How to make a foreman your ally?To stand on the same side of the barricades with him, plan repairs together and nip conflicts in the bud? This will be discussed at the seminar. Architects and designers often have problems communicating with the foreman, not with the client or the salon. In order to prevent this from happening, a seminar is needed, which is organized by the portal Its editor-in-chief Oksana Kashenko will be the host, and the invited speaker, designer Veronika Kovaleva from the Megalitstroy company, will talk about her approach to communicating with the foreman. Analysis of mistakes and recommendations, strategies and real-life examples - it will be interesting.The seminar starts at 18:30 at the following address:Bolshoy Savvinsky Pereulok, Building 12, Building 9 (Cactus Gallery). Anyone who wants to attend the seminar (and this is mainly for designers and architects) should send an email to .
On July 26th there will be a Roomble seminar on friendship with a foreman –