People learned to decorate the walls of their homes evenin ancient times, when his home was a cave. The idea of painting partitions has reached the 21st century, appearing in new colors, acquiring mass distribution. When carrying out finishing activities in the house, special attention should be paid to the rooms intended for receiving guests.Wall painting will allow you to add a touch of style to your interiorexpressiveness, uniqueness and exclusivity. Not only friends and acquaintances gather here, but also holidays are held. Beautiful drawings, patterns and scenes immediately attract the attention of visitors. Wall painting in the living room allows you to add notes of sophistication and harmony. This room is the face of the house, so when decorating it, it is important to observe the aesthetic principle and a sense of proportion. The main value of such decor is that the created frescoes are distinguished by their uniqueness, singularity of images. This handwork has no analogues. Wall painting in the interior is considered an example of modern art. Despite the fairly high cost of such work, this type of interior decoration is in first place in terms of beauty, exclusivity and is in no way inferior to other finishing materials.
Choosing a theme for the mural of the living room
Painting a landscape on the wall is suitable for people,who prefer a quiet leisure time. Painting applied to the entire partition looks unusual. The painted wall will occupy the central part of the room, will attract attention, so its design should be carefully thought out. When decorating a wall with frescoes, the ceiling covering should not look so bright and expressive. Recommended facing materials here are wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster. Painting walls in the interior, chosen in a certain theme, will please fans of the ethnic direction. In this way, you can depict the cultural traditions of any people or country. People who prefer a quiet leisure time will be perfectly suited by peaceful landscapes depicting nature, the sea coast, clear sky. The style of dynamics can be conveyed by paintings depicting a modern metropolis with a large number of people, cars and original abstract compositions. Such paintings can be made according to the Art Nouveau and hi-tech styles. Regardless of the direction, any of the paintings is drawn individually, emphasizing the uniqueness of the interior. Return to the table of contents</a>
Types of painting, application technique
Regardless of the surface, each of the wallsthe room is suitable for decoration with picturesque paintings. To implement your own ideas, you only need to decide on the technique of applying the ornament. Wall painting will make the environment more lively. Among the common types of such decorations are:
- screen printing;
- relief;
- three-dimensional.
The easiest way to decorate walls isstencil painting. Stencil painting is not associated with significant monetary costs and does not require significant physical effort. To work, you just need to choose a stencil and transfer the pattern to the wall with it. There is no need to involve specialists. Patterns look more advantageous on plain surfaces. Additional patterns will only weigh down the overall background, creating an overload in the design. Relief painting is distinguished by a rather complex application procedure, which is reflected in its cost. To apply this kind of drawings, you should have certain skills. Such wall painting has a somewhat binding appearance and is not suitable for all rooms. Relief painting will perfectly complement rooms decorated in the classical direction, rococo and baroque. Before applying such a fresco, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Volumetric painting is externally similar to relief images of ornaments, but their application techniques are completely different. Such frescoes are distinguished by a special reality of the image, a similar result is achieved through a successful selection of colors and shadows. Three-dimensional painting of walls in the interior literally transforms it. The whole atmosphere of the house changes from a well-chosen pattern. The technique of applying images using fluorescent paint will bring notes of mystery to the room at any time of the day. Such decorations are often used in the interior of children's rooms, on the walls of which animals, favorite characters from fairy tales, and boundless star space are depicted. Such work can be entrusted to a specialist, but it is quite possible to do it yourself, together with children. Return to contents</a>
Used attachments
If you are going to paint the walls yourself, you need to think about the results of such an activity. You should prepare the appropriate attributes for the work:To paint the walls you will need a set of brushes.
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How to paint the walls with your own hands
Before painting, it is necessary to carefully level itwall. First of all, you should choose the wall in the living room interior on which the pattern will be applied. The partition should be freed from unnecessary elements, dirt and surface defects. Scratches and chips are removed with plaster mortar and a spatula, you can get rid of roughness with brushes or rollers. Peeling old paint should be carefully cleaned until a smooth surface is obtained. The leveled and finished base can be covered with paint with the addition of a few drops of coloring agent, after which it should dry well. One layer on the wall will be quite enough. You can make a stencil for applying the pattern yourself or buy it in a store. It is made using adhesive tape and a stationery knife. Next, you need to find a suitable pattern, its design can be completed on the computer in black and white. This picture should be cut into squares. Similar markings according to the scale of the wall are made on its surface. Using a pencil, a pattern of these geometric shapes is applied to the plane and painted with paints. Basically, you should start capturing any pattern by outlining the silhouette of the image.
After applying the sketch to the wall usingpencil, it is necessary to begin detailed drawing with paints. It can be transferred to the wall with carbon paper, after which the drawing is colored. The absence of an artist's diploma does not give a reason to refuse this kind of work. On the contrary, such creativity will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste. To be on the safe side, the selected ornament is first applied with a pencil, after its correction, you can proceed to detailed painting. Looking at the sketch of the drawing, it is worth highlighting the main and secondary details, each of which is worked out separately. Close attention is paid to the central images. They are drawn first. Significant details of the drawing should be conveyed more voluminously, vividly, emphasizing the clarity of the lines. The color palette should be composed in the most harmonious way. After the base has dried, you can start drawing additional components. Currently, the interior, supplemented with wall frescoes, has become widespread. Such painting can be found in private houses, apartments, public places such as cafes, restaurants. These decorative elements give overall completeness, sophistication and uniqueness to the design. Having chosen this method of finishing walls, you should consult with professionals and understand all the subtleties and nuances of this matter.</ ul>