When buying a home, the owner always thinks about how to make repairs better and more economically. Considering prices and fashion, some consider it appropriate to glue wallpaper, while others resort to .or paste wallpaper, everyone chooses for themselves, based onfor your own reasons, because both options are great ways to update the interior. Sometimes a tenant just wants to change the interior of a room. But here a number of questions arise: what is better - to paint the walls or to glue wallpaper, which is easier to do, what will the room look like? Therefore, you need to weigh the pros and cons of both options yourself.
Wallpaper gluing: costs
Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen has a highvapor permeability and are suitable for rooms with high humidity. What is the best way to glue wallpaper? The costs associated with the repair depend on whether you will hire specialists in this matter or your own strength and skills are enough. In addition to the fact that you will have to buy materials, you will also need to pay the workers who do this work. And this is an additional expense. Therefore, decide who will be engaged in preparing for the reconstruction of the walls and the wallpapering itself. The 2nd stage consists of choosing wallpaper. They have different costs - from cheap options to quite expensive ones. Therefore, you need to make a budget for the repair work and choose the appropriate type of wallpaper according to it. The instructions indicate how to glue the wallpaper to the surface. There is a butt-joint and overlapping method. Overlapping is already considered an outdated method. What is the advantage of repairing using wallpaper? To prepare the wall for gluing, special efforts are not required. Small defects can be well hidden under paper, vinyl or non-woven fabric. And they stick well to concrete, without additional treatment with a primer. If you glue wallpaper that has a high density with special glue, then all the roughness will be hidden. Using wallpaper with a soft surface and tone, you can change the look of the room, giving it coziness and tenderness. For a child's room, you can choose wallpaper with pictures of animals, flowers or other patterns. This will create a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere for the baby. There is a type of wallpaper that can visually enlarge a room or, conversely, reduce it. Here, the taste and imagination of the owner play a role. You can also resort to the help of designers who will tell you which style is better, more beautiful. In this case, the costs will increase, but in the end the room will look the way you wanted. Return to the table of contents</a>Benefits of Using Wallpaper
Photo wallpaper solves the problem of dirty wallschildren's room, as they are waterproof. The advantage of wallpaper is that it is safe for people and animals. They are usually made of paper or use interlining (paper-like, non-woven, interlining class material). Such a base usually does not cause allergies and does not emit toxic fumes. Paint is applied using the printing method. Such a coating is safe for health. Having such a base, wallpaper is also a good noise and heat insulator. Therefore, in comparison with other coatings, they win. In order to glue wallpaper, you do not need to be an experienced specialist. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the work procedure and prepare the necessary tools. The wallpaper must be cut so that the pattern matches. But if you buy wallpaper without a pattern, then gluing it to the walls will be even easier. Having a paper base, they have a good ability to pass moisture and the walls "breathe", this will prevent the appearance of fungal mold. This important fact should be taken into account by those who do not want to just change the interior of the room or make repairs quickly. If small children will be living in the room, then wallpapering will be the best option. Return to contents</a>Disadvantages of using this method
For those who doubt the choice of methodwall decoration, the ideal option is a combined decor: paint half of the room, and wallpaper the other half. Modern adhesives are made from substances that provide good adhesion. When you need to peel them off the walls, for example, during the next renovation, you will have to work hard. The wallpaper surface quickly gets dirty and rubbed, especially near the switches. It is not so easy to wipe off the dirt. If you rub the wall with a damp sponge or rag, you can erase the pattern. There are expensive washable wallpapers, but this does not mean that any dirt can be removed from them. Regular washing will make their appearance lose its beauty and brightness. And some stains cannot be removed at all. Another problem can be living in the house with animals. They sometimes do not disdain to feast on the wall covering. The wallpaper itself will not harm them, but the wall will need to be repaired, since the appearance will already be spoiled. Paper wallpaper should not be glued in rooms with high humidity. They will peel off and