
"Or I lead it to the registrar, or she leads me to the prosecutor!"

The editors have never seen a registry office like this:It is located in an unusual place, and its architecture is fantastic. In Georgia, the architectural bureau Architects of Invention, headed by Niko Japaridze, proposed the idea of ​​a rather original city hall building, which was decided to be built in the city of Lazika. The style chosen was industrial.The problem is that the place where it is locatedThe city hall is located in a seismically unstable area with swampy soil. Therefore, reinforced concrete piles were installed and a special type of foundation was used specifically to increase the reliability of the structure. The building occupies 1,500 square meters and consists of three rectangular parts that are connected to each other by glass passages. Each zone has a separate entrance and can operate independently of the others.In the lower part of the building there is a hall forreception of citizens on municipal issues, on the second floor there is a wedding palace with a spacious open terrace, and the upper floors are the offices of the city hall employees.You can get to the top using elevators with shafts made ofgarnet-colored glass. The walls of the ceremonial hall are made of translucent glass, and the office block uses glass with 50 percent light transmittance. The construction cost $9 million.

