these areas of the room it will be necessary to align the canvases, not allowing the sheets to go to either side more than 5 cm. The final stage involves additional lubrication of the joints with glue. You can use a special glue sold in tubes. The thin spout of the packaging will allow you to push a thin strip of glue into the joints and carefully glue the wallpaper. Return to the table of contents</a>
Technology of gluing textile and vinyl wallpaper on non-woven basis
If there is a certain pattern on the wallpaper, eachthe canvas must be joined with the previous one. You can glue any type of wallpaper using the technology described above. However, different types of wallpaper have their own peculiarities of the work. So, if you decide to use vinyl wallpaper made on a non-woven base as a finish, then you should glue it using a special glue that is intended exclusively for this type of coating. You cannot start gluing such wallpaper on the surface of old finishing materials. You will have to get rid of not only the wallpaper, but also the paint, ceramics and whitewash. After removing the materials, the wall surface will have to be dried and leveled if necessary. This should be done with putty, on which you need to apply a primer. After waiting for the walls to dry completely, you need to apply another small layer of putty. Next, you will have to treat the wall with an adhesive composition along the entire height of the ceilings and along the width, which is limited by the width of the strip. The prepared canvas, the length of which is greater than the height of the ceilings, can be glued to the wall. The glue must be applied with a roller according to the markings made using a plumb line.
To smooth out the wallpaper, usespecial rollers or brushes. If you notice that the wallpaper is not laid evenly, do not worry, as vinyl coverings can be removed and placed on the wall in a new way. The quality of the finish will not suffer from this, and the wallpaper will not be damaged. You need to glue the wallpaper so that no bubbles form under its surface. That is why after gluing the canvas to the wall, you need to treat it with a roller, moving from the central part of the strip to its edges. Only then can you begin to prepare the second canvas and apply glue to the wall for it. It is necessary to cover the wall with such wallpaper only end-to-end. When you reach the corner, it is preferable to use a brush when applying glue to the wall. You need to glue the wallpaper in this part of the room with an overlap. To do this, the canvases need to be cut in width with an allowance of 5-10 cm. First, you need to lay the already laid canvas on the corner, and then place the next one on it. Now, using a sharp knife, you can make a cut directly along the corner along the height of the entire room. Then the cut strips can be carefully removed. If you glue the wallpaper in the corner in this way, you can get an aesthetic joint in the very corner of the room. When carrying out this procedure, you should be extremely careful. The only difference in gluing such wallpaper is the application of the adhesive composition directly to the walls, and not to the back of the canvas.
Correct wallpapering of walls.If you decide to cover the room with textile wallpaper, then the surface of the walls after leveling should be painted with a water-based composition, you can also prepare the surface by gluing it to the base of the substrate based on waste paper. It is recommended to cut the textile only with sharp scissors. A special-purpose glue should be applied to the reverse surface of the canvas. Before gluing the strip, you will have to wait some time until the glue soaks the wallpaper well. For this, on one edge, the strip should be applied with the pasted side inward, on the other side, the edges should also be folded. The room should be covered with textile wallpaper from the window. Before gluing textile-based wallpaper, you should remember that they should also be joined strictly end-to-end. The canvases should be secured to the wall with a rubber roller. A rubber-based tool is recommended, since another can damage the surface of the wallpaper. During the drying process of the wallpaper, do not open windows and doors for 24-48 hours, the drying time is determined by the manufacturer, which is why it can be more or less. If any of the joints on a flat wall do not work, then you can use the technique of gluing wallpaper in the corner. However, it may turn out that the pattern after cutting will not be combined. We will apply this method of joining when using wallpaper without a pattern. Return to the table of contents</a>
Counting the number of rolls
In order to calculate the requirednumber of wallpaper rolls, you need to mark the width of the canvas on the tape measure and walk through the room you are going to wallpaper with this mark. It is important to count how many times the mark will be laid down. You do not need to lay the mark down in places where the walls have openings. The areas above and below the windows can be covered with scraps that remain after cutting the canvases. Next, you need to determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling to find out the length of the wallpaper, which are also called whole cuts. You need to count the number of whole cuts that can be obtained from one roll. The length of a roll is traditionally 10.5 m. Usually, you can get 3 whole cuts from a roll and the remainder, which is used to wallpaper the panel. With a ceiling height of 2.5 m and no need to adjust the pattern, you can get 4 cuts from a roll, and you will need to buy one roll as a reserve, since there will be no material left for short cuts. It is necessary to divide the number of necessary cuts by the number of cuts that one roll can give, this will allow you to get the number of rolls required for the job. If you get a non-whole number, you need to round it up to get the number of rolls more by one. Before starting work, you need to dismantle all the sockets in the room and de-energize the apartment. The latter will help to avoid injuries. Holes for installing sockets can be cut after pasting the wallpaper, this should be done before the sheets dry. After the wallpaper is dry, you can start installing the sockets. Before starting work, you will also need to get rid of the baseboards, which will help hide the unaesthetic joints. If this is not possible, the wallpaper can be tucked into the groove between the baseboard and the wall with a spatula, after which the excess can be cut off. Particular attention should be paid to the areas near the doorway and around the door frames, in these places you need to carefully treat the walls with glue. As an alternative solution, the edge of the canvas can be tucked behind the casing using a spatula, which is relevant if there are interior door structures in the room. The ceiling should be finished after gluing the wallpaper, since excess glue can be left on its surface. If necessary, excess adhesive can be removed by blotting with a rag, which is true in cases where gluing is done close to the base of the ceiling. If it is supposed to be close to the surface of the ceiling, then it is preferable to purchase a high-quality adhesive that does not leave marks on the base. You can glue the wallpaper yourself if you have certain skills, which is why it is better not to start work in the living room or bedroom, it is preferable to practice first, for example, in the kitchen.