Sliding doors made by yourself allow you to solveseveral tasks at once. The first concerns saving space, since no free space is required for opening. In addition, such designs are unusually beautiful, which adds a certain zest to the room.A sliding door not only looks very impressive, but also saves space significantly, which is very important for small spaces.
Preparatory work
To perform the work, you need to have a small set of tools, such as:Main types of sliding doors.
Before you start installation, you need to completepreparing the doorway. You should dismantle the old door, after which you will have to choose which side the structure will be located on. To do this, you can follow the route from room to room. To avoid difficulties in the future, sliding doors should be located on the side from which a person enters most often. You need to take care of such an issue as nearby furniture. Yes, sliding doors do not require much space to open them, but furniture or other objects standing close to the wall will significantly complicate the opening of the door leaf. Return to contents</a>
Installation work
Workspace layout diagram forinstallation of interior doors. The first thing you need to do when installing sliding doors with your own hands is to mark out the work space. When marking out, not only the length and width of the door leaf are taken into account, but also the distance at which it is raised above the floor. This also applies to the place for installing the guides. An important place during installation is occupied by the issue of guides. If bottom installation is used, then this element must be deepened into the floor. To what depth - depends on the size of this element. It is much easier to do this if a major overhaul of the apartment is carried out with the installation of the floor, then a similar move can be carried out by installing the floor covering. Otherwise, you will need to remove part of the floor. The guide is fixed directly to the concrete screed. It is important to note that the guide must be in a strictly horizontal position, so its installation work is carried out using a building level. Next comes the turn of the upper guide profile. It is necessary to mark the control line, which should indicate the lower part of the guide. Its height is equal to the length of the door leaf, to this value you need to add another 2 cm. This is necessary in order to take into account the gaps: the lower one from the floor to the leaf and the upper one from the leaf to the guide. Once again, the importance of placing the guide in a strictly horizontal position is emphasized. Otherwise, the door leaf will slide down the slope to the side on its own.
Assembling the sliding door mechanism.Even at the marking stage, it is necessary to take into account that the length of the guide structure is equal to twice the width of the door leaf. For a reserve, you need to add another 5 cm on both edges. In addition, you should leave a reserve for the closer, plugs and other similar elements. In order to install sliding doors yourself, you will need to secure the upper guide. Brackets are used for this purpose. However, if the door leaf is a solid block of heavy weight or a glass structure, then these elements must be reinforced and strengthened. A wooden beam with a cross-section of 5x5 cm will cope well with this task. Depending on the width of the guide, a beam of a larger cross-section can be used. The beam is fixed to the wall, and the guide is attached to the beam itself. If you install sliding doors yourself on a plasterboard wall, you need to provide another profile in the wall to which the guide will be attached using special anchors for this material. If the wall is made of bricks or is monolithic, then dowels will be required for fastening. It is important to note that the holes for them must be made in the brick itself, and not between them. Return to contents</a>
Fastening fittings and holders
Sliding door fastening diagram.At this stage, it is necessary to install the brackets on the door leaf. With their help, the door will be held by the rollers. Each set has instructions that describe this process in detail, but in order to avoid difficulties in understanding the material, it is necessary to talk about the features of this process. Installation is carried out along the upper end of the door, while we should make an indent of 1 cm. For some types of door structures, such as for a glass leaf, a clamp is a good holder. This will avoid the need to make holes in the door structure. In the case of glass doors, these clamps have a rubber backing, which makes the fastening process soft and prevents damage to the material.
Complete set of sliding accordion door.A special category is accordion-type sliding doors. During assembly, a holder in the form of brackets with a swivel roller should be installed on each section. They are attached in the central parts, but it is also possible to do this along the edges for greater reliability. In this situation, the bracket is held on one edge of the first section, and on the other - on the opposite side. A similar alternation occurs on the remaining elements. The next part of the work is the installation of door handles, installation of locks. Since the door is not suspended and adjustment is not carried out, the mating parts of the locking mechanism can be installed later. It should be noted that if the sliding doors have a structure that enters the wall, their fittings are removed. The installation of seals in the form of brushes is carried out at the side or bottom end. It should be noted that they should be installed after the first installation of the door on the guides. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to install the canvas and other elements?
Once the guide is secured, you can perform a trial installation of the canvas. Since it is difficult to install the canvas alone, you will need to use the help of another person.Installing a sliding door guide.It will hold the door leaf, at this time the carriages with rollers should be inserted into the grooves intended for them. When installing a partition-type door, in which the guide is installed from one wall to another, the carriages with rollers are inserted in advance, before fixing the door. The fixing stage itself is the joining of the brackets on the door and the anchor extending from the carriage. The next stage is represented by limiters and closers, which will prevent the door leaf from moving in directions not intended for it. As a result, the door will simply not fall out of the guides. In this work, it is necessary to correctly distribute the limiters, especially when installing folding and multi-section structures. In this case, the role of the limiters is reduced to preventing the parts of the product from coming off in the immediate vicinity. In addition to limiters, plugs can be used, the installation of which is carried out in the guide in special places for it. It is recommended to purchase limiters with stops made of rubber or special plastic. Sliding doors must have trims and extensions. The first parts will protect the structure from foreign objects, such as dust. However, they cannot be installed if the product design involves a false panel or the door goes into the wall when closed. In the latter cases, the door frames are installed only on the edges of the walls. Corners are used for this purpose. The last stage of installing sliding doors includes adjusting and checking the functionality of the structure. It is necessary to ensure that the door elements, especially the guides, are not in an inclined position, otherwise this will lead to the door leaf opening on its own. The door leaf itself should move freely, and it should not require much effort to open the door. Thus, the installation of sliding doors is complete. The working parts have been tested, which means that the product can now be used.