Вы только что въехали в съёмную квартиру, а её состояние оставляет желать лучшего и уж точно не вызывает мыслей об уюте? Не хотите ввязываться в бесперспективный ремонт чужой жилплощади, но обшарпанные стены не устраивают тоже? Мы знаем, как обустроить временное жилище быстро, просто и эффективно Не зря говорят, что своя ноша не тянет. Действительно, в родном доме старая мебель, протёртый ковёр и люстра родом из детства навевают, скорее, приятные воспоминания, чего не скажешь о ветхом диване на съёмной квартире. Какая уж тут ностальгия! А ведь бытует мнение, что тратиться на ремонт и капитальное обновление не своей квартиры не имеет смысла. Но что делать, если новое жилище непригодно для комфортной жизни? Наш ответ: как можно быстрее его и сделать уютным. Успеете за 24 часа?
Шаг первый:throw away So, you have moved into a new apartment and it is full of the owner's things. You will definitely not need most of them, which means you need to get rid of them. Accordingly, first of all, you should discuss this issue with the owners. Is it possible to throw away their things? All of them, just some of them, or some specific ones? If the owners of the apartment have given you free rein, then decisively get rid of everything that you will not need. This is, for example, falling apart furniture, an old tricycle, a battered fur coat or Soviet toys. If you cannot come to an agreement with the owners, feel free to hide all the unwanted junk somewhere far away: in boxes, suitcases, bags and drawers. In turn, put them away in a closet, on a mezzanine, on a balcony or at least under the bed.
Getting rid of dirt is also equally important.Spend a few hours on intensive cleaning: wash the windows, floors and even the walls, clean the tiles in the bathroom and shake out the old carpet. Vacuum, wipe the dust everywhere, even in those places that everyone happily forgets about: for example, on the chandelier or the very bottom shelf of the chest of drawers. This alone will make any apartment cozier and more presentable.
Step two:rearrange the furniture in the apartment, and you plan to use it at least for the first time? Great, then it's time to tidy it up and move it around a bit. Apartment owners rarely think about beautiful furniture arrangement, especially if they don't live in the rented space, so the chances of encountering a standard symmetrical layout are quite high. What's wrong with it? Well, nothing, except that it's not interesting and often not very functional. So feel free to rearrange the furniture you've received for use, but do it wisely. Remember that there should be a fairly wide passage between the sofa and the armchair, and the desk should be positioned so that natural light falls from the left.
Our opinion:— Combine the rearrangement process with the restoration of old furniture. Paint a cabinet or coffee table white, buy beautiful covers for old chairs, and cover a scratched tabletop with mosaics or glue a special film under the wood. Another surefire way to give the furniture a fresh look is to replace the handles. And if even this does not help and the chest of drawers looks shabby, cover it with a napkin or decorate it with textiles. When rearranging, pay attention to what resources the apartment you inherited is hiding, and use them to organize storage. Is there a niche in the walls? Nail a few shelves and turn it into a rack. Did the owners leave behind a bicycle that you can’t hide anywhere? Its new place is on the wall. Let the space under the bed become a haven for all sorts of drawers and boxes. High ceilings will allow you to hang cabinets or shelves on the wall, and the missing coffee table can be replaced by a vintage chest, in which you can also hide things.
Step three:buy It is impossible to predict with certainty how much time you will spend in a rented apartment, so first buy only the most necessary. First of all, the most necessary furniture. If you got an empty (or half-empty) apartment, then first buy a bed, a dining table and a couple of chairs, plus a minimum set and a beautiful set of bed linen. When buying furniture, give preference to simple designs, ideally folding or collapsible models, so that later you do not give your favorite table to new tenants, but take it with you without much hassle.
Having dealt with the first itemsneed, let's move on to emergency help to create coziness. As soon as possible, buy: new beautiful curtains, a couple of live plants, bright sofa cushions and a blanket, a cool carpet, additional and a couple of floor hangers if there is no closet or space for one in the apartment.
Step four:decorate Here we come to the final stage. The rooms are cleaned, the necessary furniture is bought or put in order - all that remains is to make the apartment become your, albeit temporary, home as soon as possible. To do this, do some decor: hang paintings and photographs on the walls, make a mood or inspiration board, hang several mirrors in different rooms, arrange books artistically. Nail some unusual hook or a full-fledged art object to the wall, on which you will hang decorations, and buy several local lamps.
If the owners are against major repairs, andthe condition of the walls and floor leaves much to be desired, use your imagination and disguise the imperfections with simple decor. For example, scratches on the floor can be easily hidden with a carpet, furniture or soft ottomans. Distract attention from uneven walls or unsightly wallpaper with large posters, cute garlands, chalkboards or vinyl stickers, which are easy to stick and noticeably enliven the interior. An old or simply not very attractive bed can be covered with a light canopy.
Our opinion:— Comfort is not only a beautiful picture. Use other senses, especially smell and touch. Buy aromatic candles or incense and place them on the windowsills, let them burn and fill the apartment with a pleasant smell. Also pay attention to the texture: by adding soft fabrics, a warm blanket and a fluffy carpet to the decor, you will immediately feel at home.
How to furnish a rented apartment: throw out, rearrange, buy, decorate – etk-fashion.com