It included the best, according to the expert opinioncouncil, wooden architecture objects. There were 38 of them in total, and everyone is waiting for May 11 — the start of open voting Archiwood is an all-Russian award in the field of wooden architecture and the only one in Europe that selects winners not only with the help of a jury, but also by public voting. It is already being held for the sixth time. The number of applications accepted by the expert council was considerable — as many as 157, and the participants were not only unexpected Russian regions, where the competition objects were located, but even foreign ones. The shortlist included 38 best wooden objects, from which the jury and public voting will select the winners. Voting will take place on the official website of the award, where you can find and . The start of voting is scheduled for May 11.Among the shortlisted nominees are:to meet truly unique examples of wooden creativity. Many of them have already been presented to the general public as part of various festivals - from St. Petersburg's "Drevolyutsiya" to "Arkhstoyanie" in Nikola-Lenivets. The list of participants also included a farm at VDNKh, the Coffee Crew coffee shop, Alexey Rosenberg's Z-apartment, the GULAG Museum, several houses and the funny Fontanka Table.
The award was organized by Rossa Rakenne SPb (distributor of the Honka brand in Russia), and our portal is the information partner. The curator of the award is Nikolay Malinin.
The shortlist for the Archiwood 2016 award has been announced –