The popularity of Roman blinds is constantly growing.Fabrics with a wide variety of textures and colors are used for their production, which makes it possible to select a model for any style of interior design. In addition, installing Roman blinds does not cause any difficulties and can be done even by a novice home craftsman.Measuring Roman blinds when installing them on window sashes.
Design of Roman curtains
Roman blinds are flat sheets of fabric,fixed to the cornice. When raised, the canvas folds into even horizontal folds. For this purpose, rings and control rods are fixed on the reverse side at the same distance from each other. Cords or chains are threaded through the rings, which provide lifting. A weight is sewn into the lower part of the canvas. It helps it to maintain its shape when open. When opening or closing, the canvas can be stopped at any level. There are two types of Roman blinds: classic and cascade. The difference between the cascade type is that even after full opening, folds remain on the canvas, forming draperies. Roman blinds can decorate a window in any room: kitchen, nursery, bedroom. They can be fixed on one or more sashes or on the entire window. They can be used independently or in combination with light curtains. Installing curtains allows you to not only protect yourself from bright light, but also makes it possible to regulate the level of lighting in the room. Return to contents</a>
Choosing a curtain rod for Roman curtains
Cornice for Roman blinds.There are several ways to install curtains. Using a special cornice is considered the most correct installation option. A cornice is an aluminum profile with a built-in lifting mechanism and control unit. As a rule, the product is purchased complete with a ready-made cornice. The curtains can be controlled mechanically or remotely using an electric drive. There are three types of cornices for installing Roman blinds: mini, classic and bevel. The mini design is used to install small straight curtains. It is fixed directly to the window frame. The standard option is the classic. It is used for curtains measuring 1.5 x 1.8 m. The bevel system is used for non-standard window openings and on inclined surfaces. Before you start installing Roman blinds, you should decide which system will be used for control. This process is provided by an inertial spring or a circular chain. Return to contents</a>
Installation of Roman curtains without a ledge
Roman blinds can be installed without a special cornice.Construction of Roman blinds.The simplest solution is to use a wooden block. In order to fix the fabric to it, you will need a construction stapler. However, it should be noted that such installation is not the best solution. In addition to the fact that the appearance of such a window will be far from perfect, the fabric can easily be damaged, and if necessary, it will be quite difficult to remove it. There is another installation method. The fabric is sewn up like a drawstring so that the curtain rod can be threaded through it. Then this entire structure is attached to the window. However, every time there is a need to remove the canvas, you will have to remove the curtain rod. One of the simplest and easiest installation methods is to use Velcro. One half is attached to the curtain rod, and the other to the curtain. This device is suitable for curtain rods of any design. Using this mounting option will allow you to easily remove the structure at any time. directly on the plastic window profile. This installation method will not cause any difficulties and can be done independently. Since the window is constantly opened and closed during operation, the panels should be attached separately to each sash, as in the case of installing blinds. For this work, you will need:
The product is attached with screws directly toframe. To do this, make marks on it in the places where holes need to be drilled. In order not to damage the frame and not to break the tightness of the double-glazed windows, it is necessary to drill holes in the very top of the frame. If you do not want to drill the frame, but need to install curtains, then you can fix them above the frame at the top of the window opening. In addition, Roman blinds can be fixed as traditional curtains on the wall above the window. To install Roman blinds, you can do without drilling holes. In this case, you will need double-sided tape. One side is attached to the frame, and the other - to the bar that will hold the canvas itself.