Today's winner among kitchen designsbecame the kitchen prepared for the program "Apartment Question". The author of the project is Anna Smirnova. In an area of 10 meters, she managed to fit a kitchen, a dining room with a living room, and even add a work space.
How much has happened on this blue and yellowkitchenette over the last decade. It had already worn out in every sense, because it had been through the pogroms of a domestic chinchilla. The traffic police also visited it, the plywood had deteriorated, and the nails simply began to fall out. But not all is lost, because a real professional is working. Thanks to her remodeling work, the room began to shine with new colors.
Historically, it has become a fact that the mostimportant events take place in this very room. No one knows for sure why this is so. Because of the cramped conditions or the desire of people to be warm and well-fed. Although it seems that in modern apartments there should be enough space, and hungry times no longer bother. But the situation does not change anyway, because everyone needs a warm hearth.
This tradition did not bypass the heroes of the program either,who, having a three-room apartment in their hands, despite everything come to family gatherings in the kitchen. There they cook food, look over completed homework, and feed all members of the family.
As a result, the author found herself faced with a rather serious question, since she had to transform 10 square meters into a kitchen, dining room, living room and work area at the same time.
That's why it was necessary to be as efficient as have a territory. A very good surprise was the possibility to add a loggia to the kitchen. The fight was for any free piece of space, since even a niche appeared in the area for risers. The inhabitants of the apartment really wanted not only a sofa and a TV, but also modern accessories, and even in a convenient place, as well as a table where the hostess could do her work. The end result was a surface measuring 180 cm, which also included a stove and a sink. However, one dining table is 90 cm high. It serves as a place that can be used for cooking.
The chairs also have the ability to change theirheight, for this purpose, lifts are made in their design. All tables have wheels so that they can be freely moved around the kitchen. Anna also made sure that there were enough mezzanines and cabinets that are located along the entire length of the room. Their white coloring makes the space very light. With the help of a stepladder that hangs on the wall in the loggia, you can reach any desired cabinet.
They were looking for a place big enough for the coffee machinediligently, since there was not enough space for it in the main kitchen, and the loggia also turned out to be too shallow. That's how this simple little thing appeared, which slides forward when needed.
The color chosen for the kitchen was white, which at firstThe look just makes you want to decorate and cheer up, to divide the territory. The sofa with the refrigerator was separated by a checkered pattern, which symbolizes the male share. And the workplace, the stove and the table for notebooks are decorated with a wall drawing of a fairy-tale tree that emerges from a teapot. It was invented by Lisa, who is the designer's daughter. The branches are inhabited by rather unusual and wonderful characters. This is an owl carrying a bag, and a seagull dressed in jeans. You really want to pick a chocolate bar or a candy from the branch, they are so delicious to look at. Pears are hanging on a string. This place will suit all romantics, especially women.
A lot of effort had to be put into the ghostsideas into reality. Half of the drawing decorating the facade was applied using devices, but the rest was completed independently. In addition, it was possible to find out the color scheme of the final version only at the last moment. However, the efforts of Svetlana, who works at the kitchen factory, and Anna's joint work did not go unnoticed, as the project was crowned with success.
It's not all good stuff, because there's a hiddenanother apron with a mosaic texture. It was made according to the author's sketch, so most of the work was done by hand. The mosaic had to be carefully assembled stroke by stroke. Small difficulties also arose with the Italian chandelier made of glasses. The end result, of course, did not leave anyone indifferent.
10-meter kitchen with a thoughtful stylish design.