In order to make a modern renovation onceiling, there is often a need to get rid of a layer of whitewash. At this point, the master faces the question of how to remove whitewash from the ceiling effectively and correctly.Before starting to repair the ceiling, you need to remove the old whitewash.
Preparatory work
Removing the whitewash from the surface cancan happen in different ways, but in any case it will result in the formation of a very large amount of dust and dirt. For this reason, it is necessary to remove all furniture and household appliances from the premises.Tools for removing whitewash:bucket, roller, ladder, scraper, spatulas, gloves, film, brushes. If this is not possible, then they should be covered with polyethylene and thick cardboard, but even this does not always help to protect furniture and equipment well. The floor is also protected with the same material. To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:
- gloves;
- respirator;
- putty knife;
- basin;
- brush;
- roller.
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Methods for cleaning the ceiling from whitewash
As the main components of whitewashingslaked lime or chalk is used. In some cases, glue is added to the mixture, so the composition can be removed from the surface with water. Wet technology involves using a foam sponge and water, which must first be used to wet the surface. For more comfortable wetting, you can use a brush or sprayer. The water should be warm. In a bucket filled with water, you need to add 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 5 tablespoons of baking soda. Instead of these ingredients, you can use a salt solution. Then the roller is wetted in water and rolled over the slab. In places where it is difficult for the roller to reach the surface, you need to work with a brush.For easier removal of whitewash with a spatula(b), the ceiling is first wetted with water using a roller (a). At the moment when the layer of lime is removed mechanically, a basin should be placed under the tool into which the finishing will fall, in this case outside help will be useful. A spatula will allow you to remove the material. It should be taken into account that this method is very labor-intensive, and a lot of time will be spent on the work. As soon as the ceiling is cleaned, you will need to go over it with sandpaper, after which a primer will have to be applied to the surface. If you are doing the work yourself, then you should not wet the entire surface of the ceiling at once, since the water will have time to dry before you reach a certain area. Whitewash should be removed in separate areas of the surface. Whitewash can also be removed by rinsing with water. For this, you will need a brush or a hard rag. However, this technology is even more labor-intensive than the one described above. To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
- a foam rubber sponge;
- bucket;
- grinding skins;
- putty knife.
Return to Contents</a>Dry method of removing whitewashYou can completely wash off the whitewash with a sponge.Removing whitewash from the ceiling can also be done using a dry method, which does not require preliminary preparation, for which a spatula will come in handy. This method is not effective, in addition, it creates even more dirt than the one described above. It can only be used if the apartment is completely devoid of furniture. The fastest way to remove the coating dry is with a grinding machine, which can be rented. This technology is permissible to use only if all the furniture has been removed from the room. Whitewash should be removed after the largest abrasive paper that was available for sale is installed on the machine. After processing the surface, all that remains is to thoroughly wash the room. Return to the table of contents</a>Application of various compositions for removalwhitewashing Whitewash can also be removed using a paste, which must be applied to the ceiling and then washed off along with the coating, using a steel spatula. To prepare the paste, you need to use 2 tablespoons of flour per 1 liter of water. Instead of flour, you can use starch. This method is considered the most successful of all those already presented above, since such a large amount of dirt will not form in the process.
Whitewash can be removed using flour paste.Whitewash can also be removed with a special remover, which can be purchased in a store; this composition is prepared on the basis of glue. The mixture must be applied to the ceiling with a brush, wait until it dries and remove it together with the lime. The most common solution today for removing whitewash is a soap solution; it is necessary to add soda ash to the composition. In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to use 10 liters of warm water, 2 tbsp. soap, previously grated on a grater for faster dissolution, 5 tbsp. baking soda. A roller or sponge is dipped into the mixed solution so that later it becomes possible to process the ceiling until the coating completely disappears. The whitewash layer can also be removed with hydrochloric acid, as well as acetic acid, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3. Afterwards, the lime will swell and it can be removed mechanically. Some craftsmen use a hammer to remove whitewash from the ceiling. This method is recommended for a very massive layer of coating. To carry out the work, it is not necessary to prepare the surface, it will be enough to tap the base well with the tool, in some places it may be necessary to lift the material with a spatula. If the ceiling is covered with only one layer of chalk, you can use a washing vacuum cleaner. If you have newspapers, you can also use them to achieve the goal. The paper must be glued to the surface with the help of paste, this must be done so that the edges of the sheets remain hanging freely along the walls. After the glue dries, you will need to pull the edges and detach the material together with the whitewash. This technology is not always able to help remove all the whitewash from the surface.
Methods for removing whitewash from the ceiling.Sometimes the surface of the whitewash is affected by rust, to eliminate such an error it is necessary to use saline solutions. But you should not use a composition that contains more than 3% salt. When removing rust with this solution, you should protect your hands with rubber gloves. Traces of rust can be removed with water, and then treated with copper sulfate. If the damage is quite large, then it is recommended to treat it with copper sulfate primer. It is prepared as follows: for 10 liters of water, you need to use 150 g of copper sulfate, 250 g of laundry soap, 250 g of animal glue, 30 g of drying oil, 3000 g of sifted chalk. If the building was erected a long time ago, then under the layer of whitewash there may be a plastered base, in order to remove the stains, it may be necessary to remove a section of the plaster. This is the only way to analyze where the stain came from. In this case, after removing the whitewash, it may be necessary to restore the waterproofing system by plastering again in the area from which the material was removed. It is better to involve two people in the work. This is especially important if you decide to use the wet method of removing the coating. In this case, while one craftsman scrapes off the material, the second person will be able to impregnate the remaining parts of the ceiling. You can analyze the quality of the work performed by checking the surface for the absence of chalk; to do this, simply run your finger over the ceiling. If, after you have managed to remove the chalk, there are plastered areas left on the ceiling, you need to check how strong they are; to do this, you need to gently tap them. If the strength is low, the finish must be removed. After completing the work, the base must be washed. As soon as the coating removal work is completed, you can proceed to further repair work and subsequent finishing of the ceiling.