House and Cottage

House in the cave: an unusual story about love on the ocean


Is it possible to make a house out of the cave? To find out, we go on a sea voyage, on the southern coast of Uruguay. We are sure that what you see will be so impressive that you will look for all possible ways to repeat this interior. Man and nature can exist together, without harming each other. A striking proof of this is the amazing cave house built on the ocean. It is located in Punta del Este (south of Uruguay), and lives in it a loving couple.

Love conquers the rocks

The uniqueness of this house lies in the fact that itbuilt in a rock next to the ocean. Boulders, wooden beams and sand became the building materials that formed its basis. The idea to create their own home here was born to a man and a woman when they met here, on the ocean shore, more than ten years ago and fell in love. They decided to build a joint house on a memorial place for them. The rock became the peak that they had to conquer together. And they did it with success. No wonder there is a saying that love can move mountains. This is the case. The lovers built their own home. It took a lot of time. But their home is filled with warmth and love and is one of a kind, which they are incredibly proud of.

Natural building materials and marine style

The owners of the house drew inspiration from nature.Simplicity and naturalness formed the basis of the interior. It is not surprising that the owners have chosen a universal nautical style. It can be used both in luxury villas (in the manner of luxury yachts) and in city apartments and, as it turned out, in such unusual dwellings. Characteristic features of the style are rough finishes, natural raw materials, wooden beams on the ceiling. All this gives the space a sense of intimacy and coziness. Apparently, the owner of the house is a former fisherman, so he transferred his love for the sea to the interior. Once in this cave, he kept nets for catching fish and mussels. Now it is a full-fledged dwelling.

Cave tour

One room is occupied by a kitchen with a large woodentable and open shelves. Part of the wall is left unpainted, it also serves as original shelves for various small items. Another room is divided into three areas: for sleeping, for resting and for work. A minimal set of furniture and interesting decor items make the house special. In the recreation area, a special place made of stones plays the role of a sofa. To make it comfortable to sit on, decorative pillows and a thick bedspread were placed here. Such a decision once again indicates the naturalness and simplicity of the interior, its connection with the nature and the sea surrounding the cave. And the effect is enhanced by the pebbles, which are collected in a round metal mesh, standing in the middle of the room. By the cozy atmosphere that reigns in the cave house, we can judge that it is the hostess who creates it. It softens the roughness of the materials with pleasant decor items, pillows, and homemade bedding. We can assume that in her youth she worked in a fashionable atelier and was engaged in sewing.

The colors of the sea

The color scheme of the marine style is light, light.To prevent the room from looking gloomy, the stone walls, the clay floor and the wooden ceiling were painted white. Light blue textiles and some decor elements were selected in the same color palette. It turned out simple and beautiful. The classics of the genre are white and blue colors and stripes. Our opinion: - If you want to decorate the interior in a nautical style, which will remind you of the yacht cabins, instead of the classic white and blue colors, choose beige, brown and green colors.

Porthole and stained-glass windows

Daylight enters the dwelling through smalltriangular windows. A small stained glass was placed on one of them. The sun's rays pass through colored glass and paint the space with multi-colored shades. A small detail of the interior emphasizes the uniqueness of this house. Of course, the porthole adds a nautical theme. It looks stylish and emphasizes the individuality of this interior. Thanks to its smooth lines and curves, it gives the room a soft feel. Through it, the owners of the house enjoy the ocean beauties that fascinate with their spaciousness.

