Today, the upholstered furniture market inis filled with various offers. But sometimes you want something special, made with your own hands. By choosing this path, you will be able to make furniture of the size and design you need, and save money.Sofa size chart. So how to make a soft one? Let's figure it out, because a sofa with your own hands is a task that almost everyone can do.
The first stage is preparatory
How? This question interests many.The design of the sofa is quite complicated for beginners in furniture making, so before you start making it, you need to carefully study all the nuances and features related to the production of such furniture. First, you need to make a drawing of the future sofa on paper. All its components should be drawn on paper with the exact dimensions and other characteristics. A high-quality and detailed project of the future sofa is the key to simple and quick work on its manufacture. The standard version of the sofa implies its length of 1.9 m, but the height of the back, counting from the floor, is about 0.8 m. Please note that the height of the seat itself (excluding the size of the sofa cushions) should correspond to a value of about 0.3 m. Before answering the question: how, you need to find out its components. What does an ordinary sofa consist of? These are:Scheme of the sofa side.
It is clear to everyone that the basis of any type of furniturethere is a frame structure. The service life of your furniture, in our case, a soft sofa, will depend on how it is made. That is why experts advise choosing only high-quality materials for installing the frame. And also, pay attention to the dimensions of the frame structure, since during operation, even minor errors may cause problems related to deformation and deflection of the sofa you made. What else should you pay attention to when manufacturing furniture? These are its legs. They are the main support of the sofa, but sometimes the design features allow them to perform an exclusively decorative function. In this case, the entire load falls on the frame. Sofa legs are made of balusters. Oak is usually chosen. Such legs look great in almost any design. In addition to an aesthetic appearance, this material is quite durable, which is also important. Return to contents</a>
How to make a sofa: preparing the necessary for work
So, to make a sofa with your own hands, you will need:Sofa re-upholstery scheme.
- Chipboard and fiberboard;
- cant;
- plywood;
- foam rubber, sintepon, etc .;
- fabric for furniture upholstery;
- furniture glue;
- nails, screws, etc.
This is as far as materials are concerned.They should be chosen taking into account quality and safety for human health. The best option for purchase is a well-established construction market in your city. And now a few words about the tools. All you need is:
- electric jig saw;
- drill and screwdriver;
- sewing machine;
- scissors and knife;
- a stapler for furniture;
- a hammer.
Having prepared all of the above, you can safelystart making the frame structure. This is one of the stages that allows you to answer the question, how to make a sofa yourself? Return to the table of contents</a>
How to make a sofa: a skeleton and tips of specialists
Sectional diagram of a soft sofa.Using the preliminary prepared drawings, you first need to make the base of the sofa. It is cut out either from plywood or from wooden boards that are left over from some old furniture. If you have chosen plywood, then you will need an electric jigsaw for the job. With its help, you can easily and quickly make a base of the shape and size you need. Very often, when producing furniture of a complex shape, its base is cut out of several parts, which are then connected to each other. Having finished work on making the base of the future sofa, you can proceed to assembling the frame structure. It will consist of racks and partitions. The racks will be vertical, the partitions horizontal. Do not forget that the height of your sofa should be calculated in advance. This indicator should be chosen based on the purpose of the furniture and the place in which it will be located. If this is a sofa for the kitchen, then its height will be slightly higher than usual, since it is very inconvenient to dine while sitting on low furniture. But a sofa for a living room or bedroom implies a lower height, since its purpose is rest.
Sofa upholstery pattern.At the next stage, the frame structure is covered with plywood. Its installation is carried out using an adhesive composition, in addition, self-tapping screws are used. The space formed inside is very good for storing bed linen. So, the frame is assembled, now it's time to start making the back of the sofa. If your sofa is ordinary and is not a folding or other movable structure, then the installation work on fastening the back is carried out in a similar way to the one described above. It is clear that the back should correspond to the size of the base of the sofa. The bar in the upper and lower parts of the back should correspond to a size of 9 cm. But the length of the vertical parts is usually about 45 cm, while the width of each part is about 6 cm. To qualitatively fasten the back to the base, metal corners are used. As for the angle of inclination, here you can choose the option convenient for you. It is very easy to make a sofa comfortable, you just need to choose a comfortable position for yourself. Return to the table of contents</a>
Transition to the skin of the sofa structure
Now we have everything ready, all the parts of the sofaassembled, then it's time to make the soft parts of the furniture. Do not forget to pre-treat the frame with sandpaper, then paint it in the color you need or apply a layer of colorless varnish. Using furniture fabric and foam rubber, you need to make two bases, the thickness of which will be approximately 20 cm. As for other dimensions, for example, the width and length of these parts, here you need to proceed from the parameters of your frame. More precisely, you need to take the parameters of the sofa back and the base as a basis. In order for the foam rubber to serve you for a long time, it needs to be wrapped in padding polyester, so it will be much less subject to wear. You can connect the two soft parts together using a stapler or by sewing a zipper between them (preferably a detachable one). After this, you need to attach the prepared cushions to the base of the sofa. For these purposes, the so-called Velcro tape is used. If you have extra fabric, foam rubber and other materials, you can additionally sew beautiful sofa cushions. They look beautiful in the interior, creating coziness, and are very functional during relaxation.Scheme of formation of a sofa on a spring block.When doing upholstery work on a sofa, you need to listen to some advice from professionals, then you will not have problems during the work and will not have to start all over again. So:
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Summarizing the above
Now you know how to make a soft sofawith your own hands. Agree, despite the complex design, the work on its manufacture is available for independent performance. And the result of the work done will certainly be able to please not only you and your family members, but also guests who will be able to appreciate your work, spending the evening in your house. Do not be afraid to do something wrong, because experience only brings benefits, and, gaining it, you become a truly professional master who is capable of performing any, even the most difficult, tasks.</ ul>