How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling?This question will be appropriate only if there is confidence that the selected material is suitable for a specific room. Therefore, before starting the repair, you need to get a little theoretical training.
Wallpaper pasting diagram along the chalk line.
Why you need wallpaper on the ceiling and where they are relevant
Wallpaper pasted to the ceiling helps to hideits unevenness. However, we must not forget that the surface that is planned to be hidden under such a ceiling must be perfectly flat. Before gluing, it must be prepared in a special way. In Russia, ceiling wallpaper is produced by only a few companies. Their products are denser than wall options, because they consist of two tightly pressed layers. However, this material cannot be painted or washed.
Figure 1.In small attic rooms, you can use the same wallpaper to cover the ceiling and walls. Imported ceiling products are no different from wall wallpaper. They can be painted, but ceiling wallpaper does not last long and is afraid of sunlight. White, unpainted wallpaper will visually differ from ordinary plaster only in relief. And yet, designers love ceiling wallpaper: it is with its help that you can create hundreds of interior options. They are used to zone the room, which is relevant for one-room apartments. Or, on the contrary, you can combine the walls and ceiling into one whole (Fig. 1). With the help of photo wallpaper, you can turn the ceiling into a starry or cloudy sky, a temple dome, etc. But this type of renovation is only suitable for spacious and high rooms. Incorrectly selected color coating can make small rooms squatter, smaller. Return to contents</a>
What you need to know about the ceiling wallpaper
Cleaning the ceiling with a long scraperhandle (a) and with a spatula-scraper equipped with a tray (b). Still decided to glue wallpaper on the ceiling? Then you need to choose the material. First, you will have to determine which options are more suitable for the room: regular, moisture-resistant or washable. Then you should choose the composition of the coating. Wallpaper intended for the ceiling can be:
Paper. This is the most inexpensive, but also the most unstable kind. You can not paint them. It only remains to choose a suitable ornament or pattern.
Non-woven. Dense, textured, they not only fit well for painting, but also have noise-absorbing characteristics. They are good because they can be repainted several times. However, at a price this coverage is not available to everyone.
Vinyl. Dense, elastic, they are practically not afraid of ultraviolet and at the same time they wash well. Smooth, foamed, executed in the form of silk-screen printing, these coatings can become the center of the interior. Their service life is close to ten years. But vinyl does not let in air, so it can not be glued in every room.
Glass wallpaper. A relatively new covering.Requires a special application technology. Very similar to fiberglass. Made from quartz, glass, soda, dolomite. Looks beautiful, considered environmentally friendly. Their first drawback is the prohibitively high price. The second is the technological complexity of application. A novice working independently will not be able to apply this coating to the ceiling with high quality.
Photo wall-papers. Performed on different materials: paper, self-adhesive film, non-woven fabric, etc. They stick like usual. Can visually change the height of the room.
Liquid. Easily applied, perfectly conceal the defects of the base, allow the room to "breathe". The technology of their application is not at all similar to the usual sticking, and the cost is even higher than that of fiberglass. For this reason, neither of those, nor of others, is not worth talking about.
All the advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper have been assessed, the product has been selected, and you can proceed to the next stage: preparing the surface for gluing. Return to contents</a>
How to prepare a ceiling for wallpapering
Stages of applying liquid wallpaper. The work will go much faster if the master adheres to the correct algorithm and prepares the necessary tools and materials in advance. You will need:
Roller, wide brush or spray to moisten the whitewash before removing it.
Steel spatula for removing unevenness from plaster.
Wide trowel for a fine putty. A grater for leveling the surface.
Antiseptic, penetrating primers.
When you have everything you need, you can start working. The stages must strictly follow one another.
The ceiling is moistened with a roller or spray to make it easier to remove whitewash. At the same time, the most noticeable irregularities can be removed with a steel spatula.
The cleaned surface is impregnated with an antisepticprimer. Its task is to prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus. Want to save on antiseptic? You can use any composition that contains chlorine. However, this method does not guarantee the appearance of mold in the future.
As soon as this primer is absorbed and dried, the surface is covered with a penetrating primer. It will help the glue to gain a foothold.
It's time to plaster all the noticeable irregularities. It is important to remember: dense non-woven wallpaper can hide small irregularities, but vinyl only emphasize them. Therefore, it is better to remove all "outgrowths" and roughness with a grater or a typewriter.
The smooth surface is again covered with a penetrating primer and waited until it dries.
The ceiling is ready for wallpapering. Return to contents</a>
How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling
Step-by-step diagram of work when gluing wallpaper onceiling. Before you start gluing, you should think about the following. It is inconvenient to glue wallpaper on the ceiling yourself. It is better to invite an assistant. The work itself begins with the preparation of everything necessary. At this stage, you will need:
A roller with a long handle and a long "coat" for applying glue. It can be replaced with a brush, but it is less convenient to work with.
Cloth for removing excess glue.
Table or woods.
Roulette and pencil for marking tapestry.
How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling? You should follow this order of actions:
Open bands. Roulette measure the length of the stripes, pencil them numbered, and on the ceiling mark places of gluing. Some masters do not shred all the tapestries at once, but do it in turn: first stick one strip, then another one.
That part is coated with pre-diluted glueceiling, to which the first section will be attached. The glue should be thicker than for the walls. Which glue is more suitable is usually written on the wallpaper packaging. How to dilute it correctly - on the glue packaging.
Now you need a partner. One end of the wallpaper is applied to the ceiling and is glued. At the same time, the partner must hold the other end in the latch, while simultaneously controlling its location relative to the wall or pre-applied markings. It is almost impossible to keep the ceiling itself.
Using a soft cloth, begin to smooth out the stripsecured edge, simultaneously gluing it and spreading (leveling) the glue. Sometimes a pre-cut pattern may be slightly longer - wet vinyl and interlining may stretch slightly. In this case, the excess is cut off with a carpenter's knife.
Fitting the last band requires careful measurements. Often it has to be cut off not only in length, but also in width. It should be measured in both corners of the room: the walls may not be parallel.
The task is completed. The wallpaper is firmly attached to the ceiling. In a day the glue will dry and the repair will be finished.