
Preparation for painting the ceiling: features

The main condition for an effective painted ceiling is its perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, before starting painting work, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling for painting.Prepare the ceiling before stainingBefore painting, the ceiling must be cleaned of old paint and all potholes must be filled with putty.

Tools and materials needed for work

So, you have decided to do construction work in your premises. In order for the preparation to take place in a fairly short time, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:Tools needed for painting the ceiling.

  • stepladder or construction goats;
  • rollers, brushes, spatulas of various widths;
  • A tray in which it is possible to cast paint for convenient application;
  • capacity, bucket for putty;
  • electric drill;
  • construction knife;
  • grinding machine or grater with special grids for manual grinding;
  • primer;
  • Dry mix for performance of puttying works (starting and finishing);
  • a special grid with small cells;
  • adhesive for fixing the mesh on the ceiling.

In addition, funds may be requiredpersonal protective equipment, such as a respirator. This will protect your respiratory tract from dust. The clothes you plan to wear while working should have long sleeves to protect your body. Return to Contents</a>

Cleaning the ceiling from the previous coating: features

Preparation for painting the ceiling begins withthat it is cleaned from the previous coating. This important stage is necessary for further painting to be successful. If this is a new building, in which there was no coating before, then this stage of finishing the ceiling can be skipped. Depending on what material the ceiling was finished with, the appropriate steps are taken to clean it:The sequence of preparing the ceiling for painting: a - cleaning from the solution with a scraper, b - smoothing with a flat surface, c - smoothing with a articulated float.

  • Pasted wallpaper.Using a sprayer, roller, wide brush or any convenient tool, the ceiling is generously moistened with water. Then you need to wait for some time so that it is absorbed into the paper and the glue begins to soak. After this, using a spatula, you can remove the wallpaper from the ceiling. This must be done carefully so that not a single piece of wallpaper remains on the ceiling. If additional soaking is required, then use a sponge soaked in water. The remains of the glue, if it remains on the ceiling, are removed with a sponge. The water should be changed quite often, this will ensure good cleaning.
  • Application of water-based paint or whitewash.Removing this coating is similar to cleaning wallpaper. The surface is wetted, allowed to soak in water, and then the layer of paint or whitewash is scraped off with a spatula. This procedure takes quite a long time, since it is quite difficult to remove this coating, especially a thick layer. Constant wetting with a damp sponge will significantly simplify the process. Whitewash can be removed without preliminary wetting. However, this method is dusty, and the work must be carried out using personal protective equipment. After the paint or whitewash has been removed with a spatula, the ceiling is washed with a sponge and water.
  • Application of acrylic based paint.There are 2 main ways to remove paint: chemical and mechanical. In the first method, a special composition is evenly applied to the ceiling using a roller, which will allow the paint to swell. Then, using a spatula, it is carefully scraped off. But it should be taken into account that the use of chemical solutions can cause negative reactions in the body due to toxicity. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, this cleaning method is not suitable. Mechanical removal of the paint coating means removing it using a hammer, and then a metal brush, which will finally clean the ceiling. The choice of removing this coating depends on personal preferences.
  • Gluing tiles.This is a rather labor-intensive and complex process, which is due to the presence of a fairly thick and dense layer of mortar. If plastic tiles are used as a ceiling covering, then it is much easier to tear them off. A hammer is used to remove ceramic tiles. The remains of the mortar are removed either with a spatula or a brush with metal bristles.
  • Construction of suspended ceilings from plasterboard.It is quite difficult to remove the final ceiling finish that has been applied to suspended ceilings without causing damage to the top layer of the plasterboard itself. Therefore, it is worth considering an alternative ceiling finish instead of painting. This will be easier and much cheaper than completely replacing the entire suspended ceiling structure.
  • After the cleaning is complete, it is necessarycarefully inspect the ceiling. If cracks or other damage that are deep enough are found, they must be sealed. This can be done using putty if the crack is small, or concrete mortar if the defect is deep and has a large area. Before this, the area to be repaired must be treated with a primer. After the solutions used for sealing have dried, these areas are inspected and leveled again, and if necessary, additionally puttyed. Return to contents</a>

    Priming and strengthening the ceiling

    Ceiling priming scheme.According to the technology, preparing the ceiling for painting comes down to priming its surface and further strengthening it. All these procedures can be done only when the repair work is finished, the putty or mortar solutions have been applied and dried completely. Applying a primer to the ceiling is necessary so that the putty lies in an even layer and reliably adheres to the ceiling surface. In addition, this solution protects against the penetration of fungal microorganisms, the formation of mold. It is applied with a roller to the entire surface, most often in 2 layers, which are distributed over the ceiling only after the first layer is absorbed. Work should be carried out using personal protective equipment (glasses). This will protect the eyes from chemically active liquid primer. In order to coat all hard-to-reach places with it, for example, corners or figured configurations of suspended ceilings, you can use a brush. In addition, you can additionally process 15-20 cm of the wall, which can later be used for strengthening.Scheme of execution of the first and second layersceiling putty. The ceiling is reinforced by gluing a special mesh with small cells onto it. This will allow you to seal small cracks and somewhat level the ceiling surface during puttying. The glue is applied with a roller to a small area of ​​the ceiling, which is equal to the size of the mesh cut, and then using a wide spatula, it is necessary to level the mesh sheet over the entire area to which the glue is distributed. The layers of the mesh are glued with an overlap, which is then cut with a construction knife and removed, or joint to joint (if you have the necessary skill). This way, an even layer is obtained on the ceiling. After the entire area is pasted, it is necessary to cover the entire surface with a layer of glue. After everything has dried, you can begin to apply the putty. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Puttying and finishing works

    The ceiling surface is covered with an even layerstarting putty, spreading it evenly with a spatula. The composition for the work is prepared using a dry mixture and water. They are mixed using a drill and a special nozzle, in the proportion described on the package. After the composition dries, it is necessary to process the entire surface with a grinding machine or a grater manually. After leveling, the surface is primed, and then the finishing putty is applied using a spatula. The ceiling is sanded. The preparation of the ceiling is complete, and it is considered leveled and ready for painting.

