Have you been thinking about renovating your bathroom for a long time?Do you want to change everything here at once? Are you afraid that it will cost you a lot in all respects? We know how to fulfill your wish and fit into a modest budget. The bathroom is the most difficult room in a house or apartment in terms of renovation. Everything is done here after careful consideration and for years. As a rule, and plumbing does not imply frequent rearrangements "for the mood". Do you think so too? We hasten to please: you are wrong. In fact, you can easily transform a boring interior and not spend a lot of money on it. We have studied the experience of professionals and are ready to share it with you. But first, you need to answer yourself a few questions. Are you sure that the reason for your bad mood is the color of the bathroom, and not problems at work or at home? Do you want updates, but do not intend to spend a lot of time and money on it? Are you ready to spend one day to radically change the look of the bathroom and do it yourself? Then take advantage of the successful experience of those who have already changed their lives for the better in 24 hours.
We throw out superfluous, we wash off a tile, we freshen tile seams
The first thing you need to do when startingtransforming any room means sorting through all the things in it and mercilessly throwing everything you don’t need into the trash. And you don’t need a lot of things in your bathroom right now: an old tube with dried-up toothpaste residue, a shapeless powder box that holds old hairpins, a bunch of shampoos with a dubious expiration date, soap ends, rags, bags… Throw it all in the trash! Go through all the jars and tubes of creams and lotions, some of them have probably been stored for more than a year. Throw them out? Great! Immediately after that, start washing the tiles and refreshing the grout. It won’t take much time, but your bathroom will shine like a nickel in the sun.
Beautiful - in the mind, the rest - in the lockers
Now let's take the next step.Arrange everything that is left (are you sure you left only the most necessary things?) so that the pretty jars are in plain sight, and the rest are in closed cabinets or on a far shelf. Glass containers are perfect for storing small items - cotton swabs and pads, hairpins and hairpins, scissors and nail and heel files.
Transparent pockets, shelves in the corner and on the door, rails on the wall
In our case, the recommendation concerns those things,that you need every day. However, there is a risk of quickly cluttering the room again if you place everything you regularly use near the sink or on the edge of the bathtub. It is much more practical to hang a rail or a wooden board on the wall and attach small containers or baskets with things to it, which will now always be in their place. A set of transparent pockets that can be attached to the curtain near the bathtub or to the door from the inside will work great for this idea. Light transparent shelves on the inside of the cabinet door will help to organize the placement of numerous jars. And a new small shelf above the door performs two functions: storage space and decoration/refreshment of the interior. The color of the shelf can either blend in with the main shade of the room or be .
Our opinion:— Before you start remodeling your bathroom, make a list of all the changes you want to make. Perhaps, after carefully reading this list, you will cross out what will require long efforts, painstaking and expensive work. Believe me, an excellent result can be achieved with little money and not labor-intensive techniques!
We change the angle of view: we use mirrors and fixtures
Perhaps you are used to looking exactly like thatthe mirror that you currently have hanging in your bathroom. But decisiveness in this case will be very appropriate - the mirror needs to be changed! Choose a large one, perhaps of an unusual shape, in a stylish frame, lighting is not forbidden. The more space is reflected in the new mirror, the more voluminous this room will seem. Of course, if you do not clutter it again in the near future. But in this case, reread the first tip of our article. Having decided which mirror will now hang in the bathroom, accompany the purchase with a choice of new lamps. Remember: the more different light sources in the bathroom, the better. Well, of course, do not fall into fanaticism and do not turn this interior into a showroom of a store of chandeliers and lamps.
Catching the mood for a hook
Replace all hooks and towel holders andbathrobes in the bathroom. You can’t even imagine how such a small thing can change your mood and the new interior! Let them be funny little people, stylized carnations, geometric figures - the main thing is that it is convenient for you to hang towels and bathrobes on them, and the eye is pleased to notice the changes. At the same time, buy small hooks and shelves for washcloths and various small things that can be placed closer to the bathtub or shower stall.
The shelves are not superfluous
You looked back at what you've already done and still haven'tAre you satisfied with the result? That's right - not everything has been done! We continue to change the bathroom and our lives for the better. Open small shelves, attached to the walls and hanging, are unusually convenient and good. They seem smaller than they actually are if you place them on an empty wall, in a niche or hang them from the ceiling on beautiful rope fasteners.
We change the faucets and the shower head
To complete the picture, you will have to change the taps andshower head. Of course, if you have such a desire and financial opportunity, replace the plumbing, well, at least the sink, but we do not insist on this. It is quite enough to buy a new stylish mixer - and the bathroom will literally sparkle with new colors, or rather, shine.
Buy a new curtain
Yes, of course! Don't forget about the curtain! Surely you've wanted to change it for a long time - the time has come!
Beautiful baskets - effectively and effectively
Wicker baskets or their plastic imitation(but it is better, of course, to prefer natural materials) will help you beautifully place towels, a lot of small items. You can put them anywhere, everything depends on their size and purpose. And the laundry prepared for washing can be folded into a large wicker basket and placed on the floor near the sink or bathtub. Look how impressive!
Pictures and collections are everywhere
If you have some framed prints lying around,which it is a pity to throw away, but there is nowhere to hang them - perhaps the bathroom will be the place for them. Collections of porcelain plates, a herbarium, sea or animal landscapes will also look good here. Making small narrow shelves for them or attaching them to the wall will not be difficult and will not require significant financial costs.
New textiles
Surely you are a great housewife, and you always haveThere are clean and fresh towels in the bathroom. But their pattern and color are familiar to you and boring. It is very easy to fix this: add a couple of new bright towels in a visible place. Just take a walk to the nearest shopping center, and at the same time you will rest if the alterations in the bathroom have tired you out a little.
Fresh bouquet will cheer up
Well, the final touch to our alterations isa bouquet of fresh flowers will become a decoration for the bathroom, which we have done a great job with in 24 hours, and in the room where we relax and get ourselves in order, fragrant and delicate flowers will remind a woman of the natural beauty of her face and body and inspire her to new cosmetic procedures. How can you not be a beauty in such a wonderful interior!
Our opinion:— Don't try to bring the brightest and flashiest things into the new interior. Remember: everything should be in moderation, and it's much wiser to choose small accessories in pastel colors than fairground rainbow items that will make your eyes dazzle in just a few days. Good changes are good because they don't catch the eye, but rather pleasantly caress the gaze.