MP is a cozy and uniqueprivate residence designed and realized by talented craftsmen and designers of the architectural company Burnazzi Feltrin Architetti in 2012. This unusual house is located in the Italian metropolis of Valcanovere near the village of San Cristoforo with views of the majestic mountains, the picturesque Lake Caldonazzo, the quiet and peaceful beach of Trento, impressive orchards and stunning plains. Such a delightful location makes it even more striking and memorable.
The two-storey cottage has smalldimensions, but is distinguished by its original decoration and functional design. On the first floor there is a spacious and comfortable living room, which is connected by an open plan with a small kitchen and dining room. This room is decorated in a simple style with a predominance of light wood.
The kitchen and dining room open onto a modestterrace, which offers a stunning view of the natural splendor surrounding the house. Huge floor-to-ceiling windows with sliding doors allow the interior to be harmoniously combined with the veranda. This corner is used by the owners for relaxing in the fresh air and sunbathing.
Laconic staircase with railings made ofA semi-frosted glass door leads to the second floor, where all the family members have cozy bedrooms. The main boudoir features a magnificent Scandinavian design with a hint of minimalism. It also contains a private bathroom and a small balcony for sunbathing and pleasant pastime.
Laconic and minimalist furnishings,the absence of bright and flashy accessories and decorative elements, a stunning illumination system that fills the space with a soft and subdued glow, as well as mesmerizing lamps - everything in these apartments is admirable and pleasing to the eye!
Open plan of a small house in Italy