
How to remove plaster from the wall: tips, tools, recommendations

Removing old wall coverings, whetherpaint or plaster, a very important stage of repair. The quality of this work will determine how the new coating will lay down and how long it will last.Removing old plaster from the wallsRemoving old plaster from walls firstqueue is necessary when preparing the surface for finishing with any material. Removing plaster is not only a mechanical process. It is important to carry out all the stages correctly, only in this case the updated coating will last a long time and look decent. And first of all, of course, you need to figure out how to remove the old plaster and what you need for this.

Test of strength

At the first stage it is necessary to determine:the coating needs to be completely dismantled, or only a partial renovation will do. To carry out the work, you will need a small hammer. You need to methodically strike the handle of the tool every 30-40 cm of the wall and listen. If the sound is dull, the plaster will have to be removed from the walls, since it has already peeled off and may remind you of its fragility during the application of the coating. If the sound is ringing, as if from a blow to concrete, this means that the old plaster will not have to be removed from the walls, it is securely fastened and will withstand the weight of the new finish.The strength of the plaster can be testedwith a hammer. Any stains on the wall surface will help to identify potentially dangerous places. Wet or greasy marks, visible cracking - this is a signal to outline a circle within which the coating must be removed. To avoid complications at the next stages of repair, the plaster must be removed within a radius of 30-40 cm from the collapsing area. To avoid having to redo the work, it is better to immediately dismantle in places where defects are found (at least to mark the problem area). And only later to seriously engage in removal, since it will not be possible to get by with one hammer or spatula. It is imperative to remove all areas with grease stains. The new coating will not be fixed in such areas, and a significant stage of the work will have to be redone. Return to the table of contents</a>

Tools and aids

After the analysis, you can proceed to dismantling the coating. For this, you will need the following tools and improvised means:For fast and high-quality plaster removal, use a special machine.

  • a hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • scraper;
  • Bulgarian;
  • ax;
  • perforator;
  • a spray with water;
  • glasses and a protective mask.

A special machine may come in handy.it is much easier with its help. It is not necessary to purchase such a unit, it can be rented. The hammer drill must be powerful enough (with the "impact" function and a corresponding durable attachment). Such a hammer drill can be rented. It is recommended to use a grinder in particularly difficult cases. And it is preferable that the unit is operated by someone who already has experience in handling such a dangerous tool. A diamond wheel must be installed on the grinder. Personal protective equipment should not be neglected. During dismantling, a lot of dust and sand crumbs are formed, from which glasses and a mask will protect. Durable gloves with a rubber coating will not be superfluous, which will ensure reliable fixation of the tool. A sprayer is needed to irrigate the wall. This technique will help to mark poorly fixed places. In addition, moistening will not allow dust to rise. An ax can be used as a large analogue of a spatula for removing individual layers. Return to the table of contents</a>

Removing old plaster

Scheme for removing old plaster.After all the tools are prepared, you can move on to studying the issue of how to remove old plaster. First of all, you need to use a hammer to knock off poorly fixed areas. Usually at this stage, the old plaster begins to separate from the walls in whole layers, which greatly simplifies further work. You need to strike every 20-30 cm, the more coating is removed from the walls at this stage, the easier it will be to work in the future. The entire perimeter must be cleaned with a spatula or scraper. You need to periodically moisten the wall. This will prevent dust from rising into the air and will weaken moderately peeled areas, which must also be removed. If some areas do not give in, it is worth moistening them and leaving them for a while. This effect will weaken the layer, and it will be easy to remove. For particularly strong places, you need to use a hammer drill. It should be set to the "impact" function. With its help, you can easily remove large layers. The chisel should be positioned at an acute angle to the wall and gradually scrape off the layer. If you need to remove fairly strong old plaster from the walls, you can use a grinder with a fixed diamond wheel. To do this, you need to make horizontal and vertical notches on the wall and remove the separated sections with a hammer or a hammer drill. The notches will weaken the blade, and removing the plaster from the walls will be no problem. Return to contents</a>

Recommendations for removing plaster

It will significantly simplify the application processpractice of simple tricks. Studying them will help you understand how to remove plaster carefully, quickly and efficiently. Removing plaster from walls will be simplified by periodic watering of the surface. Use a spray bottle, it will distribute the spray evenly.Scheme of plaster irrigation usingsprayer. Each layer can be moistened until peeling and removing the plaster from the walls becomes easy. Regardless of the tool used, the walls will have to be processed additionally. To smooth out irregularities, you can use a scraper, spatula or large mesh. There are no secrets in how to remove plaster, you need to work carefully, using all available tools. If you need to remove a small layer of plaster, while preserving the walls, you can use a grinder or sandpaper. You need to spray the surface and process it in a random direction with sandpaper fixed to the base. This way you can preserve the surface and remove the old plaster from the walls in a thin layer. If you decide to figure out once and for all how to remove old plaster, you should take into account all the advice and sources of information. A sufficient set of tools and the skills to use them will allow you to qualitatively prepare the walls for applying a new coating. And all this will be done independently.</ ul>

