To decide on the wall decoration,sometimes you have to go through quite a lot of different options, including plaster, paint, several types of wallpaper and much more. The choice of finish also determines how it will be applied. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base is a good choice, since it is considered to be the highest quality.The correct order of wallpapering a room. Before answering the question of how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, you need to understand why they have earned such popularity.
Pros of this type of wallpaper
Scheme for calculating wallpaper for a room.Ordinary buyers most often call this type of wallpaper simply vinyl, but there is no mistake in this. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that the base of vinyl wallpaper is of two types: paper and non-woven. In this case, we will talk about wallpaper on a non-woven base. In comparison with paper, the non-woven base has quite a few advantages. The first is the ability to level out minor surface defects. However, you should not completely rely on this, before gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, you should thoroughly level the walls, because only the most even surface provides a positive result.
The procedure for gluing wallpaper together.In addition, since this type of wallpaper has a fairly high density, it can easily hide cracked plaster and minor irregularities. The second advantage of vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base is the ease of pasting and subsequent use. It is not necessary to spread glue on the vinyl wallpaper itself, as is the case with other types, it is enough to lubricate the wall surface, so even someone who is not particularly versed in construction can handle the installation. Another advantage is their long service life, of course, if they are treated with care. Vinyl wallpaper, compared to paper, is significantly ahead of them in this quality. Return to contents</a>
Why vinyl?
Decorating corners with vinyl wallpaper.It is worth answering the question of why vinyl flooring is so popular among designers. The first thing to mention is that there is scope for imagination, since this flooring allows you to create any design, especially when choosing for painting, they can be repainted about 20 times. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will decide on such a number, however, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base will withstand 2-3 times without problems. In addition, it is worth knowing that vinyl can be dense or foamed. The latter option allows you to create a beautiful texture on the wall, but if there are children or pets in the house, it is unlikely to work, since this flooring is very fragile. It is worth paying attention to silk-screen printing. They can be compared with textile wallpaper, in addition, they look great in any interior. Finally, I would like to say about the characteristics of vinyl flooring in terms of performance. Vinyl wallpaper can be glued in absolutely any room: bedroom, hallway, living room. In addition, they are easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner or a simple damp cloth. It is worth noting that they are suitable even for pasting in the kitchen, however, in this case, you should choose smooth or hard types, but not foamed ones. Return to the table of contents</a>
Rules for pasting vinyl wallpapers
The first thing to start with when answeringthe question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper is marking. It will ensure the highest quality pasting of the walls. This step is especially important in cases where you plan to paste wallpaper with a pattern. Even with a slight deviation from the vertical, cracks will be visible at the joints with openings or slopes. Using a level, you need to draw a vertical line relative to which the pasting of the canvases is carried out. The line should be marked at a distance equal to the width of the canvas minus 15 cm from the wall. In no case should you start pasting wallpaper directly from the corner.Scheme for applying glue to wallpaper: 1.Spreading the canvas with paste. 2. Folding the canvas in half. For pasting vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, it is best to use a special glue, which can be purchased at any hardware store. It is easy to prepare, just follow the instructions on the package. As for the proportions, do not be afraid to add more powder than water, the glue will not get worse from this. Literally in 5 minutes you can start pasting the walls. In order to apply glue to the wall surface, it is best to use a special structural roller. The next step is directly pasting the walls. Do not waste time and cut the roll into several canvases. You can make the job easier by taking the wallpaper by the edge and pulling it to the ceiling, gluing, gradually moving the canvas down, aligning it along the marked line at the same time. Next, using a plastic spatula, align them directly on the wall. This is done as follows: moving from the center of the canvas, expel the air, as well as excess glue. You don’t have to worry about vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base stretching, since this material does not stretch, therefore, after drying, there will be no problems in the area of the joints of the panels.
Rules for pasting vinyl wallpaper.No less important is the place where the wallpaper and the ceiling plinth meet. Using the same spatula (plastic), you need to try to press the pasted canvas between the plinth and the wall into the corner. It happens that there is excess wallpaper on top, for example, when adjusting the pattern, in which case it is necessary to make a fold of the wallpaper, and the better it is designed, the smoother the upper cut will be. It is necessary to cut off the excess. To do this, you will need a wide metal ruler, which must be driven as tightly as possible into the formed bend and using a blade, cut off the excess part of the wallpaper. The blade must be sharp, otherwise it will be impossible to cut wet wallpaper evenly. After this, cut off the canvas from the bottom side. In this case, the evenness of the cut is not necessary, since it will be covered by the floor plinth anyway. The remaining strips of wallpaper are glued in the same way, the only difference is that you need to form a joint in the process. The main thing is that the gap does not exceed 1 mm, in which case it is quite easy to remove by pulling the canvas from top to bottom with sharp movements. After that, it is enough to iron the joint with a plastic spatula and roll it with a roller designed for seams. This completes the process of pasting vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base. Finally, it is worth reminding that until they dry, doors and windows should be closed, since drafts are the enemy of any wallpaper.