
May 18 "Flea Market" opens on Tishinka -


Vintage jewelry and rare finds, brightgizmos and elegant values ​​- all this can be seen from May 19 to 22 The organizers of the event promise the most that neither is a wide range of emotions, because the summer is ahead, and it is necessary at this time of year to come up with the most positive note. It is for this reason that the May Flea Market opens its doors to everyone. In the exhibition space "T-Module", which is located in the house number one on Tishinskaya Square, there is a place for a variety of exhibits, each of which is able to please both rarities hunters and those who are just beginning to show interest in this area. And such an event - almost the best springboard for the start! "Flea market" will be held from 19 to 22 May. It is expected that famous artists will demonstrate their acquisitions, and the brightest expected event of the exhibition is the presentation of a whole collection of Olympic artifacts. The official opening will be held on May 18, at 19:00.

