Doctors believe that everyone who lives in big cities andlarge cities, suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. They spend entire days at work, do not get up from their computers, communicate with clients and colleagues and are always working with documents. It is this lifestyle that causes fatigue in them, which can be overcome in just 15-20 minutes. Современный занятой человек может в буквальном in the sense of the word, to sleep at your workplace – this is what the designers from the Dutch studio Studio NL say. And they also came up with the idea of the DeskBed table. A couple of manipulations – and an ordinary office table turns into a bed. So, if you have made it a habit to sleep at work or spend most of your life there, take a closer look at this development.
To unfold the table, you need to move itthe top cover to the side and lower the wall (all the bedding is already attached directly to it). The developer company wants to sell its invention in Italy and Spain - there, napping after lunch is approved even at the state level.
Tired of working? Lie down under the table!