The apartment in question is located inNew York. Jennifer has lived there since 2001. When the house was bought, the small kitchen, 4 square meters in area, was in an unsatisfactory condition. The repairs were not done right away. But after some time, the girl decided to fix everything and put things in order.
Critical situation before starting work
It was necessary to correct the accumulateddisadvantages. Over the course of several years, there were plenty of them: 1. The layout of the kitchen space was extremely irrational. Gloomy high shelves did not close. All things were on display, collecting dirt and dust; 2. Ineffective old lighting needed to be replaced; 3. Most of the window facing the yard was covered by a table; 4. The refrigerator and stove had been in use for more than 20 years, and there was simply no room for a dishwasher; 5. The floor began to break under the tiny sink, which fit a couple of plates; 6. The countertop became unusable; 7. Plaster began to fall from the ceiling.
The owner hired workers.She rented a tiny room and moved into it for the duration of the renovation. The kitchen space was completely cleared out. The plaster was removed from the walls down to the stone. The floors and ceilings were torn off. A complete reconstruction of the premises began.
Customer wishes
The girl wanted to make a culinary and dining roomarea ergonomic and beautiful. She decided to improve the previous layout. To this end, she outlined some changes. 1. Enlarge the kitchen due to the open doorway and combine it with the living room. Add cabinets. 2. Replace the floors in both rooms, make them ash-colored. 3. Buy a dishwasher, buy a new countertop and household appliances. 4. Find options for modern lighting.
Repair results
After returning home, Jennifer sawsignificant changes. It was a completely different room. What has changed in it? 1The recreation and cooking areas are combined. The kitchen set partially occupies the living room. The lack of a door added freedom and freshness to the overall space. 2The work wall is covered with Metro ceramic tiles, popular in New York. 3Due to the high ceilings, hanging closed storage sections were arranged above the window and to the left of it. 4Access to the window has been freed up. It is planned to put a table with chairs there. Now nothing will interfere with admiring the wonderful view. 5The refrigerator has been moved to the sink. The work surface has become smaller. Now several people can fit in the kitchen. 6A door with frosted glass that lets in light isolates another room. 7A compact but roomy dishwashing machine has taken up space under the sink. 8The room turned out to be very attractive. This effect is enhanced by the gentle rays of lighting fixtures with dimmers.
There is no trace left of the old kitchen.The specialists of the repair and construction company transformed it beyond recognition. It became very attractive and convenient, with many useful sections for storing kitchen utensils.