Frameless chairs are used for savingplaces, so the question of how to sew a bean bag chair with your own hands often arises among residents of modern apartments, because ready-made copies are not cheap. Such interior items are bright, soft and can be a bean bag chair or an ottoman, a giant pear or a ball. Sewing a bean bag chair with your own hands is not too difficult, there are several ways to do this. With at least a little sewing skills, things usually go faster, but even a beginner, with some effort, can cope with this task, perhaps spending a little more time. Even if the work does not look perfect, this fact can be completely disguised as the author's idea and get a unique bean bag chair made with your own hands.The bean bag chair is popular because it conforms to the body shape of whoever sits on it.
Armchair bag with your hands: choice of material
Frameless furniture is subject to the processoperation with the same loads as the standard one, and perhaps even more so. Therefore, before sewing a bean bag chair, you need to choose the right fabric for it. The material should be durable and pleasant to the touch, and everyone chooses the colors from the available ones to their taste. In order to sew a bean bag chair yourself, silk, satin, calico or satin are definitely not suitable, as they are too thin and fragile and are not intended for this type of use. You can use velor for the outer cover, this fabric resembles artificial fur, it is soft and fleecy to the touch, velvety and quite durable. Flock is similar in its properties, which also has water-repellent properties. This fabric is recommended for use by small children, as it is very easy to wash or clean and does not fade in the sun for a long time.To sew a bean bag chair you can usechenille fabric. If you can use fabrics of artificial origin to sew a bean bag chair, then chenille is a good option. This fabric has synthetic fibers in its composition, due to which the surface does not form pellets, is easy to care for and, like any furniture fabric, is quite durable. Jacquard is very similar to chenille, which also has a small percentage of synthetic fibers. Despite the presence of loop pile on the front surface, this coating does not unravel if you accidentally catch and tear one thread. It is recommended to sew a chair from such fabric, as it is durable and all dirt can be easily washed off its surface. You can sew a bean bag with your own hands using artificial suede or leather. These materials are not budgetary, but a bean bag made of them will last a long time. Artificial suede has a pile and is very wear-resistant, leather can be embossed and is also very durable. If you have no budget, you can also use tapestry, a very strong and dense fabric of natural composition, on which various patterns are woven. This type of material has antistatic properties, so it is especially good for sewing a chair filled with polystyrene foam balls.
You can fill a bean bag chair with ballsfoam. The fabric that will be used for sewing the inner bag can be any. Breathable properties are mandatory characteristics, since air must pass freely through the structure without preventing it from taking the desired shape. You cannot take slippery and too loose fabrics for the inner bag, lining materials used in sewing clothes are not suitable. You can take satin, calico or flannel, chintz and cotton are used in 2 folds. Most often, the fabric sold in rolls has a factory width of 140-150 cm, this is enough to sew a frameless chair without unnecessary seams. Material of a smaller width is not suitable for every model, and it is impractical to choose a larger width, since the remnants are unsuitable for further use and go to waste. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to sew a pear chair with an applique
To work you will need:
- coarse calico, satin;
- cloth for the outer cover;
- 2 zippers;
- fabric for application;
- filler;
- thread in color;
- scissors;
- tape measure;
- pencil;
- pins.
Bean bag chair pattern.The pattern needs to be transferred to the fabric, increasing it to the required size. Most often, the pattern consists of a small lower part, which will serve as the bottom, and 6 wedges for the chair itself. The parts are cut out, leaving the necessary allowances for the seams. Before or after sewing, it is imperative to process the inner edges of the seams. If the fabric is thick and voluminous, it is more convenient to process it in one layer before the cover is sewn. Artificial leather, suede and flock do not need this operation, since their edge does not crumble. In order to sew a frameless bag with your own hands, you must first fold and sew all the wedges one by one, leaving a small area unsewn, into which a zipper is inserted. Two wedges for sewing are folded with the right sides of the fabric inward and pinned with pins so that the fabric does not move and the seams are even. All 6 wedges are sewn in this way, not forgetting about the zipper. For a beginner in sewing, it is advisable to start with the inner cover, where mistakes are not so critical and are practically invisible, and then move on to the outer one, which must be sewn flawlessly.
