Stretch ceilings have become popular with many due to their beautiful design and good performance properties.The stretch ceiling looks impressive in the room,but it should be protected from water, fire and sharp objects. But this decorative canvas is easily subject to mechanical damage. Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling repair is a rather delicate process, but feasible.
Types of damage and repair of stretch ceilings with their own hands
Thin film can be damaged as a result of:
- cuts and punctures;
- breaks;
- leaks.
You can apply it to the damaged area of the stretch ceilinginstall a spotlight. A cut in a stretch ceiling is a fairly common occurrence, which occurs when it comes into contact with sharp edges of objects. If the canvas is on a fabric base, then mechanical damage can be eliminated as follows:
- sew with a kapron thread of the appropriate color;
- seal with a cloth tape;
- glue a piece of fiberglass wallpaper.
If after repair the damaged area remainsvery noticeable, it is recommended to cover the canvas with water-based paint using a spray gun. If the base of the stretch ceiling is PVC film, then the elimination of mechanical cuts will be different. If a cut is detected, it must be immediately sealed with tape to avoid further rupture. If the cut is more than 2 cm, then a qualified technician will help in this situation.The tensile strength of a stretch ceiling is 100liters of water. With small cuts and punctures, you can repair the stretch ceiling yourself. If the damage occurred close to the wall (up to 15-20 cm), then the film from the cuts is removed under the baguette. The repair instructions are as follows:
If the damage occurs far from the edgeceiling, then there is only one way out - to make a patch. To do this, you need to get a small piece of PVC film, carefully cut a patch out of it and glue it to the cut with transparent glue. Excess glue should be removed, and the patch itself should be fixed in the desired position.Water from the ceiling can be drained through a holeunder the lamp. This method is not very aesthetic if the patch is located in a visible place. In this case, you can come up with an applique: stick a bright image on the damaged area - a butterfly, a flower or a false lamp. Such a design solution will add piquancy to the ceiling and reliably disguise the cut. Punctures should be treated with special transparent glue. A rupture in the ceiling along the seam can occur due to poor quality material, poor installation, excessive tension. In this case, you will not be able to repair the ceiling yourself - you will have to replace the canvas. Return to the table of contents</a>
Elimination of stretch ceiling leakage
If the stretch ceiling is made of PVC filmand there is a leak of cold water from the neighbors above, then such an accident can be eliminated while maintaining the integrity of the canvas. In this case, you can drain the water in the following ways:
- through the hole under the lamp;
- release the edge of the canvas from the baguette.
If there is sagging, the canvas will have to bereplace it entirely. A hose is inserted into the hole for the lamp and the water is drained. If there are no lamps, then you can dismantle the edge of the canvas and drain the accumulated water underneath. Then the film must be dried, put the folded edge back in place and warmed up with a building hair dryer. After this procedure, the ceiling will have its original neat appearance. If the water was dirty, then you will have to remove the entire film, wash it, dry it and reinstall it on the ceiling. All lighting fixtures are installed in their places. Stretch ceilings are a universal barrier against floods. A sagging ceiling can be easily restored if the repair is done well.
Sequence of works on installation of stretch ceilings. There are also cases when stretch ceilings do not withstand the load. A stretch ceiling breaks when:
A torn stretch ceiling can no longer be restored. It will have to be reinstalled. Return to contents</a>
Working conditions of stretch ceiling
In order for the decorative canvas to please residents for many years, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:Options for fixing a suspended ceiling.
Correct installation of the canvas is of great importance. This work should be performed only by qualified craftsmen. Due to careless installation, the following defects may occur over time:
- loose baguette;
- gap on the seam;
- sagging canvas.
The baguette may come loose due to poor fastening.As a repair, it is necessary to install additional spacers, stretch the canvas and reinstall the baguette. If the baguette has torn off due to excessive tension of the film, then it is necessary to install a new canvas with larger dimensions. The film can tear along the seam if the soldering is poor. In this case, no repair will help - only replacing the ceiling. The film can sag due to improper tension, high temperature or during long-term use. If the damage occurred due to poor installation, then, according to the warranty agreement, the company is obliged to repair the damage free of charge or replace the entire ceiling. Return to the table of contents</a>
Care of the stretch ceiling
The service life of stretch ceilingsIt varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but on average it is 15 years. However, with careful use and proper care, the service life can double.Types of stretch ceilings.In the first period after installation, the canvas should not be washed, as the film is still very taut and can be easily damaged. Care for the decorative film consists of washing with delicate products. But do not get carried away with this process too often. The membrane material is impregnated with antistatic substances, which eliminates dust sticking. Using a regular vacuum cleaner once a month will be sufficient to maintain cleanliness. Wet cleaning should be done no more than once a year. Cleaning products should be of a gel-like consistency, without the presence of abrasive particles. The surface should be wiped with a soft, clean cloth or sponge. It is strictly forbidden to use ceramic and glass cleaners that contain solvents. It is also undesirable to use toilet soap. PVC film is a fairly strong material, but you need to wash it with careful movements, without additional pressure. If greasy stains accidentally appear on the kitchen ceiling, they can be easily removed with dishwashing liquid. Drops of condensation in the bathroom can be removed with a dry soft cloth without the use of additional means. A stretch ceiling is a beautiful decoration of the room, requiring simple care.</ ul>