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IKEA Presents Home Garden Kit –

The set will be available in the company's stores in AprilKrydda / vaxer, which allows you to grow a whole garden in your own home, based on the principles of hydroponics. That is, it becomes possible to have fresh salad and aromatic herbs on hand all year round! The system allows you to grow plants in water, without using soil. Now you can forget about going to the store in search of fresh herbs, because the garden will grow and bring joy with its elegant green appearance even in winter. The main thing in the process is to maintain the correct distribution of light and nutrients necessary for healthy growth. And monitor the water level.Moreover, you can even grow vegetables.The kit includes everything you need - absorbent plugs that need to be soaked in water, small pots, watering cans, shovels and a large common tray.First, you need to fill the tray with water and lower the corks into the water.Next, you need to fix the partition on the top of the tray, put the plugs in it, and the seeds in the last ones.By covering the entire structure with a glass lid, you will create an ideal internal atmosphere for plants. It is better to place such a "greenhouse" in the sun.And the seeds begin to sprout!After the seeds have sprouted, they need to be transplanted into a larger pot.Filling the tray…Then we watch the growth, not forgetting to water. And after some time the flowerbed will please you with a home harvest!Helena Karlen, Swedish Universityagricultural sciences: - We wanted to make a hydroponic system for growing plants so simple that anyone could succeed. And we succeeded. There are no plans to sell such a new product in Russia yet.