Sizes for adult and children's patternschairs. The bottom is sewn on last. The lower, inner cover, which any bean bag chair has, is sewn in the same way, but it is usually easier to work with, since the fabric is thin and easier to process. In order to fill the inner cover with filler and remove the outer one for washing or cleaning, a zipper is sewn into one of the wedges. The zipper in both covers must be sewn in with special care, always checking the strength of the runner. An unzipped zipper will create many difficulties with collecting the filler and putting it back into the cover. A zipper on the inner cover is necessary, since the filler gets compacted after a while, it is necessary to add more so that the chair does not lose its shape. The inner cover is filled with special filler by 2/3 of its volume, then the zipper is fastened and the outer cover is put on it. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to sew a rectangular frameless bag with your own hands
To make such an interior item you will need the following materials:
- fabric for the inner case;
- fabric for outer cover;
- thread in tone;
- 2 zippers;
- filler;
- needles;
- tailor pins;
- scissors;
- pencil;
- tape measure;
- gon.
Patterns can be drawn on paper and transferredthen onto the fabric or draw directly onto the fabric. They are cut out, leaving the right size seam allowances. First of all, in order to sew the chair, you need to connect the bottom and the back, not forgetting to insert a zipper into the seam. After that, the side parts and the back are sewn together. The front side is sewn to the sides last, the seams are processed using an overlock or a zigzag stitch on a machine. After that, the bean bag chair is turned inside out. In order to sew a rectangular chair and ensure that this shape is maintained during use, you need to process the seams with piping or make an additional line along their contour, stitching the seams to the inner contour at a distance of 0.7 cm. Then fill the inner cover with filler, zip up the zipper and put on the outer cover. Return to contents</a>
How to sew a seat bag in the form of a ball
To work you will need:
- fabric for the inner case;
- fabric for the outer cover of 2 types;
- pencil;
- gon;
- tape measure;
- scissors;
- thread in the tone of the fabric;
- pins for stamping;
- filler;
- 2 zippers.
A bean bag chair can be the highlight of any homeinterior. Before sewing a chair of such an unusual shape, you need to correctly draw up a pattern, which will be several regular polygons. The classic ball shape is made up of several pentagons and hexagons, of which 12 and 20 parts are needed, respectively, to sew a chair. The assembly process will be the same as in the previous versions, but before sewing the chair, you will need a lot of patience and perseverance, since all the shapes must be accurate. All shapes are transferred to the fabric in the required quantity and cut out, leaving the appropriate allowances for the seams. Since these parts are relatively small and have sharp corners, it is recommended to process the seams from fraying before the parts are assembled. This does not apply to non-fraying materials, and the rest are processed using an overlock or zigzag stitch. Even better - but it takes a lot of time - to process the cuts with piping before sewing the chair. First, the parts are pinned and only then sewn together, so that there is no displacement during the process and you don’t have to redo the whole job. Sewing a bean bag chair in the shape of a ball is also more difficult because of the zipper, since it usually doesn’t fit on just one side, you have to place it along a curve. The inner cover should repeat the shape of the outer one, but it can be sewn from fabric of the same color. Filler is poured into it, the zipper is fastened, and then the outer cover is pulled over it. The question of how to sew a bean bag chair in the shape of a ball can be considered solved. Return to contents</a>
How to fill the filler correctly
Filler for frameless furniture - itsthe most important attribute, since the product will only hold its shape if polystyrene foam balls are placed inside. Pouring such small balls inside the cover is not an easy task, especially when there are so many of them. To do this work, you need to prepare:
- filler;
- paper;
- a vacuum cleaner.
This can take quite a long time.A funnel is made from paper, rolled up like a cone. The narrow end must be placed in the hole in the inner bag, which is opened for this purpose. The required amount of filler is poured inside; it is most convenient to do this with an assistant, when one person holds the cover and the funnel, and the second pours in the polystyrene foam balls. When the required amount of filler is placed inside the cover, the funnel is removed and the zipper is fastened. A larger or smaller part of the granules will end up on the floor; it must be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Particular caution must be exercised if there are pets or children in the room, since swallowed balls can cause many problems. It is better to take children out of the room while filling, since small balls can easily end up in the ears or nose.