
Rules for gluing vinyl wallpaper: the sequence of actions


Roller wallpaper for many years of its existence have become almost the most common form of decoration of walls and ceiling. But such popularity does not mean that the wallpaper is clear and simple. Vinyl wallpaper for wallsVinyl wallpaper poorly pass air, but servemuch longer than paper wallpapers. Especially it concerns modern types of wallpaper, such as, for example, relief vinyl wallpaper. To make a nice and beautiful room, it is not enough to know the composition of the glue or the properties of the PVC coating. For high-quality finishing, you need to learn the rules for gluing vinyl wallpapers.

Materials and tools for gluing wallpaper

Experienced masters adjust themselvesstick even wallpaper on the ceiling, not to mention the pasting of the walls. But for this one experience and the corresponding properties of the material is small. For the successful pasting of vinyl wallpaper and experienced masters, and beginners in the construction industry will need the following materials and tools: Tools for gluing wallpaper.

  • Vinyl wallpapers. When calculating their area (the number of rolls), some stock of material should be provided in case of unforeseen damage to the finish itself.
  • Coating glue. It is selected taking into account the features of the wallpaper and the conditions for their gluing.
  • Special spatula for wallpaper (roller). Ideally smoothes the surface of pasted wallpaper, well removing from under them excess glue and air.
  • Stationery knife (cutter). Ideal tool for cutting the necessary for the size of fragments of wallpaper.
  • A metal ruler. With its help it is convenient not only to make the marking of the stripes, but also to produce an insignificant trimming of the edges of the wallpaper.
  • Building level.
  • Graphite pencil. Used for marking wallpaper. The use of a ballpoint pen, marker, or felt-tip pen for these purposes is undesirable, since their liquid fillers may appear on the front side of the wallpaper. And it's ugly and very noticeable, especially if you glue, for example, white wallpaper on the ceiling.
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    Some general rules for pasting vinyl wallpapers

    Despite the widespread use of wallpaper inrepair and construction work, many undertake finishing, not knowing well how. And although this operation is not difficult, you should understand some of the rules in advance. Scheme sequence of wall finishing with wallpaper. Before attaching the room, electricity must be cut off in order to avoid a short circuit or electric shock. Therefore, work should be done at daylight. First of all, one should remember the main thing - vinyl wallpaper is pasted only to the side to each other. Due to the increased thickness of such wallpaper, the overlapping label will lead to the formation of coarse, ugly seams. In addition, the adhesive poorly impregnates the upper polyvinyl chloride layer, so gluing will be fragile. Lap gluing (and then situational) is allowed only if the last line of wallpaper is attached to the wall. As a rule, it can be pasted to the previous strip, but it is almost impossible to do the same with regard to the next, closing, strip. In this case, the glued fragment should go by its edge to the already pasted strip by about 4-5 cm. After this edge forms a tangible bulge with the edge of the glued strip, follow along this bulge with a stationery knife to make a cut of both strips. Then the edges of the stripes gently unfold outward, the cuttings are extracted, after which the resulting edges are again carefully glued to the wall. Finally, during the gluing it is not recommended to stretch vinyl wallpaper. Reclaim direction for vinyl stickingwallpaper. As already mentioned, after application of the glue they can increase in size. After drying, the wallpaper must be compressed. If they are stretched at the time of installation in order to accurately adjust the edges, then there will certainly be noticeable seams. Therefore, the glued strip should be applied to the joint of the previous strip freely, accurately making up the overall pattern. You can glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling only if you have an assistant. Back to contents</a>

    How to glue vinyl wallpaper: a sequence of actions

    Before you start to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling and walls,should prepare the surface. For this purpose, remove the remains of old wallpaper, contamination, build-up of solution, fill holes and cracks. Then the walls and ceiling are primed. The wallpaper is cut into equal strips along the height of the room, and the length of the segments should be 5-10 cm more. It is recommended to cut so many fragments immediately so that they are sufficient for the entire glued area. On the prepared wall, using the level, draw a vertical line. It will become the starting line from which the sticking begins. The process itself should start from the corner, if vinyl wallpapers are applied to the ceiling, then they should start to glue from the window in the direction of the interior of the room. In accordance with the instructions attached to the wallpaper rolls, apply glue either to the wall or to the back - paper - side of the wallpaper. It is recommended to glue the strips so that, while one piece of wallpaper is applied to the wall, there are always 1-2 strips in the stock so that they can be sufficiently impregnated with glue. As for the cases when the adhesive is applied to a wall or ceiling, it should be applied only to an area equal to the area of ​​one strip. The scheme of gluing vinyl wallpaper in the corners. The starting wallpaper strip is carefully fixed strictly along the drawn line. To do this, the master will have to climb the ladder, since the alignment of the strip along the line-beacon is done from the top down. After laying the starting strip it is carefully smoothed with a spatula or roller. If you glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to hold them for a while. All subsequent strips are pasted to the previous butt and so that the overall drawing of the panel is not broken. Each separate piece of wallpaper is necessarily ironed with a spatula, which removes excess glue and air. In this case, especially carefully, you should walk the roller along the seams. If the glue is applied to wallpaper, then it should be smeared with a thin layer using a brush. You can unfold the cut strips for sizing either on a special table or simply on the floor. Each glued strip in a folded form before fixing on the wall should lie down and soak with glue for 5-7 minutes. Back to contents</a>

    Useful tips to consider when applying vinyl

    It should be mentioned several nuances important forsuccessful sticker of vinyl wallpaper. First of all, you need to slowly, carefully select wallpaper in the store. The buyer's attention should be focused on ensuring that all rolls are free from defects and mechanical damage, the colors of the rolls exactly match each other. The difference in color after the label is very quickly revealed, especially if the wallpaper on the ceiling will be glued. It is desirable that the preliminary inspection of the rolls was carried out before they were unpacked, otherwise it would be very difficult to exchange inappropriate parts. In order not to lose time during work, before its beginning it is necessary to prepare necessary building materials and tools. At hand should be all the most necessary, down to a small piece of rags, which you can remove the remnants of glue from the wall and wipe your hands. Preparation of glue for vinyl wallpaper. Proper preparation involves filling the dry glue mixture into a container filled with water, and not vice versa. Fill the powder gradually, in small portions, while stirring the solution until the glue balls are removed and a homogeneous mass is formed. If an employee produces vinyl wallpaper pasting for the first time in his practice, it is recommended that his first movements, if they turn out not quite clever and qualitative, are not too noticeable on the wall. For this you can, for example, try yourself first on those surfaces that are likely to be covered with furniture or carpets. And only after making sure of a good result of their actions, you can go to open surfaces in the central rooms. Before you start, you must eliminate any possibility of the appearance of drafts that are harmful to wallpaper. A guarantee of this will be tightly closed during the gluing of the door and windows in the room being pasted. It is necessary to remember a clear rule - the sticker of vinyl wallpaper is produced at the temperature inside the room, which does not exceed + 23 ° С. If the room is too dry, the air in it should be slightly moistened. To do this, it is enough to place buckets of water in the corners of the room. Otherwise, the wallpaper may simply fall behind the walls and ceiling. If the employee follows these fairly simple rules, he will achieve the excellent quality of his work. But do not be too hasty - working with wallpaper does not tolerate untidiness and fuss.

