The technology of wall painting as a service appeared inresponse to the growing popularity of artistic interior decoration using acrylic paints. Today, many companies provide this type of service.Artistic wall painting has firmly entered into fashion ininterior design, as it allows you to give the interior expressiveness and uniqueness. What you need to know when ordering acrylic wall painting, we will tell you in detail. It is important to take into account that when addressing such a request to specialists, the latter will not only perform the painting, but will help you decide on your own design, unlike any other and suitable exclusively for a specific interior style. The result of the work done will be a unique acrylic wall painting in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the premises.
Sequence of wall murals
There are several key points to the procedure:The very first step in painting walls is to create a design on a piece of paper.
- first they seek out the idea and the motive for transforming the decor of the wall;
- Then they develop several sketches, from among which they choose the optimal variant of further wall painting that best meets the requirements of the customer;
- preparation of the wall surface (in particular, its primer);
- copying the sketch of the picture on the wall and drawing the composition in lines;
- execution of base painting in color with elaboration of local spots of composition, volumes and details;
- application to the finished painting of varnish with a matte shade to ensure the durability of the picturesque surface. The painting is finished.
Carefully selected with the participation of a designera drawing can present a room in the most favorable light with a visual delimitation of space, which will not go unnoticed even by a viewer who is experienced in such matters. Return to contents</a>
Material base of wall painting
To treat the wall before painting, useAcrylic primer. Acrylic primer - it is used to treat the wall surface, it is covered with acrylic artistic primer if necessary. For rooms with high humidity, special primers are used that are resistant to moisture, with additives against fungi and mold. Painting is most often represented by acrylic paints, but if desired, it is possible to paint the walls with oil paints. For rooms with high humidity, special acrylic paints are also used, which allow you to get surfaces that are quite durable. For wall painting, the modern industry produces acrylic paints, which impress with their wide range. Thanks to the unlimited choice in painting media, there is an opportunity for a creative drawing that is ideally in harmony with the interior of any room. At the moment, acrylic paints are used in the process of decorating walls and ceilings of rooms:
To paint the walls you will need acrylic paints of different colors.
- with a standard set of colors;
- fluorescent - glowing under ultraviolet light;
- invisible - they are not noticeable under typical lighting, but they can “come to life” under ultraviolet illumination, adding a surprise effect to the interior space;
- luminous - they save light in daylight and spread light in the dark;
- pearly;
- metallic or with sparkles;
- for swimming pools (waterproof acrylic).
Please note:the combination of different color options of paints allows you to get a unique charm in the style of the room when painting walls with acrylic. Acrylic paints are especially versatile: they can be painted on any surface, using both body strokes and glazes. After drying, acrylic painting forms a strong film that cannot be washed off with water. Therefore, caring for a wall with a pattern is very simple - just wipe the surface with a wet cloth. Work is carried out with brushes (squirrel, bristle, synthetic), palette knives, rollers, foam rubber, papers, fabric, tape. An airbrush is not so appropriate here, since its use is more appropriate for painting the surfaces of equipment (phone, car, laptop), but not the interior. The finished drawing is covered with matte varnish, which enhances the protection of the wall painting. All these materials are included in the cost of painting, they do not provide for separate payment. Return to the table of contents</a>
Advantages of acrylic wall painting
Acrylic painting is popular not just because, but because of its advantages over other types of material. And they are clear:The advantages of painting walls with acrylic paints include minimal drying time and bright colors.
- short drying period;
- She is not afraid of direct sun and ultraviolet rays;
- resistance to various substances of chemical and physical origin;
- The acrylic pattern is much more colorful;
- non-toxic, that is, it does not contain hazardous solvents, therefore, it is environmentally safe;
- does not have a smell;
- Acrylic material can be easily corrected if necessary to correct the image;
- water resistance.
An additional advantage of their use ismanufacturer's warranty. Acrylic painting does not fade under the influence of the sun and does not fade over time. Due to its safety for health, acrylic can be used to paint walls in children's rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens. Of course, the quality of any paint will not fully manifest itself if the surface to be painted is not properly prepared. It is possible to prepare the wall yourself, but it is much better if professionals do this, since the final result of the entire multi-stage process of wall painting will largely depend on this stage of the work. Return to contents</a>
Preparation of walls for painting
Scheme of painting walls with acrylic paints.The quality of surface preparation is very important, since the lifespan of the drawing itself largely depends on this step. If the surface is poorly prepared, the painting may crack over time along with the layer of plaster (putty), peel off, change color or crumble. Preparation of the wall surface for artistic decoration begins with cleaning off layers of the previous coating, pieces of poorly adhering plaster, whitewash and other things that interfere with the creation of the image. At the same time, the wall is examined for cracks. Having removed everything old, they then proceed to degreasing the coating to ensure good adhesion of subsequent layers of plaster to the wall surface. This procedure is done using construction primers or ordinary white spirit. The next step is leveling the plane for the drawing. Classic leveling involves two stages: in the first, significant differences in the surface are removed by applying one or two layers of plaster, in the second, the entire plane is brought to perfect evenness (using finishing putty). After drying, the plaster layers are sanded, removing dust afterwards. When finishing a partition with plasterboard, puttying is performed only at the joints and fastening points of the sheets. When leveling the wall base, there are some nuances that experienced specialists know very well. These include the rules for choosing dry mixes and plasterboard for rooms with varying degrees of humidity. They must be taken into account when working. All the described procedures are performed by a team of construction masters. The final touch, which finally creates the base for applying the drawing, is treating the wall surface with acrylic primer using a brush or roller. The primer creates a strong protective layer that prevents the material from crumbling, strengthening it. Provides excellent adhesion of paint to the base. For rooms with different degrees of humidity, different primers are also used. Return to contents</a>
Acrylic technology of painting
Wall painting is widely used formuseums and galleries. Using acrylic painting, you can create different decor on the wall from drawings and artistic compositions. Moreover, various stylistic trends can be used (for example, surrealism, plant landscape or abstractionism). Today, acrylic is widely used to create wall images not only in residential and public buildings, but also in museums and old estates. It harmonizes perfectly with decorative plaster and stencil technique. This provides an opportunity to create a variety of pictorial wall masterpieces. The combination of different application techniques allows you to create textured images. Return to contents</a>
The application of different foundations in wall interior painting
Depending on the circumstances and requirementsThe customers can provide a different base for painting. The canvas is glued to the wall after the image has been applied to it or mounted together with a stretcher in a place allocated for painting. Painting a wall on a clean plaster layer is a classic version of a base for wall painting. Canvas is convenient when, for some reason, the artist cannot visit the painting site, but the work cannot be delayed. In this situation, a monumental work acquires the features of a mobile one. This is especially valuable not only for the moment of installation, but also for the future (for example, in case of damage to the plaster layer). Then, to repair the wall, the painting is simply removed and placed where needed. But such a base has a small minus - the formation of a large area of joints on the canvases due to the limited width of the canvas. Painting directly on a stationary surface is convenient in all situations and for any premises. The main thing is to take care of the preparation of the base, since then the drawing will not be separated from it.