How to properly carry out the remodeling of a smallbathroom, so that it becomes larger and more convenient? Of course, it is worth combining it with the toilet. Today we will show on the plans and tell in detail about such a redevelopment. The combination of a standard toilet should be rational and meet the wishes and preferences of the customer. Therefore, if the number of square meters is enough to make one room out of two, then there is no need to doubt. We must do it! We decided to analyze five typical layouts, comments on which were given to us by the art director of the design studio "Tochka Dizayna" Stepan Bugayev and specialists from the TECE company.Redevelopment 1 As a rule, separateBathrooms dictate certain conditions, and this applies to the size of the plumbing equipment. The aesthetic component fades into the background, so functionality and location have their own characteristics, reflected in comfort, among other things. Stepan Bugayev, art director of the design studio "Tochka Dizayna": - When redeveloping this bathroom, we managed to get rid of the small bathtub, the size of which is 1,500 millimeters in length. Having gotten rid of the wall, we were able to move the door. Thanks to this, we won the necessary dimensions to place a larger bathtub along the wall. Now its size is 1,700. When entering the bathroom, a view of the cabinet with a washbasin opens up.
There was a place for a toilet here,which is not immediately noticeable. For the sake of economy, it was installed using in-wall installations, thanks to which it was possible to get rid of the protruding part of the cabinet under the sink. Igor Rovnov, TESE: - Installation systems, unlike stationary plumbing, will not interfere with any alterations to the bathroom - both global and small. On the contrary, frame structures significantly facilitate the installation of plumbing equipment, and also allow you to reduce the time of repair in the bathroom due to the simplicity of installation and maintenance. Installation systems can transform the bathroom, visually expand it, and also objectively leave you more freedom for creativity.
Redevelopment 2 Here it was necessary to demolish the wallbetween the toilet and the bathroom to create a unified space. A long tabletop stretches along the wall, under which a washing machine is located. Related articles Stepan Bugayev, art director of the design studio "Tochka Dizayna": - In this layout, we started from the Provence style, in which you can use woven doors instead of blind facades. This technique allows you to functionally use those places that were hidden when the door was opened. Although it is best to place it outside.
Redevelopment 3 One of the important componentscombined bathrooms are aesthetics. A toilet located opposite the entrance is not aesthetically pleasing. That is why it should be placed out of direct line of sight. It is also worth remembering that after the transfer, the toilet should be close to the riser. Stepan Bugayev, art director of the design studio "Tochka Dizayna": - By removing the wall between the toilet and the bathroom, we were able to use the space of the room more rationally. A washing machine is hidden under the sink. Unlike a 1,500-sized bathtub, we place a 1,700-sized one. This is a more advantageous solution for families with small children.
Redevelopment 4 Depending on the compositionfamily and each person's preferences, plumbing fixtures can be interchangeable. For example, for a young couple living a dynamic lifestyle, having a shower is more important than a bath.
In this diagram, the choice was made in favor of a shower.The toilet has "moved" to the other side, located so that the person entering does not see it right away. If you usually get ready for work at the same time, then the presence of a second sink will allow you to get ready together. The washing machine is hidden behind the facades here.
Redevelopment 5 Just getting rid of onedoors, you can win a few square meters that need to be used more rationally. And as for using a shower or a bath, it's a matter of preference. Stepan Bugayev, art director of the design studio "Tochka Dizayna": - In this case, the choice was made in favor of a shower. We were able to place not only a washing machine in the column, but also a dryer. When entering, we have a view of the sink, and the toilet is hidden behind a partition. By combining the bathroom with the toilet, you can even provide a hammam in such a space.
Yuri Li, TESE:— When equipping a bathroom from scratch or when upgrading it, you won’t have to chisel the walls during installation. The modules are built into the partition or attached to a load-bearing wall or partition, and then covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard and tiled. Remember that the fewer pipes and connections that remain visible, the neater and more spacious the room appears.
Small bathroom: 5 variants of re-planning