does not end with the creation of a pendantdesign and installation of lighting fixtures. The plasterboard ceiling still needs to be painted. To obtain a high-quality coating, you will have to paint more than once. It is necessary to find out how to paint a plasterboard ceiling.To paint a plasterboard ceiling with high quality, it is necessary to apply several layers of paint.
Choosing the right paint
Modern technologies offer a wide rangerange of various paints and varnishes. Consumers are offered to choose according to their own preferences and planned budget. And yet, painting a plasterboard ceiling comes down to choosing one of three possible material options:The most popular paint color for the ceiling is white.
- alkyd enamel paint;
- water-dispersion paint;
- water-emulsion composition.
This list does not include any oil paints, as they can cause serious damage to the surface of the finish. Types of paints:
Before starting the process, you need to preparesurface for painting. Before you start painting the ceiling yourself, it is important to find out all the features that painting a plasterboard ceiling has. Therefore, the choice of paint is made, taking into account some nuances. For example, it is worth considering that a matte shade of paint can mask surface defects, while a glossy one, on the contrary, emphasizes them. According to experts, water-based compositions are optimal for painting in this case. With their help, it is possible to paint not only a plasterboard ceiling, but also wall surfaces. Before painting a plasterboard ceiling, the paint is diluted, having previously studied the instructions on the can and found out the required consumption. Usually it is necessary to add 5 to 10% water to the paint. Return to the table of contents</a>
Preparatory activities
To ensure that the paint adheres perfectly to the surface,it is necessary to process it with fine sandpaper. Before painting a plasterboard ceiling, it is worthwhile to fill all the seams formed as a result of joining the sheets of material. After the filler has completely dried, proceed to the following preparatory manipulations. Then the surface should be rubbed with an abrasive material. It is possible to use fine sandpaper. This procedure cannot be skipped, since proper painting of a plasterboard ceiling is possible only with an ideally smooth surface. Do not neglect gluing the joints with a special tape. When painting plasterboard ceilings, it is important to provide for this step at the preparatory stage. Thanks to this, plastering will be much easier to perform. If there is no sufficient experience in filling (when the procedure is carried out at a high level of skill), then sanding is mandatory. Otherwise, it may not be required.
To paint the ceiling you will needa standard set of rollers and brushes. Today, specialized electric floats are available for sale, which significantly increase the speed of work. However, professionals do not trust these devices very much, performing all preparatory activities manually before painting the ceiling. The sanding procedure requires basic personal protective equipment. Eye glasses and a respirator are needed. Keep in mind that drops that can flow down from above are unsafe for health. At the end of this stage, a considerable dust deposit is found on the surface, which is removed with a brush. Then the ceiling is thoroughly primed. How should the ceiling surface be painted?
To ensure that the surface is perfectly painted,it is necessary to adhere to the painting scheme. When the material has undergone all the preparation procedures, proceed to the main process. All craftsmen who undertake painting of a suspended structure are aware of 3 main rules. The first of them states that painting the ceiling surface will give a stable result and beauty only with an even application of the paint. To achieve this, the painting procedure must not be interrupted under any circumstances, since an unevenly applied coating will disrupt the harmony of the pattern and spoil the perception of the integrity of the appearance of the ceiling surface. Keep in mind that each brush or any roller can apply a unique "pattern" of the decorative layer. As a result, replacing the device will also affect the result of the work. Changing the tool is highly undesirable. When using a brush, manipulations are performed with one side of it, since the opposite edges of the brush can have different decorative layers. It is unacceptable to re-treat a painted area of the surface that has already begun to dry, since the uniformity of the coating will be disrupted and after the coating dries, a stain will become noticeable. Return to Contents</a>
Coloring of the ceiling surface
Sequence of actions for painting a plasterboard surface:
For even distribution of paintThe foam roller is rolled out in a special tray or mesh. This operation is repeated regularly during painting of the plasterboard ceiling surface, which helps to maintain the uniformity of the pattern. Painting is carried out with maximum care, preventing splashing of liquid in different directions. All actions are carried out smoothly and slowly to avoid the appearance of stripes. Keep in mind that the latter are absolutely not amenable to removal. This nuance should be taken into account. They proceed to applying the next layer only when the previous one has completely dried. It makes sense to think about having several types of paint brushes in your arsenal. As it becomes clear, a beginner can easily master the procedure of painting a plasterboard ceiling. The main thing is to adhere to the mentioned simple rules, be attentive and careful. And everything will work out.