wrinkle. When doing repairs, residents hope that the wallpaper will retain its appearance for a long time. But even if it is perfectly pasted, it will need to be changed in 5-6 years. Paper is not a material that can be stored for a long period. Sometimes, when in contact with a sharp object, it can easily become perforated. Small children love to draw on the walls, and new wallpaper with colorful pictures will attract little artists even more. Peeling them off the wall is a favorite pastime of the younger generation. And nothing can be done about it. Either do not do repairs until the child grows up and understands that this cannot be done, or do it with the expectation that they will be damaged and will need to be re-peeled after some time. The decision is up to the parents. Return to the table of contents</a>
Wall painting: pros and cons
If pasted wallpaper can hide smallunevenness on the wall, then before painting it is necessary to putty and sand the walls to a perfectly smooth surface. Many people prefer to paint the walls. This is due to the fashion that has spread recently. Walls painted in different colors have an attractive appearance. And the paints can be bright. Depending on the room, the walls can be green, yellow, pink, blue, bright orange. Here everyone can choose according to their preferences. But you need to consider the same as when using wallpaper:
- money that can be allowed to spend on the purchase of materials for painting;
- payment of workers, if there is a plan to use their help;
- exposure to chemicals on the body (after all, you will have to breathe fumes of paint while it dries);
- the kind of room after repair.
The first thing you will have to face when wishingpaint the walls - this is their preparation. With this method, it will no longer be possible to hide the flaws. It is necessary to seal the cracks, eliminate all the roughness. In some panel houses, the walls are crooked. Therefore, you will have to buy materials to level them. A crooked, painted wall will look unaesthetic. But if such work is done, it will allow you to forget about the cracks for a long time, and the very appearance of the room will look fresh and new. If desired, you can always resort to refreshing the walls, painting only those places for which it is necessary. It does not take much time and the costs will not be large. The preference of painted walls is that they can be washed in any situation, and you do not need to worry that the appearance will be spoiled. Even if a child spoils the wall, it can be painted over and it will not be noticeable. Any dirt can be easily wiped off a painted surface. Stains from tea, coffee or marker can also be removed using detergents. A painted wall is of no interest to a dog. It will not peel off like a wall with wallpaper. Therefore, you will no longer need to worry about this. When choosing paint, you can make any shade and saturation you want. Return to the table of contents</a>What should be considered when painting walls?Paintable wallpaper can be repainted several timesonce. Although, this method has its disadvantages. To properly prepare the walls, you need certain knowledge and skills. This work is very labor-intensive. Without experience in this matter, it is easy to spoil the material and the wall itself. It is not easy to make the necessary screed, leveling, grinding the surface. The wall must be perfectly smooth. And it is not easy to achieve such a result, because the slightest flaw on the painted wall will immediately catch the eye. It is not difficult to renew the wall even for someone who does not have the skills, but only professionals who know how to properly apply and distribute the paint can paint the entire room. Their services are not cheap. The painted surface must be washed regularly, because dust quickly settles on it. Over time, the walls will fade and have a gray tint. With a strong impact, the wall is easily damaged, then you will have to not only paint over it, but smooth it out. This often happens when furniture is brought in. In this case, the corners are damaged most often. And it is not easy to restore them to their original appearance. It may be necessary to involve specialists. Return to contents</a>
Summary of the selection
When choosing a paint color for your walls, you need to be able toplaster, make a screed and sand the surface. Not all owners have such skills. Wallpapering takes a little time and effort. It is enough to buy glue, measure the necessary pieces of wallpaper and get to work. No special tools are required. A brush to spread the wall, a rag or a roller to smooth the wallpaper on the wall. These can be found in any home. It is difficult to say unequivocally what is better: to paint the walls or to wallpaper - the task is difficult. There are pros and cons in both cases. When choosing a method of updating the room, you need to take into account that the cost of money will be different. If the budget does not allow you to buy expensive wallpaper, then it is better to use inexpensive paint. But preparing the walls will cost more.